Do You Like The Name Pavel

How to pronounce this name: Pavel? Is it |pa:vl| ?

It's a long /a/ and is pronounced /Pa:vel/ with a short /e/ as well that you omitted. It's pronounced like this in all Slavic languages, (with a /v/ slightly different in Polish) I suppose you should keep it as close to the original as possible in English.

What do you think of name Nikita for a boy?

NIKITA IS VERY BEAUTIFUL NAME, but if you live in usa, it had female connotations, l like very much nikita, is a strong and original name, and l am a huge fan of the canadian tv show; "la femme nikita".

But reading all the answers, I like you named your baby Mikhail

Of course honey, follow your heart, it is a very important decision, and dont worry a lot about the future, he wold not hate his name, l tell this for my own experience, my name is Alba, which in english means; "sunrise", or "first light of the day", since the moment they explained me the reasons, l always loved my name, sometimes is good to be different, makes that we have much more character and personality.

God luck !!!!!

Help with French or Russian baby names?

I am having triplets and my husband and I need help with the names. I'm having two girls and one boy and He is from Russia and I am from France but we both live in the UK now. We either want the girls to have french names and the boy to have a Russian one or a combination.

My favorite French names:
Girls: Rosalie, Juliette, Miette, Sabine, Abrielle, Armelle, Lisette
BOYS:Marquis, Augustin, Corbeau, Emile, Henri, Severin, Ambroise

Russian Boys: Andrey, Alexei, Pavel, Viktor
Russian Girls: Anya, Vera, Liliya, Faina
Other suggestions are welcome!

What would my name be in diminutive form in Russian?

"Pasha" is more preferable (dim from Pavel name)
"Parochka" in Russian translates as a "couple" (in terms of "couple in love")

Why don't you use your original name? It's pretty good.