Disadvantages Of Using Preserved Animal Models

Disadvantages of using preserved animal models?

The best specimens are preserved with a high concentration of ethanol, which is pretty safe, since it's the same stuff in vodka. However, other specimens are preserved in formaldehyde, formalin, or other harsh chemicals (Carcinogens). Those are the ones usually used to preserve animals for dissection, since ethanol models are more regulated and arguably harder to make. Other than that, the arguments are ethical and not logical.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating ghee?

To begin with advantages and disadvantages, a few points worth mentioningSource:Desi cow milk (A2) : Has many advantagesBuffalo milk : Has advantages only for physically active people like farmers /labourers. For others , its disadvanatgeJersy/HF cow milk (A1 milk) : Better to avoid it as lot of internet material indicates not goodPreparation method ( we shall talk only desi cow milk)First method: Milk after heating converted to curd. Curd is churned to get butter. Butter is boiled. Has only advantagesSecond method : Cream is extracted from raw milk using machines. Later ghee is prepared. Has many disadvantages. All commercial ghee comes under this category.Now we shall talk about advantages of ghee prepared in ancient Indian traditional style ie first methos ( shown in video)Ghee can be used as food for 90 days.Ghee acts like fire. Increases appetite. Destroys kapha dosas ie cold/coughHeart patients can have 1kg ghee per month ( not typo error … allopathy doctors asks to avoid it…because the ghee they know is not from traditional method)After 90 days, ghee should be used as medicine.Using ghee as nasal drops solves many problems above your shoulder

What are the advantages and disadvantages of microorganisms?

Micro organisms are of two types. Beneficial to us and non beneficial to us. These are the tiny microscopic living things inside and out side of human bodies. Present in their own habitats. Either aerobic or non aerobic. They can survive with the help of substrates or by other organisms. Later ones are called parasites. Inside our stomach and other organs lnnumerable bacteria are living. In the stomach these are beneficial to secrete enzymes to degrade foods into simpler products then easily can be absorbed in blood streams. Some are enemies which cause dangerous diseases like diarrhea and chlorera etc. Some are deadly poisonous can cause death. Some fungi also detrimental to us. Another type is mosses. Algae are good green organisms produce carbohydrates by photosynthesis.somenproduce vitamin k in our bodies which can clot blood when accidentally cut our bodies to stop bleeding. Yeasts can produce alcohol from complex starches in an anerobic environment. Also used to inflate the dough of breads in the kilns. There are innumerable benefits from freindly bacteria. Some are harmful like pneumococci and ecoli bactria.

Why is liquid nitrogen used to store animal cells?

Liquid nitrogen is used in the process of cryopreservation because of its low temperature (-196℃). And certain ultra low temperature is being utilized to slow down the process of cell division and other cellular mechanisms. This is required while storing the cell for longer period of time, where usual cell division make it impossible to store. (Like stem cells, cord blood cells banking/storing where the cells being stored may be utilized on later stages for any transplantation with no fear of grafting).This process doesn't stops the cell activity but make the activity much slower in pace.Since liquid nitrogen has this low temperature capability and doesn't affect the cells in any other way (animal cells prone to infections and contaminations easily and should be handled highly sterile), it is used for this process.Good luck☺