Do People Not Realize That Even If Mike Brown Attacked The Officer He Was Completely Withing His

Why do black people make everything a race issue?

Why do blacks feel the need to pull the race card every time something happens to a black person or when they don't get their way? The behavior in Ferguson is unacceptable. Just because they don't agree with the outcome of a verdict does not give them or anyone the right to burn down buildings and loot stores. The same thing happened in LA during the Rodney King verdict. The shootings of Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin have nothing to do with race. The reason that they are dead is because they tried to use deadly force on innocent victims. They were not shot because of their skin color. They were shot because Zimmerman and Wilson wanted to go home alive those days. If Martin and Brown had both been white, I would still have supported Zimmerman and Wilson's actions. Black people need to stop acting like the white man is trying to get them and follow the rules and laws like everyone else. They are no different from anyone else. Rules apply to everybody, black and white.

Should they recruit more black, female police officers? Would that help to eliminate incidents like Ferguson and the Brown case?

It's hard to recruit police officers of any ethnicity. It's harder to recruit blacks, and even more difficult to recruit black females. Many of the reasons for this are covered in a previous answer I posted on Quora, What do police officers think about how the police department in Ferguson, MO is handling the aftermath of the Brown shooting?It's more difficult to recruit black females for the same reason it's difficult to recruit females at all: most women don't want the job. Policing has traditionally been a man's job. Women have been involved in all levels of policing for over 40 years, and they have performed admirably. Even so, the idea of wearing a uniform and body armor, carrying a gun, picking up drunks and similarly icky people, and working in an isolated environment and often without assistance is not attractive to most women. Being a female police officer also limits one's social options. Very few men are secure enough in their masculinity to deal with a significant other who carries a badge and a gun, unless the significant other is a cop themselves. I'm writing this from a heterosexual perspective; I don't know if the dynamic holds for lesbian police officers. I do know that of the many marriages and boyfriend-girlfriend relationships I've known where the girl was a cop and the boy wasn't, only two endured. I don't know what was different about those two relationships that allowed them to make it work, but they're both going strong after over 25 years. One woman has retired from police work, and the other will probably retire within a year or two. Anyway, I imagine this contributes to the problem of hiring female police officers. Having minority police officers is not the solution to all racial conflicts between the police and the community. Minority cops who are socialized by police work don't tend to think of themselves as white, black, Asian, or whatever. They tend to think of themselves as blue, as cops. I've witnessed many encounters where one of the black men in the group tried to ingratiate himself to a black police officer by starting a conversation with something like, "Say, brother..." and to be told, "I am not your brother." His brothers and sisters are the ones wearing badges.

White people were all of these men at fault; Tamir rice trayvon martin Mike brown, Philando castile, alton sterling Eric garner, freddi gray?

No not all of them.
Tamir Rice- not justified
Trayvon Martin- I can't say that it was a justifiable killing, but he did engage in mutual physical combat with Zimmerman. So, yes I'd say he's partially at fault because of the way he reacted to the confrontation. When you choose to fight there is always the possibility of some psychopath like Zimmerman killing you. I think
Zimmerman took it way to far and I'm not excusing him.
Mike Brown- legally justifiable killing but not necessary. When you punch cops you run the risk of getting killed. Had Mike Brown not assaulted the cop he's probably be alive today. Yes the cop should have used a taser or other form of non lethal force first.
Philando Castille- there isn't enough info yet to make a judgement.
Alton Sterling- I'm not sure about this one yet.
Eric Garner- that was murder or at least manslaughter. He was only resisting because he was literally fighting for his life.
Freddy Gray- was flat out killed by the police.

Why are people in Ferguson so mad about Mike Brown?

The kid was a wannabe thug not some innocent kid. People forget that he just robbed a store with his bare hands just before he was shot. People act like the cop went and shot some innocent little black kid. When in reality he shot a huge wannabe thug who just robbed a store and was charging at him. I would have shot him to. And why do all the black people In Ferguson think that rioting, attacking the police, and burning and looting their own city is the best way to end violence from the police. How stupid are these people. They believe a made up story of what happened to Mike Brown, which has been proven false. Then they they turn the criminal into an idle and vilify the cop who was just doing his job and defending himself from a violent criminal. And then they riot about it. Then they cause more violence when the cop is proven right and all them are proven wrong. How stupid can people be? This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

What's the big deal Michael Brown was a thug?

The streets are better without him. He thought he was big and bad and picked on a little store clerk and showed his lack of respect for law and im sure he disrespected the officer who killed hik. Truth is we dont know why he got shot. We are goingboff tge word ofbhis thug friend so not the best source for truth. The bullet didnt lie though. Good ridence thug brown.