Do People On Soap Commercials Use Real Soap

Whats the song on the dawn soap commercial?

there's a women singing in the dawn commercial and she says "ill do anything for you" and there people cleaning a duck from the oil spill and i cant figure out the song. thank you.

What's the New Dove Soap Commercial Song?

There's this song that comes on during every new Dove Soap commercial I see. It's for this lemongrass/grapefruit deodorant and soap, and I was just wondering if anyone knew the kind of bubbly sounding song that goes with it?
The singer makes it almost sound like Psapp, but I'm not sure...I haven't found anything by them like that though.

Have you seen the DAWN soap commercials where they wash oil off birds???

Advertising of all kinds, especially commercials, are faked all over the place. The real job of cleaning those poor animals is messy and done by real people, not actors,and a scene like that does not make a pretty commercial. The people who shoot these things, like with any other Hollywood material, are only interested in the final product. This is why ASPCA people are on every set that includes animals. I doubt that giving that animal a bath caused it any harm. What is annoying to me is that Dawn probably paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to get the gig of cleaning the birds so they could use it in their commericals. It is product placement. This way, when the cleaning is over, they can make it look like the animal professionals chose their product because it was the best - not because someone in a suit who is far removed from the scene took those dollars and told them to use it. That is what I thought of it. That people will be duped again by those who are very slick. Television is the opiate of the masses and I am so glad to see that someone out there is aware and speaking up.

Does Dawn soap really get oil off animals like Ducks...?

I saw a commercial for Dawn Soap and it showed people using Dawn soap to wash off ducks and penguins that were covered in grease and oil from an oil spill. Does Dawn soap really get the oil off animals covered in it or is it Tv magic?

Why do black people use wash cloths (for showering/bathing) and other races don't?

I've always wondered this. I am black and it's like ALL black families use wash cloths for bathing. Every black person I know has wash cloths in their household. It's like a given. When I was younger I would spend the night at my white friend's house and when it was time to shower, I'd ask my friend for a wash cloth and she'd say "huh? we don't have those, we just use our hands and a bar of soap"

Also, in soap commercials it always shows people in the shower with just a bar of soap, no wash cloth! The people in those commercials are non-black.

How can you get "everything" (and crevices) thoroughly cleaned and exfoliated without a wash cloth? Lol.