Does Anybody Else Think About Stuff Happening And Then It Happens Sometimes

I think of something and it happens.?

There are many reasons this could be happening. One of the first things that comes to my mind is that your intentions, your energy, is putting out into the universe what you want. This is the main focus of the book The Secret. This, intention, energy use, or putting out to the universe what we want has been around since the first man walked on Earth.

Think about this for a minute. Thoughts are pure energy. Energy has a certain vibration, thoughts have vibration, everything around us is vibrating. Atoms vibrate at a certain speed. So we have this vibration, and every time you put out a thought you send out a ripple, a new vibration.

The Universe or whatever you call it, feels these vibrations, and brings about changes due to those vibrations. It is called the Law of Attraction. You attract what you send out.

So those people crying about not having any money, will soon have less, those people crying about always having bad luck, will again, have more bad luck. What you think about, what you talk about, what you day dream about, what you want, is attracted to you.

There is a saying that Thoughts are Powerful, so watch what you think.

So you have thought about, liked this person for the last three months. You have put out the thoughts, the energies, the ripples for this person to notice you. Is it coincidence that they talked to you on the day you said if they don't I will stop liking them? Perhaps, perhaps not. Perhaps this was also part of your intention, your vibration, that they do talk to you.

So now you have a large responsibility, you now know that your thoughts are sending out this energy, so you must be careful of what you want, what you are sending out. Once you realize this, it opens a large door, and can lead to things you would rather not have happen to you. They don't tell you this in the book The Secret, they don't stress responsibility of your thoughts. In certain cultures it is believed that thoughts can kill, and in some cases they can.

I personally know of someone who wanted $10,000.00, this was all she wanted, day and night, this was all she thought about, how to get it, how it would come to her. Her brother in law died and left her $10,000.00. They still don't know how he died, just that he drove into a bridge. Was it her thoughts, did it bring about his premature death? I just know that she now has her $10,000.00.

I think of something, then it happens ?

It's not unusual to have snippets of insight or impulses toward a specific subject, word, or event. I have met people who seem to have an uncanny ability to recognize their "visions" from their imagination. But this may also be a different phenomenon.

Rather than seeing what is going to happen before it happens (precognition), you may actually be creating the reality that you experience. That is, your thoughts (and not just yours) may be contributing into the way that reality is forming and being presented to you.

Here's a suggestion:
Think positive thoughts. Think about things that will help provide more enlightened thinking in the world. Consider focusing on the war ending and troops coming home. Think about a resolution of the Middle East conflicts. Think about your friends and family being happy.

If your thoughts are helping to form the reality around you, you can make a better world. If not, you're not losing anything in the process.

One more suggestion:
Hold on to this very loosely. Don't let it go and forget about it, but don't force it. It will happen in its own time and you'll know it when it happens. Good luck!

Why sometimes do I feel like nothing is happening inside my brain?

I always feel like there is literally just nothing happening inside my mind and i feel void l,extremely void.I wonder sometimes that if it only happens to me or happening to anyone else as well. As a result i felt depressed and also things around me makes more void. I couldn’t find what’s wrong with me. Then i realized that i should figure out what makes me this void. I started searching the reasons that making me doing nothing. In most cases it may cause due to an emotional breakdown,Loneliness,Thinking more about the things which leads you to stress. May be it is the time you should let your brain to take some rest. It may got exhausted out of overthinking. In such cases instead of searching for the reasons (because may be it can make you more void,and you feel like your brain freezes )You can ease yourself with soft music, else can get a good sleep, may be a peaceful walk at your lawn, a simple talk with your friend or family or may be opening your window and feeling the wind blowing through your skin. And Stop worrying that you are empty. You can never be empty and your thoughts can never be underflow.

Sometimes you think bad things are happening to you, but then you realise they are actually wonderful. Can anyone relate?

Yes, it does. I do think that sometimes, bad things happen to me and my family, then again, it suddenly turns into something really good. We were having a tough time for some time, my husband was thinking of resigning and thinking of putting up a small business or work for a new company, he told one time, “I got promoted.” It’s been two weeks now since he got promoted, so far, so good. I think it will turn out fine for him and his career. With faith, prayers, hard work and perseverance, things will always be wonderful.

I sometimes dream about things before they happen.?

I have always had dreams about unimportant things like seeing a certain thing, or doing something that later comes out happening to me while awake. But in the past week I have had a dream about my best friend having sex with a certain guy, and later on that week it actually happened. And in that same week I had another dream that another one of my friends found out she was pregnant and had a miscarriage, this also happened a week later. I was wondering why this sometimes happens to people, or is it just a big coincidence. Also, lately when I'm sleeping, usually just before I wake up, I have a hard time to wake up. I feel like I'm in a coma, and I can feel and hear everything around me, but yet I can't wake up. It's almost like I can see everything around me also, even though I cannot open my eyes. It's like my mind is awake, but my body isn't. It use to happen to me every now and then when I was younger, but now it happens almost every morning. I also would like to know what causes this, and does it happen to anyone else ?

Sometimes i think of something or guess something and it happens later or the next day is that luck?

Everyone is psychic to some degree. Most people just don't realize it or they call it by some other name or phrase. It's easy for someone to say "I have a gut feeling about this", instead of admitting to themselves that they are listening to one of their 6th senses, or psychic insights.

Being psychic is just a matter of becoming in-tune with these extra senses. You had to learn and understand your other senses for sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch. You learned about them when you were a baby and the more you experience in life, the more you are able to utilize those senses in your daily life. Psychic senses are exactly the same. They aren't a special gift, nor do they make one person more special or powerful than the next. We all have these abilities and we all can learn how to use them.

Sometimes I imagine things and then it happens. Did I predict it or cause it?

It's possible you have a gift. If I can concentrate on something I want to happen. I do it daily for a few weeks, seeing it very clearly in my mind. then this thing or something close will happen.
I was harassed daily by a supervisor at work and for relief I started imagining the harasser clutching at his heart and falling to the floor, in his office. I was good at seeing the image in my mind. After a few weeks of doing this he actually did fall. Only it was his chair falling apart while he was sitting in it.
I wanted out of the job badly and so I started visualizing myself writing a letter of resignation, over and over. A month of this, and a new job became available that I didn't even know existed. I was offered the job and I wrote that letter, resigning.
Just today I was told that someone who worked for my husband and took advantage of him, had quit. She was a user and took advantage of him for several years. He's an easy target for users and is even overly nice to telemarketers. I had just spent a couple of weeks imagining her in ill health and her husband telling her they would get by if she quit. Coincidence, who knows? Dumb stupid luck, who know?

I sometimes dream things and they happen. What is all this?

I get it too! For example, I had a dream a few weeks back of me playing solitaire on my computer, and in the dream I looked over to the left side of the screen, and I saw a column of cards in a specific order, and I remember moving them around. A few days later I looked on the left side of the screen when I was playing solitaire and it had the same order of cards, and I moved them around in the exact place that I dreamtbof! This was very unimportant to me,and I usually dreamabout this sort of thing. When I finish the dream, o think about IT, and don't really think much of it. Its only then when I experience the thing happening, I recall the dream. All I don't really recall it, but when it happens, it feels really familiar, like I know what to do. Another example was when I was brushing my teeth before I went to bed. As I was putting the toothpaste on my toothbrush, I felt this weird sensation like I'd done it all before, which I hadn't. I don't really know what the meaning of this is but I just thought I'd share my experience so you know ur not alone here. When I had these experiences before, I ign pulloredthe fact I thought I had them dreams before. Now I'm trying to find the meaning of all of this

Why do I sense things that are going to happen?

There are several possibilities which may help you to sense happenings with a correct pace. Some of them are as follows-This is your intuition, that helps you to sense things that are going to happen. If you do not doubt your intuition, then mostly you can predict happenings.People say that if you are actually connected to the angel guide, then you can predict happenings as they are going to happen.It may be mere coincident, that whatever your mind thinks, it happens.A pure belief leads to the expected outcome. ( The Secret- Rhonda Byrne) . If you truly believe in something then it happens to be true.Hope this helps !!! :)

What happens in the brain when a person learns something new?

This could easily be the hardest question to answer but I am going to try to tone it down as much as possible with a simple hypothetical example.Suppose, I have two neurons A and B. When you learn something new, A and B join and form a connection that code for the specific skill. (Hypothetical) .Short-term potentiation: When you retrace that same learning experience a few times, which means that you do the same activity daily, the connection is strengthened by certain temporary changes like one neuron becoming more sensitive to the other.Long- term potentiation: Now, when you keep performing that task again and again with good periods of rest in between , the neurons begins to make multiple branches of roots and branches like things to make the connections even more stronger. Basically, lesser energy will be required to trigger that particular skill. This can happen only when done repeatedly because here the changes occur in the gene activity of these cells meaning it's more long term and stable.Lastly, this connection is strengthened by other accessory cells around it providing it more nutrition. Now, on the other hand, if the connection is not used very often, there are chances that it might weaken and that's when we sometimes forget skills.I hope I could touch the basics without going into the complex parts and still give you an idea as to what this process is. We call it neuroplasticity.