Do Plants Take In Carbon Dioxide And Give It Back Out

Do plants give out carbondioxide and take in oxygen in night?

Evety living being except some anaerobic bactetia take oxygen for respiration doesn't matter whether it is day or night… plants too always take oxygen as we do…Actually in the sunlight, photosynthesis process occur at the higher rate so consumption of CO2 is more that's what looks like they are taking CO2 but no.. they always take oxygen for respiration even during the photosynthesis process but the ratio if CO2 consumption to O2 consumption is high in a day rather than night…Every living being except some of the bactetia, take inhale oxygen and exhale CO2….Keep smiling♥️@

Why do plants need carbon dioxide?

to metabolize into energy through the process of photosynthesis.

Why do plants need carbon dioxide?

(courtesy of ResearchGate)CO2 is basically a provider of carbon for the plant during photosynthesis. There are two sets of processes that go on in the chloroplast - light-dependent, which provides energy for sugar production; and light-independent, which actually builds the sugars. This needs carbon. CO2 is taken in and undergoes the 3 stages shown above, and the carbon is used to build glucose (which can then be converted into other things that the plant Needs).

How do plants take in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the environment?

Plants remove CO2 during the day by combining it with water to make a simple carbohydrate. Plants then turn the carbohydrate into sugars like glucose, using chemical energy stored in another substance known as ATP. Solar energy is used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen combines with CO2 to form carbohydrates. The oxygen is released into the atmosphere as a byproduct. This process is known as photosynthesis.

During the night, plants use oxygen to extract chemical energy in sugars and make more ATP. This process is known as respiration. It differs from combustion because the energy evolved is not in the form of heat or light. Like combustion however, the byproducts are carbon dioxide and water.

How do plants that live under water get carbon dioxide?

1) The water in which the aquatic plants exist contains a lot of dissolved Carbon dioxide.

2) Since its concentration is higher in the water than in the plant cells, the CO2 gas diffuses IN the plant and then used for photosynthesis.

3) Oxygen gas that is given out during Photosynthesis is either used by that plant for cellular respiration or it diffuses out in water and used by aquatic animals ( Fish etc. ) for their respiration.

4) The CO2 Released by those aquatic animals during their respiration dissolves in water and used again by the plants for photosynthesis.

5) This is just one example of interdependency (Symbiosis) amongst the organisms.

Does a plant give out carbon dioxide during the night and take in oxygen?

Plant do that alll the time, night and day, but only photosynthesise in daylight, they are net producers of oxygen.Food chains : Revision, Page 4

Why do plants breathe carbon dioxide? Why don't they breathe oxygen, or hydrogen, or some other gas?

Plants DO breathe oxygen, the same way we do. Respiration is the most effective energy producing process there is.
Plants, however, can perform another process (photosynthesis) in which they take up CO2 and use the energy of sunlight to build up sugars and starches from this CO2. THEN they can use these starches in the process of respiration, the same way we do (we take sugars and "use" oxygen to take out the energy contained in them)
So the only difference betwen us and plants is that they make their own fuel out of CO2 , but we must eat it. But we both breathe oxygen in order to get the energy out of it.
As to why the don't breathe hydrogen... you'd have to ask god.... but normally when hydrogen combines with things it requires energy instead of giving rise to it, so it wouldn't be too advantageous
So it's not that we produce the CO2 so plants can live. Plants could live without animals, we're the parasites here hehehehe