Evolution/mutation Possibilities

Question about random mutations and evolution?

are the random mutations that help a species adapt to its environment called random because their cause is unknown or because their cause is totally unrelated to the specific environment in which that species lives? and if the case were that random mutations are called random because their cause is totally unrelated to the environment in which that species lives, are there cases in which the environment itself is the cause of the mutations that help that species adapt that is cases in which mutagens in the environment cause the mutations that help that species adapt, or do mutations always have causes totally unrelated to the environment of the species they help adapt to and because of this reason they are called random mutations?

How many evolutionists know what the only 3 possible outcomes of mutation in a species are?

Say it how it is ant....

what these people are doing is equating mutation with evolution
mutation happens and has always been happeing, bacteria have mutated some billion times across the world, during t he course of me typnig this post, but yet they are still bacteria

mutations have not never will, and will not produce a new species, no one has ever observed this for the same reason that we have not observed lead turn into gold, the philosphers stone, the fifth element, or the elixir for eternal youth.

People seem disilusioned but we have yet to see a new species evolve from a pre exsiting one
thats because they dont evolve

mutation and adaption.,...

do you consider people with sickle cell to be more evolved than you?

do you?

do you wish you were as evolved as them?

things have been mutating for billions of years by your standards, bacteria are still bacteria,

and that is a fact

thumbs down, truth hurts, which is the second stage of acceptance

Eric: humans are living longer and are taller?

reckon you were bigger than the spartans

maybe you were taller and stronger than a roman legionairy?

Emperor maximus eas 8ft 6,
Golaith was rumoured to be taller

reckon you could lift thsoe stones to make stone henge

or lift those mayan rocks to buiold a temple that weigh over 20 tonnes which no modern machuinery could lift?

reckon a diet of fruit veg and clean meat is less beneficial than the burger and fries and melted vomit you call cheesE?

well mcdonalds cheese anyway