Discuss The Chemical Reactions Involved In Protein Synthesis .

What are the Chemical reactions in protein synthesis?

Every molecular biological process comes down to chemistry and chemical reactions.So, of course, there are a large number of chemical reactions involved in protein synthesis.To name only a few of which i know( I know only a few):-

->Process of formation of amino acyl tRNA which is a complex of tRNA and amino acid(AA).It carries the amino acid to the site of protein synthesis i.e ribosome.

AA+ATP-------->AA-AMP-Enzyme complex + pyrophosphate

AA-AMP-Enzyme complex+ tRNA-------->AA-tRNA(amino acyl tRNA) + AMP

(both reactions occur in the presence of enzyme amino acyl synthetase)

->another important reaction is the formation of peptide bonds between amino acids to form protein chain which occurs in the ribosomes.This formation of peptide bond is mainly a process of dehydration(removal of H2O) (this web page gives you the idea of formation of peptide bond between two amino acids)

What are the two processes involved in protein synthesis? What occurs during each process?

transcription:-DNA transcription is a process that involves the transcribing of genetic information from DNA to RNA.

translation:-Translation is the third stage of protein biosynthesis (part of the overall process of gene expression). In translation, messenger RNA.

What are the types of chemical reactions involved in baking?

neutralization with an acid and baking soda, the CO2 gas is used in making baked products rise
citric acid+ NaHCO3---> CO2 gas + water + sodium citrate
In baking powder, the citric acid is the dry ingredient that reacts with the baking soda[which is the other ingredient present]

the browning reaction that causes the tops of a cake or bread to brown is a composition reaction between proteins and sugars. Mailard reaction

Yeast breaks down glucose to release CO2 gas, decomposition

denaturing of egg white when it cooks is a chemical reaction
kneading produces gluten from other proteins in the flour. synthesis.

If you burn something, then it is combustion

What enzymes are involved in protein synthesis? What role do they serve?

In endoplasmic reticulumAminoacyl tRNA synthetaseA wide variety of enzymes that combines the amino acid with its t-RNA including: theronine t-RNA synthetase, leucine-tRNA ligase, lysys-tRNA lysis, and more listed here: transferaseLocated in the ribosome. Forms the amide bondAnd a lot of initiation factorsIn the nucleusRNA polymeraseRNAP is a nucleotidyl transferase that polymerizes ribonucleotides at the 3' end of an RNA transcript.helicaseThe DNA is "unzipped" (disruption of hydrogen bonds between different single strands) by the enzyme helicase, leaving the single nucleotide chain open to be copiedAnd there is also proteins synthesized from preproptein outside of the endoplasmic reticulum.

What function does protein synthesis serve?

The body is constantly churning through proteins in day to day life - they are involved in thousands of different processes and functions (most if not all of which are critical in the long term).Without the vital process of protein renewal, the body would progressively stop working in lots of different ways, for example:We'd begin to lose muscle massOur joints and extremities would start to swellOur bellies would look engorged (see protein starvation/malnourishment)Any molecular processes dependent on proteins would begin to fail (e.g. haemoglobin and oxygen transport)

What role do enzymes serve in chemical reactions?

Imagine a lock and key mechanism. You can only use a certain key to unlock it. Enzymes work similarly by providing a surface for certain chemicals to lock onto for the reaction to occur. Good examples:Amylase in the mouth converts starch to glucose.Lactase converts lactose to glucose.In each case, the enzyme allows only a specific compound to be converted chemically. It also aids in speeding up the reaction.

Where does protein synthesis occur?

Protein synthesis is one of the most important  biological processes by which individual cells build specific proteins in order to function.Protein synthesis occurs in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes and in the nucleus. Note that Rough ER contains ribosomes. The DNA of the cell is read in certain sections that contain the code for a specific protein. In eukaryotic cells, transcription (process of changing DNA to RNA) process occurs in the nucleus. Afterwards, translation (mRNA to specific amino acids) occurs with the help of the ribosomes in the cytoplasm. In prokaryotes, because there is no nucleus to separate the processes of transcription and translation, when bacterial genes are transcribed, their transcripts can immediately be translated.Because rough ER is studded with ribosomes, translation also occurs in the rough ER. Here's a link that could help you understand protein synthesis better:What Is Protein Synthesis - Protein SynthesisHope that helps!