Does Marijuana Have More Benefits For Humans Or More Harms Since Most If Not All Of Its Harms Are

Muslims only: Marijuana Is NOT haram (read description)?

It so funny how most of you are so ignorant and probably didn't even have the courtesy to take your time and read this... I'm not even gonna argue, allah knows best. That's all I'm gonna say. Bye, Im bouta blaze up

About marijuana and Jehovah?

Jehovah Witness considers marijuana a defilement of the flesh even though god made it and said it was good...smoking in a way harms the body (and so does alcohol reguardles if u get drunk or not),,,no one ever died from smoking marijuana.....people die from alcohol every day.....thousands a year...and how does marijuana affect your spirit?....i never smoked weed and not know what i was don't make me violent, or disrespect people, or curse jehovah.....but many drink alcahol and get violent etc...?...yes i know they say mans law says its illegal....but in some states people with medical conditions whether chronic or not are allowed to use marijuana...and in amsterdam netherlands its not illegal at all fro recreation the same way alcohol is not y do u say something that wouldn't kill u and dosen't make u drunk is bad?...isnt that going against what god said is good?..(.and i for one can testify that it dosen't impair my judgment or make me kill people, disrespect people or Jehovah.) also theres other ways to consume marijuana without smoking it ex cookies , teas etc....imm just trying to find the "TRUTH" on this subject!...because i love Jehovah ..imm not a witness...i do believe most of what u teach is the truth over any other organization!

Why are people so against marijuana as if there’s no other substance that is way worse?

People are so anti marijuana but yet they’re perfectly okay with the fact that your local Walgreens sells alcohol and Tylenol, any pill is more dangerous than marijuana. You can’t possibly od on marijuana unless you consume 1500 pounds of weed in a 15 minute time span which is humanly impossible to do. According to science other drugs damage your body and organs and blood at lower capacity and faster rates. I’ve never understood why alcohol is legal and not marijuana, alcohol has the ability to kill you and it heavily damages your liver. Also if you take a high dose of marijuana without your body having tolerance to it, it does no harm to you, you can alcohol poisoning in that one time you consumed a high amount of it. It’s funny to me that there are millions of things that can harm you that are legal but the one thing that does nothing is illegal. It perfectly for someone to posesss 50 tablets of 500 mg Tylenol and trust that someone not od on it.

Benefits of smoking weed ?

Alrite it seems like all the posts either strongly agree with the use of marijuana or disagree with it.
i will list the harms and benefits of using marijuana.

1. when smoking Marijuana, smoke enters the lungs which can do all sorts of damage to your body.
2. smoking causes short term memory loss
3. heart rate speeds to , A person’s heart beat can increase by 20 to 50 beats per minute while they are "high" which means they are 3 times more likely to have a heart attack.
4. it makes diseases such as schizophrenia worse
5. sometimes when people are paranoid, using marijuana can make them even MORE paranoid.
6. a marijuana user that does not exercise will eventually gain weight.
1. Marijuana is regarded to be a 'mind opener' i.e. it can help people broaden their outlook and think creatively.
2. marijuana can be consumed without smoke.
3. Marijuana can help relieve the chronic pain and suffering of people with incurable diseases like cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, etc.
4. The people suffering from glaucoma, asthma and spasticity have been found to have benefited from the consumption of marijuana.
5. Doctors have made use of marijuana, successfully, in the treatment of neurogenic pain.
6. cigarettes and alcohol are more harmful then marijuana.
7. when someone is "high" and the learn new information, they will be able to recall this information accurately every time they are "high" the theory is called Mind-state theory- source listed below

thats preety much all.
before i started smoking i was socially awkward,and i was smart but i couldnt apply myself. now
i am a regular smoker i smoke 2-3 times a week. ever since i started smoking my grades have gone up. i see the world from a different perspective. im not socially awkward anymore. and im all in all a more relaxed person.

now if your going to start smokeing or consuming marijuana go ahead try it out, if u dont like it, dont bother. but if your life right now is good and you are happy with the way things are, dont smoke.

What are the Pro's And Con's On Legalization of Marijuana!?

The biggest Con is social.

Every society has its drug of choice. They all have a mix of harms and benefits. In the West our drug of choice is alcohol.

We had at least 5000 years to learn how to control and alleviate the harm caused to society caused by alcohol. You only have to look around you to realise we have not been very successful.

The harms caused by cannabis would be new to us, and less 'easy' to control. And (this is the deal breaker) they would not be instead of the problems caused by alcohol they would be in addition to them.

So we would have all the social problems caused by alcohol PLUS all the extra problems caused by cannabis.

Anybody who tells you there are no harms caused by cannabis is a fool. The only rational argument is about the extent of those harms. The argument ranges from 'none at all' to 'You are all doomed'. The truth lies somewhere in between, but wherever it is, it does not alter the fact that those harms would be extra to those society already experiences.