Does It Sound Like He Was Presenting Himself Honestly

How can I get better at verbally expressing myself clearly and eloquently?

Read more.Write more.Speak more.It's really that simple. Whenever you see someone who sounds eloquent—it's because they've practiced. That's the only way to get better.We all have opportunities to practice. But it is so tempting to go into "auto pilot" mode when we communicate. There's a lot of crutches we use everyday to avoid working hard. It's much easier to use jargon to communicate our points, or add in "lol" to our texts to convey tone.It's much more difficult to take your time. Type out a statement. Go back and read it. And then edit it to precisely communicate what we mean.This process is the same for writing as it is for speaking.So, you need to read more. Reading helps build your own personal database of how others verbally express themselves. You can see different styles, and expand your vocabulary. This database will contain all the tools of expression that you can go employ when you communicate. It's crucial to always be expanding your database.You need to write more. There's lots of opportunity in our lives to write. That's a consequence of the digital world. Email, social media, texting—these are all opportunities to exercise your ability to write well. You can do what everyone else does—fill your communication with abbreviations & emojis.Or, you can take each moment to slow down. Write. Read. And edit, until you have the most concise, precise, and colorful version of your thoughts in written form.Lastly, you need to speak more. I'm not talking about speaking casually. I'm talking about speaking publicly. This is one of the most difficult parts, because it requires courage. There's plenty of chances available to speak publicly—even if your job isn't "public speaker". Public speaking happens whenever you decide to speak up, and there's people listening. Conference calls. Meetings. In-line at the grocery store.But that moment—when we realize people are listening—our first impulse is to hide.Don't hide. You need to practice speaking up. Rely on the verbal tools you've obtained. This is the best time to employ them—when people are listening.With each little bit of practice, you will get a little better.Like anything else in life, just get a little better. Everyday.Read more. Write more. Speak more.

My teacher is failing me because he doesn't like me?

Before I moved to this school, I used to get 91% in English. All my other courses are fine, I'm passing with 80s and 90s but for some reason, my English teacher really hates me. He's that type of teacher who clearly has favourites. He's always picking on me in class even when he knows I'm shy and am terrified of public speaking. Not only that but whenever I'm sick and missed an assignment and I ask him for help, he ignores me and walks away. If he has no choice, then he just reads me the instructions on the paper...if I didn't understand the paper in the first place then why would he think reading to me the exact same thing would help? He only does this to me and my friend who also doesn't like oral presentations. I feel like he's picking on me just because I don't raise my hand in class and answer questions.
I was talking to my counselor about ways to start opening up and stop being so afraid about public speaking. I also told her about my situation with him and that I'm feeling neglected and picked on. So she asked my teacher if he could start explaining things to me better and understand that I get really stressed out from oral presentations. Now he's being really mean to me and I'm starting to drop my grade fast! Every time I do a presentation afterschool, he takes away 5 mark. I went from 85% and now I'm suddenly failing with 42% just because I didn't hand in one worksheet. I don't think one handout is worth 40% and above..... My other friends never did that worksheet but they're still passing?
What should I do? I don't want to make things worse and especially with Bill 22, I could get him fired if I complain :(. I don't want to cause any trouble but if my parents find out I'm failing they will freak out! I'm graduating next year so I don't want this mark to affect me in the future.

My Husband acts like a single man/father on Instagram.?

My husband will only post pictures of himself and our son or him and our son on Instagram. He never mentions me or posts any pictures of us together on Instagram. He only recently posted a picture of us on FB because I had sarcastically replied to him that he acts like a single man on social media. I already have a long-standing distrust for him spanning over 20 years, it's something I've learned to live with, but his behavior on social media just adds fuel to the fire.

Have you ever had a teacher ruin your self esteem?

From a very early age I was told I was an excellent writer. In first grade, my teacher would have days where we would do stations (it was a "fun day", where we would basically have a day to do fun things like play games, but they were educational) and some days she would have me stay at the story writing station for the length of several switches of stations. In eighth grade, my English teacher wanted me to enter writing competitions. Freshman year, our Journalism teacher sent me an application and a letter begging me to submit an application but I didn't have time in my schedule. Sophomore year, everything changed. I had a teacher who absolutely hated my writing. I never got above a C on any of the papers she assigned when I could pull As and Bs in classes with teachers that were tougher graders than she was. Everyone else got higher grades than I did. I applied to Journalism that year before we got our final essays back. I don't remember the exact percentage of my grade, but I do remember it was lower than everyone around me and every one of my friends that I asked. I think I was below average for my class. After that, I completely stopped writing. Before, I'd written short stories and poetry every day for the most part. I'd even written some scenes from a book I thought about writing. After that essay, I deleted everything I'd written from my computer. I tore things out of notebooks and threw them away. I refused to write after that. I got accepted into journalism but our school cut a class hour so I dropped the class. I was planning on dropping it anyway. This teacher completely ruined writing for me forever. I have the Journalism instructor for English this year and he wrote positive comments on my journals so I started purposely making errors in them. I don't want him to ask me to apply to Journalism again this year. My mom will make me do it if he asks me to. Have you ever had a teacher completely ruin a class for you?