Discomfort 2 Months After Wisdom Tooth Removal

2 1/2 months after wisdom tooth removal pain?

Sounds like partial bone fragments working their way out. Take anti imflamitory/pain reliever. I would suggest ibuprofen or something for female cramping. The splinters are working their way out of the dense tissue. You may have a slight infection and doctor can give you anti biotics to take the infection down and then pain meds for pain!

Try rinsing with saltwater and mouthwash. if you see the bone pieces coming out try leaving it alone!
Go to the dentist who extracted yours and take their advice!

Jaw pain a month after wisdom teeth removal?

Almost a month ago I got my wisdom teeth out. The extraction itself went without a hitch, and some of the worst pain I had was from having my mouth cranked open to do the procedure. The lower right side of my face swelled and bruised much more than the other side, but I was back to eating completely normally within a week. A week and a half later, I got a dry socket in my lower right socket. The oral surgeon packed it, etc. and I saw them a few times for that. People say that dry sockets are excruciating, but mine wasn't all that bad.

On Monday, they took x-rays, cleaned out all the medication that was in the socket, told me I was healing very well, and sent me on my way. They said it might be a little sore, but it felt great. On Thursday, all of a sudden, things changed. I noticed that my lower right jaw was hurting quite a bit and was swelling a little. The area is very tender, but I don't think it's red or warm.

I'm wondering what's going on. Suddenly, the range of motion in my jaw has decreased significantly and I can't chew on that side of my mouth again. It feels like a deep bruise.

According to the thermometer, I don't have a fever, but I feel as though I have one, and my stomach started hurting a few hours after my jaw started.

So, what gives? Do I have a virus, and my jaw is just a lingering effect of the dry socket? Or might I have a bone infection, and my pain tolerance is high?

Tingling 3 months after wisdom teeth removal?

Nerve damage occurs when can a nerve is traumatized or bruised in your case. The numbness is called parasthesia. Because nerves heal slowly the mandibular nerve recovers in about three to six months. If after a year recovery hasn't occured the nerve damage is likely permanent. This happens to about 2 in 100 people after wisdom teeth removal.

In your case since the parasthesia is just starting now, it may be that some scar tissue is affecting the nerve now. Scar tissue likes to adhere to nearby structures such as nerves and tendons. This prevents them from moving freely...yes your nerves move as your muscles move.

This lack of free movement can create an irritation to the nerve leading to the parasthesias you are experiencing now. If this is the cause you may be able to bring on the parasthesia or stop it by moving your jaw in a certain direction. Active Release Technique is a soft tissue technique that can help to mobilize the nerve and break up scar tissue.

Physical therapists and chiropractors get trained in this may want to find one near you if this persists. But first I would return to the dentist that performed the procedure for a check up.

What causes pain months after wisdom teeth removal? What should I do about it?

Pain occurring months after surgery is unusual. To answer the second question first, “What should you do about it?” return to your dentist or surgeon and ask for an evaluation.As to the cause of the pain, it depends on the type of pain, dull or sharp. A sharp pain when chewing, with quick on set and quick to leave, indicates a cracked tooth. Pressure on the tooth in front of the surgical site could result in some sort of damage to the tooth structure. But, this may or may not be related to your surgery.This same pressure could have moved the tooth in front of the surgical site. This movement might affect the nerve connection between the tooth and its nerve or blood supply. The result would be a non vital tooth that could abscess. This can cause a low grade pain that could increase in intensity to a easily identifiable source of the pain.Low grade pain could also be due to root sensitivity. Sometimes the bone on the back side of the root of the tooth in front of the surgical site does not heal to full height. This tends to happen more often as the patient grows older and looses some regenerative healing power. This pain can be hard to locate. It can be diffuse, sensitive to cold, somewhat sensitive to hot, and sensitive to sweets. It can come and go and the pain level can vary. It could also happen with exposed root structure not associated with the surgery.It is possible that a retained root tip could cause a problem. Most of the time these naturally resorb or will remain without causing any problems. On rare occasions they can become infected because they were exposed to the bacteria from the saliva during surgery.Finally, it is possible that the pain is unrelated to the surgery and is coincidental to the healing. It could be a referred pain from the opposite arch on the same side, an upper tooth causing lower pain. Examination and radiographs are indicated to locate the source of the pain.

Gum swelling 3 months after wisdom teeth removal?

It could possibly be a sign of infection.
ANY dental related swelling should be seen to straight away by your dentist.

Tiny traces of food particles may become trapped in the extraction pit, and work their way down under the skin. If this happens, the area can become infected.
It's possible that you might need to go on a course of antibiotics, depending how far the infection has spread (if it is an infection).

Does it hurt, anywhere near or around the swollen area?

Is the swollen area a darker colour (or a darker red) than the rest of the gum?

Is the swollen area a 'whitish colour' compared to the other parts of the gum.

Is the swollen area 'warmer' to touch than the other parts of the gum.

If yes, to most of these, it's a good indication it could be infected.

It's really important you get ANY swelling checked out by your dentist.

Jaw Pain, Two months after wisdom teeth removed?

I have been experiencing pain in my jaw back where a wisdom tooth was removed in mid December. It hurts to chew but is just a dull pain otherwise. The reason for my concern is it hurts when my cheek is touched in the same area. I was wondering what kind of problem that signified, because I can feel swelling but can't tell if its my cheek or if my jaw is messed up. Help even on what to suggest I look into would be great.

2 months after wisdom teeth removal, sudden swelling and pain?

4impacted wisdom teeth, Surgery went great, I didn't bleed super long, I experience pain but it all went away after a week. Though the left side of my mouth did the best.
The right side of my mouth had the most problems during recovery, hurting much more than the left. Even after a few months it still felt a bit weird to eat on that side.
The left side has very little pain, I can est pretty much anything on that side and it feels perfectly normal and fine.
So a few days ago dad told me I should try chewing on my right side, it felt very off. So I switched back to the left. Then the next day I felt a little sore, so I tried to take a look and ended up making it worse.
Now my cheek is quite swollen along with it being rather hard to open. It feels like my cheek is sticking to my lower gum. I plan to vist my dentist person on saturday. But...could you give me ideas on what the heck this could be...?

Swollen and sore jaw almost 3 months after wisdom tooth extraction?

Hello, I got my only wisdom tooth removed about 3 months ago. (located in the bottom left; it was impacted). Everything went well, and my recovery/healing time was about 3 weeks. I had swelling after the surgery but it eventually went away. However, for some reason, about 2 days ago, my left jaw started swelling up again and I don't know why. Today, when I woke up, it was the worst and VERY swollen. I look like a chipmunk and it's very noticeable. I'm not sure whether it is an infection or what. I've been rinsing vigorously with salt water every 4 hours yesterday but I moved it up to every hour today. I also took an ibuprofen even though the pain isn't THAT bad. Could you please tell me what may be the cause and how I can treat it?