Dream About My Fathers Funeral

I had a dream that i was at my father's funeral? Then this morning my dad called. What could this mean?

how could the brain ever interpret the future through dreams? as mystical as they seem, dreams are just our brains doing a large overnight dump of all the information deemed useless acquired throughout the day. don't stress it, it means nothing.

Dream about my fathers funeral?

I had a dream about my daddy's funeral. He died 3 months ago and I've been having dreams about him ever since, none of them are recurring. But in this dream me and my dad were talking and I don't know what about and then it's like the dream just switched to another dream and my dad was in his casket and my family members were surrounding it crying but I was just watching from a distance talking to the ones at my dad's casket. It was a very dark atmosphere with just some lighting, I was crying not saying anything tears were just rolling down my face and I had no expression and wouldn't talk unless someone talked to me. I don't really understand why I am having that dream or even keep dreaming about him. I wonder if it is my dad trying to communicate with me, I have heard that spirits try to communicate with you in your dreams.

Reoccurring dream of my fathers funeral?

Im sorry for the loss of your Father! My dad passed 11 months ago.

Your dream about your Dad and him saying not to worry is part of your grieving process. He doesn't want you to worry but even when our parents pass on we do because life is different now with out them in our life even though they are in our hearts!

I am the only girl in my family as well with 2 older brothers!

I have had many other dreams of my dad which is comforting to me because I miss him so much! The first few of them I cried and Hugged him then after that they got better to where I didn't cry but we talk or I just see him in my dreams!

It helped me to write about My Dad in a journal and our memories together.
This may help you with your grief also and I also went to grief counseling. That helped as well!
I dream about my Dad as well and the first dream I had of him I cried and hugged him!
May 11th will be 1 year since he has passed and I know it will be a hard day,On his birthday which is may 6th we are planting a tree and having his favorite food which was Brisket.

Somethings still make me cry like seeing Dads with their daughters, old guys cause I wish he could of gotten their. He was 56 when he died!

What does it mean to dream about my fathers funeral?

Recurring dream means unresolved issue. Funeral normally symbolizes disappointment, defeat and failure. Of course, the obvious meaning is final departing place, and that translates into symbol of things you are willing to accept.

Projecting your father being there, dead in a sense, may suggest that you are losing respect in some way. You are not feeling angry or sad (I am not sure how close you and you father). That may indicate some helplessness in you. In other words, the projection of being in the funeral is basically telling you that you feel helpless about some situation you can't fix or do yourself.

Projecting your father being dead in the casket and he is moving and talking smack to you may reflect some disrespect you are feeling in reality. This dream may have something to do with the relationship with your father, or it may have something to do with respect you feel you don't get from him or other people.

Examine your life, and you will know exactly what triggered the dream.

I had a dream of my grandmothers funeral?

This is not a dream to worry about. It is common to dream of a loved one right after they have passed away. It is part of putting the loss to rest. Part of the grieving process. Dreaming of the great-grandparents is only that you are thinking of the continuum of your family which you are part of. The front yard burial is only that it is important, and pay attention. I would suggest you write down your feelings about the grandmother and think about the good things and forget what wasn't good. She is alive in your memory. This would be private and after a time you could destroy it if you want. Maybe tell those to your mother, and that you miss your grandmother. And that you love your mother. Be nice to those you love while they are alive. You won't have regrets when they do die.

Dream- My mothers funeral meaning..?

I never dream anything like this before but my dream started out as i was preparing for my moms funeral service and her coffin arrived to the church or where ever this service was taking place at. but before i got to her service i was climbing this long flight of stairs with my cousin. i was so tired in my dream because it was a long way up. finally we go to my moms funeral and i didnt want to open her coffin for some reason because i was scared but something kept telling me to open it and when i did my mom was still breathing and i shook her and she woke up i was happy but scared a lil so i aske my dad (he was in my dream too) to take her to the hospital to get checked if she was ok. the last thing i remember was putting her coffin in a cardboard box and someone said to me dont throw it away because you may never know if im still gonna need it:(

it was a pretty scary dream!!!! i dont know what that means because my mom is still alive..can someone tell me what this might mean??

Recurring Dreams Of Father's Funeral?

My father passed away on October 30th of last year.Since his death I have had numerous dreams about his funeral.I remember seeing him in his casket in every dream.All of the dreams were at the funeral home where the funeral was held except for the recent one.The last one was in front of my grandmother drive way.After the first dream since his death,which was me seeing him in a body bag,which I didn't see him in.But whoever it was opened the bag and I just say the top part of his body.My mother told me after that one it means he doesn't want to let go.I don't know if it's true or not.Is he trying to tell me something?

What does a funeral dream mean?

I am an indian, living in tamilnadu. As per the say from my mom, funeral means something good is going to happen to you or your family. But I am not sure if this makes sense to you as it is very negative dream, all you can do is, just pray to the god that no sad thing should happen if you feel sad about your dream, otherwise just forget it off. P.S : I want to share something from my observations. If we dream about marriage, something bad will happen.IF we dream about bathing, you/someone is bathing, it is a bad sign that something bad will happen. If snake bitten you in your dream, it is a good sign(:-P)If you forgot what you dreamed when you wake up, just let it go, don't try to remember your dream. I don't know whether I am making you to feel scared or not, but just wanted to share what I know(I shared my experience). If you don't believe these, you are super cool and leading a practical life. Keep going !thanks for reading !Quorans, please share if you want to say something on this answer.

What does it mean to dream of a funeral and burial of a father who died and buried a year ago?

It might mean that you finished grieving and ready to let your dad go on his own journey. You are supposed to mourn for a year in most cultures, so now it is a message to go on with your life. A soul also transitions into a higher realm after a year in Afterlife, so you will be less connected, but he can still watch over you.