Dreaming Of Someone But Not Remembering Or Being Sure If You Actually Seen Them In The Dream

Do you often remember your dreams?

I do but if I begin to forget details then it seems I have no memory except for a feeling. At times the visuals are fairly lucid and I can remember detail. What are you recollections of your dreams and are the nightmares?

Can you dream about someone youve never seen before?

You may not recognize them, but you have seen them before at least once. It may have even just been in passing on the sidewalk or the guy behind you at a red light, but you have seen them. The only time dreaming of someone you've never seen before would be possible is if you are lucid dreaming and conjure someone of your own design into existing on your dream. :)

What does it mean if you dream of someone who doesn't exist?

I had a dream the other night of hanging of with this girl who doesn't even exist. I remember her figure, what she was wearing, her skin tone, and even her hairstyle. I don't really remember what her face looks like exactly but all I know is in my dream I thought she was beautiful. I remember at the very end of my dream we were about to kiss but I woke up. I admit the dream felt a little TOO real, it almost felt like it really happened. I'm honestly disappointed this person doesn't exist...cause she seemed like a great person. So what does it mean to dream of someone who doesn't even exist?

What does a dream about seeing spiders mean?

I have looked in several dream dictionaries and dreams about spiders are supposed to indicate good luck. I know what you mean about not being sure if you saw it when you were asleep or awake.

Remember this, our dreams are our subconcious "playing" while we sleep. We dream in symbols. Are dreams can warn us, our dreams can answer our questions and sometimes we just dream about things that we may be afraid of or that we saw or heard.
There is a website called and it is a cool little website. It tells us what things in our dreams are supposed to mean.

I one night had a dream that I was dancing with a camel. I had him by his front legs and I was dancing with him and he was laughing. I was laughing too and the more I danced with him the heavier he became and the faster we went.

I learned that the dream indicated that I was taking on some pretty heavy burdens, but I was doing it with a glad and happy heart and when I think about it, that made a lot of sense to me. :)

Why do people dream dreams and sometimes the dream is just blank or hard to remember?

you cannot really control dreams, if you are dreaming then your brain is working, you are not resting properly. if you dont remember your dreams chances are you didnt have one and you rested well. dreams are said to mean things, i am not sure about this, but they come from your subconsious