Does This Sentence Make Sence

Does this Sentence Make Sense?

You should probably say "with an exiguous amount of respect" because exiguous is more of a measurement...not an adjective.

But what is this for? If you're writing a thesis, this is very random and seems unorganized. Unfair prices, smoking, drinking, and lack of respect towards African Americans are all usually unrelated. If I turned a thesis like this in to my college professor it'd be shot down instantly.

Oh, and you shouldn't put the word "and" more than once in a sentence if avoidable, which it is in that sentence. If you're stuck on this thesis then you should replace the "and" between smoking and drinking with a comma.

Writing it "Alongwith smoking and drinking treating blacks exigously is wrong." makes even less sense than the sentence you had in the first place. It's not perfect at all!!

Does this sentence make sense?

Sentence 1 sounds forced. I'm still considering a teenager being vicariously connected to another teenager's adolescence.

Why not: "Many teenage readers will feel a special bond with the problems that the teenage Holden Caulfied suffers." As other answer suggests - keep it simple and aim for clarity.

2) I'm not sure this one makes sense to me. Maybe it's part of a larger paragraph and would make sense in that context. You mention the derivation but fail to clarify what that is. That's what's missing.

3) sure. makes sense.
4) as Holden doesn't want to confront his parents, he spends.... this sentence needs work.

good luck

Does this sentence make sense?

The archery lessons were held in a lovely fixture park....
here are my spelling words:

and here are the blank sentences:

1.) It is a great _____________ to sit on _____________ and watch a fine ____________ fling the ball accross home plate.

2.) The__________lessons were held in a lovely,________park.

those are the only two i need help on.Thanx!

Do these sentences make sense?

1. As his condition worsened his speech became unintelligible.
2. As his condition worsened his speech got unintelligible.
3. As his condition worsened his speech went unintelligible.
4. As his condition worsened his speech turned unintelligible.
5. As his condition worsened his speech came unintelligible.
6. As his condition worsened his speech grew unintelligible.

Do these sentences make sense?

The first one is a bit strained, but it will work. The second you should probably change to BOUNTY.

Do these sentences make sense?

1. We made some research into the state of the Swedish car industry.
2. We made some research into the state of the Swedish car industry.
3. We made some research on the state of the Swedish car industry.

Does this spanish sentence make sense?

you dont need to use yo .for yo recervare ,for tu recervaras ,el recervara , ella recervara ,nosotros recervaremos ,ellos recervaran ,ustedes recervaran

Does this English sentence make sense?

Sure it does!  The sentence means: Bob spends a lot of money.The word prodigal is really only ever used anymore by those quoting the Biblical parable of the Prodogal Son, so even if you look the word up in a dictionary, you may have trouble really understanding how it contributes to my translation of your example sentence.  But trust me: this is the way most native speakers will understand the sentence, and the logic goes something like this:"If 'prodigal' = bad in the Bible, then it must mean something similar in this sentence. would be bad to spend too much, wouldn't it?  Ah, I see: Bob must spend a lot of money if he's a 'prodigal' spender!"BTW: Study historical linguistics (the study of how languages change over time), and you'll encounter lots of examples like this.  When word meanings change, but continue to have content, it seems they go through alaogy strings like this (indeed, this was a short one in comparison to most).  Words can also gradually lose their meaning over time, and come to have a grammatical function instead, in which case we say they have "grammaticalized."  Got it?At any rate, yes, your sentence makes sense, but only if you know about the Bible, and remember the parable of the Prodigal Son.SEE HOW THAT WORKS?

Dignity in a sentence, does this make sense?
you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

Does this sentence have any problems and does it make sense?

Marie, my friend at one time long ago, has rejected me forever, having read a letter from me with offense.You could definitely word this better.I will use a few examples because I believe you should write the sentence yourself instead of being spoon fed the answer.The sentence structure should be something like this:[Time], [the subject: the main person] [action] [because] [the reason the action happened].Examples:Yesterday, my dog ran away because I forgot to shut the front door.On October 5th 1921, a young man stared out the window of his apartment building.Two years ago, my dad had sent his last letter before he died in the war, but now, we don't need letters to communicate.One thing I noticed is that you describe the letter "with offense". Here is a bad example of English:  "I am using a crayon with blue color."Here is a good example of English:  "I am using a blue crayon."Nouns can be adjectives and adjectives can be nouns:Love - noun. Lovely - adjective.Love can be romantic or friendly.    - nounI adore your lovely necklace.   - adjective Insult - noun. Insulting - adjective or verb.Stop with your horrible insults!   - nounYour words are very insulting!   - adjectiveStop insulting me!   - VerbChat - noun or verb. Chatty - AdjectiveI have to go, but it was nice chatting with you.   - VerbI have to go, but I wish to chat more often.   - nounI wish I could stay and be chatty, but I have to go.   - AdjectiveOffense - noun or verb. Offensive - adjective.I suggest reading a book and studying how they use words in sentences.I hope this helps you improve the sentence. Best of luck.