Does Being A Philmont Crew Leader Help On College Apps

Does being a philmont crew leader help on College apps?

I was a Philmont Crew Leader myself several years ago! I wrote about my experience on my application essay. I got into every college that I applied to so it really cannot hurt. It is an interesting topic to discuss during admissions interviews. It cannot hurt as it shows that other people believe in your leadership qualities as your crew chose you as their leader

How hard is it to become an Eagle Scout?

For an exact answer, please read the following. It is a list of everything you need to do to become an Eagle Scout:, here is a summary:-It requires time. Nineteen months is a minimum.-It requires effort. Scouts not only need to memorize things like the pledge of allegiance and the symptoms and treatment of a stroke but also demonstrate skills such as swimming, tying knots, using of a saw, and performing CPR. Scouts also have to complete tasks such as improving their physical fitness and performing research on a household purchase.-It requires active participation. In addition to sixteen months of vaguely defined being “active in [their] troop,” scouts also need to meet concrete requirements such as camping for twenty nights and participating in eighteen hours of community service not even counting the eagle project.-It requires responsibility. Scouts have to serve for a total of sixteen months in positions of responsibility within their troops.-It requires family involvement. Several requirements include a parent or guardian.-It requires community involvement. Scouts have to attend two community meetings as well as lead an eagle project, an in-depth service project for a community organization.-It requires leadership. Scouts must teach skills to their peers as well as complete the aforementioned eagle project.-It requires money. Uniforms, registration fees, camping equipment, camp costs, transportation, and other items pile up. The money doesn’t necessarily need to come from the scouts or their families; many troops hold fundraisers to pay some or all expenses.I think that covers all the major tangible and intangible factors that add up to the difficulty of earning the eagle rank. If anyone thinks I missed something major, please let me know.

Are boy scouts better than girl scouts ?

In recent years (roughly the last decade or so) there has been a noticeable de-emphasis in the Girl Scout program on the outdoor activities that you are interested in. GSA National has even been selling off their camps. Its kind of sad, really. They are emphasizing community activities and socialization skills. Not bad, as you point out, but not as 'fun' as the outdoor activities.

This is also somewhat locally-determined. There are some Girl Scout Councils (or even individual troops) that *do* emphasize a lot of outdoor activities. (These activities are paid for by fundraising - like the cookie sales. It isn't fun, but it is needed to do the fun things)

There are 3 or 4 decent organizations that *do* have a greater emphasis on outdoor programs. (This assumes US - if you live elsewhere, you may have to check for similar programs)

Venture crews. As others have noted, this is a program under the umbrella of BSA - and can have all-boy, all-girl, or co-ed crews - - and the activities can be very wide-spread indeed. Check the surce for some of the possibilities.

Explorer posts. Actually, BSA has virtually eliminated these. Posts have either been re-chartered as Venture crews or into Learning for Life. The Venture crews (as noted) are outdoor oriented. The Learning for Life posts/crews are career-oriented. If you search around, though, there are still a rare few Explorer posts up and running scattered around the country.

Sea Scouts. For a while, they were nearly 'just' Sea-Explorer posts - but they held onto their identitiy, and are quite active, in their 'ships'. You may need to hunt around a bit - but use the source site, and you should be able to find a 'ship' within a reasonable distance.

Civil Air Patrol. Honestly, I know very little about this program, but I've seen a local group that is active, and they are co-ed, and do more than just 'selling cookies'. May very well be worth checking out.

Campfire. Once known as Campfire Girls, this is pretty much the program that Girl Scouts *should* be - the problem is that they just have never managed to expand to the national recognition that they should receive.