Employment Support Allowance Support Group

Any difference between job seekers allowance and income support?

Job Seekers Allowance and Income Support are virtually the same benefits. They have two seperate claims forms (although you usually claim over the phone nowadays), but the information goes to two different sections of the DWP and the forms are different. It is the exact same amount of money and most of the rules are the very same

The difference is you claim JSA if you are 'capable of, avaiable for and actively seeking employment' you claim Income Support if you can not honour the above eg you are a carer, a single parent, are sick or disabled (you must be in one of these groups to claim IS)

The advantage of IS is that you do not have to 'sign on' at the local jobcentre every two weeks, with JSA you must 'actively seek' employment, this means approaching companies and seeking out work (not just looking at vacancies which would be passively seeking), some Jobcentres are very tough on this. You may have seen the Government's Welfare Reform Green paper in the news recently; the government are going to bring in manadtory public and community service for repeat claims and those claiming JSA over two years.

In addition to the reforms the Government often orders jobcentres to go into periods of "Stricter Benefit regiemes (SBR)" where they are tough on signers and demand proof that you are actively seeking, failure to do so can result in loss of benefit. We are about to go into a period of SBR again

Your age is also an important factor as after 6 months on JSA you could be placed on New Deal or, depending where you live, sent to a mandatory governmet training scheme.

IS does not have these labour market criteria attached (this is the only real difference between JSA/IS), you may have to attend periodic meetings with apersonal adviser, but you are not obligied to do anything else

You can still look for work when on IS and continue to use the jobcentre for vacancies etc, but without the hassle

Given the choice I would claim IS

Is the Gi Bill counted as income for child support?

You need to look at the definition of "income" in the TX code sections dealing with child support. The states do not have to use the federal exemptions.

What is the difference between an employment support allowance and a job seeker allowance in the UK?

ESA is for those with disabilities. It has two components, the work related activity group and the support group. The work group is similar to JSA in that you are expected to try to find work, however, you are allowed to turn down jobs that would be completely unsuitable for your health condition. The support group is for those who’s disabilities prevent them from working, and this provides a little more financial support with no expectation to find work.JSA is there for healthy people to help them out til they find any job.

Claim one or two allowances?

I'm single with one job. I make 12.75 an hour and wrk 50 hours a week. I claim 0 allowances and too much is being taken out for taxes. I would like to change my allowances on my w4. No one else can claim me as a dependant. Should I claim 1 or 2 allowances?
I do not want too much taken out but I also don't want too less taken out where I would owe taxes. I still would like to receive a refund

Losing job due to ptsd... Can I collect unemployment?

I've been out of the army since 2010 and was diagnosed with ptsd. I've been having a lot of problems with my sleep, concentration, and memory. My attendance and performance are starting to slip due to this. I've started looking into the va to receive treatment, but i don't know how much longer I'm going to last at my job. If I quit or get fired to seek treatment, would I be able to collect unemployment? I have a 60% rating for disability, but I'm not sure how any of this works. I'm tired of hopping job to job

Can an Army E4 and 1 dependant survive on decent income?

I am soon to be married to a wonderful young man in the Army. We both are fairly young. I will be 23 when we get married, and he will be 22. We are waiting until I graduate from college before we tie the knot. In the mean time he will be making the switch from National Guard to Active Duty. I am fearful that I will have a hard time finding a steady job because we can not guarantee how long he will be stationed in one area. My aspirations in life are to be a Public Affairs Specialist with the DoD or any portion of the military. But because those jobs are listed as permanent, I now face the issue of do I get one, and so...he and I figured that before we get fully settled and he gets his footing, that he would support me, however, I fear that it would not be enough to manage a household, utilities, cars, etc.