Do You Like Sunny Weather Or Thunderstorms

Is it normal weather if it's sunny and thunder strikes?

Yes, it's normal. It just means that you were in an area of instability that allowed a thunderstorm to form. The power went out likely due to either a lightning strike, or a tree limb coming down on the power lines. It happens all the time where I live (Ohio Valley).

Weather in orlando...?? sun/thunderstorms??

Florida weather follows a very predictable pattern in summer. The days are hot and humid until about dinner time, at which point, there'll be a massive thunderstorm for about an hour. After that the air will be noticeably fresher and the sun will return until night time. The thunderstorms are real thunderstorms. I'm from the UK as well and believe me, you don't know what a thunderstorm is until you've been there, it's like a waterfalls coming down rather than rain, big lightning flashes and thunder that sounds like the sky just broke. But like I said, it's only for an hour or so, and the rest of the time it should be sunny and you'll get your tan.

Why is it thundering and sunny out?

If you can hear thunder and it's sunny out, the most probable scenario is that there is a thunderstorm in the distance which produced a clear-air strike which struck several miles away from the storm... closer to you. This is why lightning is a hazard long before and after rain has started and ended. People have been struck/killed when the sky overhead was blue.

If the sky is getting dark then the storm is approaching. If there is no lightning/thunder anymore then it weakened. It is hotter now than "a lil earlier" due to diurnal heating.

Whats a the best metaphor to explain stress should it be rain? snow what type of weather would it be ?

i'd say rain with thunder cuz when i'm stressed out i feel like i'm gonna explode and that's what thunder sounds like.also,in the cartoons when someone is being moody or mad a cloud will appear and rain on them.i'm totally gonna say my answer would a the way,this is a question i've never heard before.( i had an account before this but forgot the pass...)

Is it weird that I like bad weather?

Might be something to do with the fact that I'm ginger? Seriously, I like cold, rainy dark weather, as opposed to sunny. Not that I hate sunny weather, it's just that I prefer those days where it's overcast with grey clouds and shizz like that. Is anyone else like this?