Do I Need To Tone Up Or Lose Weight

How can you tone up but NOT lose weight?

My thighs have some fat on them, but i think theyre toned underneath.
When i do squats i can see the muscles.
i'm at a healthy weight now (130 pounds, 5'8.5) according to bmi charts.
I don't want to lose weight. I just want to tone my thighs.
The rest of me is well toned, but my thighs are where all my fat goes :/

If the best way is running, how long should i go a day and how long before i see results


How do I lose weight and tone up my body? I'm a newbie.

Hi OP,Don’t worry, everyone starts out as newbie. There are few key steps you should follow to become fitter and healthier:Step 1: Set a practical goalsHave many short, mid and long term practical goals. For example, losing 3 kg by end of the month, 9kg by end of 3 months etc. With the end in mind, at least you know what you are trying to achieve and be motivated to do so.Step 2: Calculate your daily required calories intakeTo lose weight, you require daily calorie deficit of at least 500 -1,000 calories. Hence, you will then require to know your recommended daily calories intake, so that you will know how much calories to consume per day to lose weight.Step 3: Engage in regular exerciseAdopt a habit for exercise. For a start, it is recommended to engage in physical activities for at least 3 times per week, 30 mins per session. Start off with full body compound exercises, then slowly work your way up with the exercise intensity. Thereafter, you can even adopt HIIT exercises to help you burn calories effectively in a short time.and many more…To know more fitness tips as well as effective weight loss workouts, check out SevenFitness.All the best to your weight loss journey!

Should I lose weight first then tone?

Hi there :
First off, the two things (tone & lose weight) happen at the same time. it's impossible to do one and not the other. second a females basal metabolic rate (this is the calories that your body requires to run its automatic processes like breathing, heart beat, digestion etc ) is 1000 - 1200 calories per day. that means that what your consuming is just running those . but you are also doing your training and other activities which burn calories. so what is happening is your body is in what's called starvation mode and it is storing some of the calories as body fat for future use. you need to up your calories by 200 - 400 cal. per day. eat a balance of protein carbs and some fats. (the good fats that is) margarine, vegetable oil , nuts.because some vitamins need fats for the body to use them. also you do need some weight training cause muscle is the bodies fat burner. now i know you are afraid of gaining to much muscle but females do not have the testosterone necessary to build a lot of size. when you do your weight training routine keep your rep range between 12-15 reps, that will give the muscles a leaner more toned look as well as burning more calories.

I have been a fitness specialist for the past 20 years and have helped many people with the same issue that you have.
if you want check out my web site at i up date it all the time with fitness & nutrition tips that you may find helpfull.

good luck at achieving your goals or you can contact me directly if you have any more questions at

How do you lose weight and tone up in 2 weeks?

its gonna be tough, but it might work. u'll need to lose a littl water weight, do cardio and weight lifting exercises, and u'll need to work on metabolism boosting all at once....

eat only veggies, fruits, low fat dairy products and lean meats (like chicken - the healthy kind) not eating junk foods and foods from the bread food group will definatly aid weight loss. so go out and buy: brocoli, cucumbers, carrots, celery, green beans, lettuce, strawberries (frozen are cheeper and last longer plus u can make these into smoothies), grapes, apples, bananas, pears, low fat yogurt, skim milk, string cheese, chicken, maybe some turkey lunch meat to put in salads.

i'd suggest eating 100-200 calories an hour every hour so that your metabolism will shoot up (dont go over 1600 calories though, but dont go much under that limit either. going under 1200 will slow ur metaboslim) also, drink plenty of water, and try to add spice to ur meats and veggies. spice boosts metabolism

as for exercise.....u dont wanna be overwhelmed or u'll wanna quit right away....i'd say go with at least an hour of dancing around to ur favorite music. its only an hour, and time goes by fast when ur having fun :) just get ur body moving to ur favorite songs. maybe, every once in a while while ur dancing, stop and do crunches and or pushups for a minute or two to the music as well.

also, u need to move around as much as possible. avoid sitting for long periods of time. if ur watching a movie, walk around, stand, or even better - stretch, this will make u more flexible and it feels good too :) same with the computer - take long frequent brakes away from the computer. do some cooking just for fun or to prepare healthy meals that take longer. go for walks. do u have a dog? take ur pet for a walk so u both can get some fresh air. or spend some extra time setting up christmas decorations. just keep ur body moving as much as possible.

I want to tone up but NOT lose weight?

Even though you are not overweight, you have a bit too much bodyfat covering your abs. The only way to tone it up is to burn more fat. Ever wonder why so many of those contestants on "Survivor" have six pack abs by the end of the show? It is because they have burned off that layer of fat covering their abs! Here are some tips to burn fat but not necessarily lose weight:

Drink a lot of water (8 - 10 glasses) - water keeps you hydrated and burns fat!

Never drink soda unless it is diet (regular soda has tons of sugar)

Try not to eat after 8 p.m. (late night snacking can be your downfall as you have no opportunity to burn it off)

Eat as much natural food as you can (fruits and veggies are way better for you than processed snacks and they make you feel full longer)

Fill baggies with healthy snacks so whenever you are hungry, it is easy to eat the right things (examples: grapes, air popped popcorn, celery, etc.)

Easy workout tip I picked up from The Biggest Loser: do jumping jacks during commercials when you are watching tv. During an hour show you can burn 300 calories doing this!

Keep a food/exercise log and write down everything you eat and drink and record your workouts. It helps you become aware of your habits and if you are still unsatisfied with your progress you can show it to your doctor and they can see where the problem is.

Remember: losing weight is not your goal, losing fat is! If I were you I would ignore your scale for now and just go by how your clothes fit and your measurements.

If you try these tips I am sure you will be successful - good luck!

P.S. If your stomach is the only place where you have excess fat then it shouldn't take you too long to lose it there if you do it the healthy way.

How many times a week should I run to lose weight and tone up?

Cardiovascular exercise is the biggest myth there is in fitness. Unless you're talking about sprinting, running will have the opposite effect, especially long-distance running: your body will adapt to be more efficient and lower your metabolism by getting rid of your muscles since muscles use a lot of calories even while at rest. Muscles are too expensive to belong in a body that's being forced to be more efficient. As you continue to run and become better at it, you burn fewer and fewer calories per run.If you wanna lose fat (not just weight) and look slimmer, then you need to lift. Get on a good whole-body weight training program and commit to it while maintaining good eating habits with lots of proteins and veggies without overdoing it on the calories, you'll lose the fat in no time. If you really wanna do cardio, then incorporate something intense and brief, maybe run as fast as you can for 10 minutes, and observe how you can increase the distance you run in those 10 minutes over time.

Don't want to lose weight, just tone?

Hey there,

In order to 'tone up' without changing your body weight too much, you need to get rid of some body fat stored and increase your lean body mass (muscle) size!

I can't assure you that you will stay the same weight, in fact, you may actually put on a little weight, but this is okay as it is healthy weight. Muscle weighs more then fat, so if you're replacing fat with muscle, you're probably going to put on weight.

In order to start losing some body fat, start walking 3 times a week, for about 30 minutes - an hour. Take your baby for a nice walk! You'll find you'll actually like it. I'm suggesting walking instead of running, because walking is a low intensity exercise. At low intensities, your body prefers to eat into your fat stores as a form of fuel.

So that's it for dropping fat, now for toning your lower body up!

Luckily, the areas you're looking to tone can be done outside of a gym. Here is a basic program I threw together for you:

Core (Abs and Obliques):

- Basic crunches ( 3 sets of 15 reps with 1 minute rest in between.
- Standing side bends ( 3 sets of 15 reps with 1 minute rest in between (if you don't have a dumbbell just grab something that's slightly heavy you can grab on to like a bag of flour)

Legs and butt:

- Lunges ( 3 sets of 15 with 1 minute rest in between.
- Squats ( 3 sets of 15 with 1 minute rest in between.
- Butt Lift ( 3 sets of 15 with 1 minute rest in between

Upper Body: (I know you didn't list it, but you should not neglect parts of your body)

- Push ups - 3 sets of 10 with 1 minute rest in between
- Dips - 3 sets of 10 with 1 minute rest in between

Best of luck!