Exercises And Foods To Lose Belly Fat

Is there a way to lose belly fat without exercise?

the only way to loose fat belly is to loose weight in general. you can't "target" areas for reduction of fat with exercise, and anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong. exersizing will only build muscle there, it won't get rid of the fat itself.
if you want to loose weight (and the belly fat), your calorie consumption has to be lower than what you burn through the day.

What are the best exercises to lose belly fat?

You can only get a flat stomach with a sensible diet and exercise. Do weight resistance exercise to boost your metabolism and burn fat. Do high intensity cardio to burn fat.

There is a more detailed explanation in the following articles. Hope it helps

10 reasons That Could be Stopping You From Getting a Flat Stomach :

The 4 Things You Absolutely Must Do to get a Flat Stomach :

The 5 Things You Absolutely Must Not Do to get a Flat Stomach :

Here is another article as to why dieting without exercise will not get you a flat stomach :

You should also try to strengthen your TVA muscles. A lot of people also have weak TVA muscles. These are the muscles that hold the contents of your abdominals firmly in place. Strengthen your TVA muscles to tighten your waist. Here is an article that describes the TVA muscle in detail and also tells you a very simple exercise that you can do on a daily basis to strengthen this TVA muscle :

How can one lose belly fat without exercise?

If you want to see the results from day 1 then please follow the below steps religiously:Start your day with either black coffee or with tea without sugar and minimum/no milk.Take cold water showers.Brisk walk - aim for minimum 5 km in 45 minutes.No breakfast.Have only 2 complete meals in a day. Eat only when you are hungry. Identify when you are most hungry in a day and have your meal accordingly.If you cannot identify then following are the universal timings for you to have your meals. a) 10:00 am - 7:00 pm b) 1 :00 pm - 9 pm. It will take a week's - 15 days time for your body to get used these timings. In between you can have black coffee/tea without sugar and minimum milk/ no milk.Stay away from all kinds of sweets, sugars and processed foods. No alcohol.Get enough sleep.The above 8 steps are super easy to follow and 100% results are guaranteed. The things which I have mentioned have been thoroughly followed by me and I didn't face any kind of side effects. Whole day I feel alert and my belly has reduced without doing any kind of demanding physical activity apart from walking. I would advise you to take measurements, get your medical check up done before following this methodology. After 45 days of following this lifestyle again get your medical check up done and see the results for yourself.Good luck!!