Do Mras Make Better Quality Videos Than Feminists

Why do feminists label people who support gender equality as feminists?

Because they are trying to push the narrative that modern feminism in the US is about equality in order to gain more supporters by forcing them into a label they want no part of.The thing is, the vast majority of people in the US (77% of women and 84% of men) don't believe feminism is about equality anymore and so while nearly everyone wants REAL equality, they've come to the realizaton that feminism in its current form is not the answer. This is why people tell you they believe in equality but are not feminists.Consider the following to demonstrate how silly this practice is: Do you think that people should be aware of each others feelings and support one another to achieve harmony?  Yes? Then congratulations! You're a Scientologist!The bottom line is that definitions for movements are meaningless. The actions of a movement - not a dictionary - define what it is about.EDIT: It's hilarious that some of you radical feminists (or maybe it's one of you with multiple accounts) downvoted my answer. Can't handle the truth?

Why do feminists make generalizations that MRA is a sexist group?

This is laughable, of the one sided ignorant generalization made by one feminist;

"They have consistently demonstrated an inability to reflect on issues, and show that they understand the other point of view. Instead they like to say all feminists "hate men", "think all sex is rape", "want to castrate little boys", etc. because these are not smart people. They are trolls."

Have this feminist thought about their so called aim? Apparently feminism is the point of achieving equality. Clearly here shes contradicting herself.

To campaign specifically on either side against the other is in itself discriminating. Like with race issues, now that racial equality is largely recognized, the aim is focused on quality between the groups, not a campaign from each race fighting against the others.

By acting together as men AND women there is better chance of achieving feminism's aims. By keeping it as a women vs men strategy seems to be fighting for the sake of fighting rather than getting together and eradicating inequalities.

So clearly she made a fool of herself. So this is what modern feminism is like?

If the Femitheist Divine an actual feminist or a troll?

I've recently went to a blog post and became aware of somebody named Krista J. Heflin (a radical feminist.) Is she seeking all of this, or is she nothing but a troll?

What is the difference between animosity and enmity?

Enmity has a more stronger hostile feeling than animosity!!

Why are most women attracted to idiots?

It seems that most women especially between the ages of 16-22 seem to have a prefereance for men who are idiots, with qualities such as arrogance, rebelliousnous, perverted, curse alot, and party/smoke/drink very frequently, and for some reason these qualities make these particular men sexy, even if these men are rude or act rude towards their girlfriends even that seems to attract them, since i read somewhere that women are turned off by nice, caring men because it doesnt feel like the man is in control and that they dont like that too much? Lol why is this the case? Are women just crazy? Or are nice guys just doomed to be overshadowed by pompous idiots when it comes to women?