Explain Why It Is Important To Promote Awareness Of Sensory Loss For Societal Perceptions And

What are some examples of Environmental Factors that affect the planet?

The sun, the giant fusion explosion in the sky is the sole provider of heat on this planet and science has yet to prove any other significant factor. The sun when it's active warms above the current mean, and cosmic rays produce more clouds when the sun is quiet and the magnetic field weakens. Politics, not science has been attempting to blame humans for modern climate variation, and is failing to come up with either an unprecedented rate of modern warming, or unprecedented modern temperatures to validate the notion that CO2 emissions from human activity are the primary driver of recent temperature variation. Natural warming since the Little Ice Age requires no human intervention to explain both modern warming, and recent CO2 variation from 280 - 410 ppm. None dispute the world has been warming, none dispute the lagged response to oceanic warming and CO2 outgassing.

Explain why it is important to promote awareness of sensory loss for societal perceptions and attitudes?

All too often Yahoo answers has students posting their homework for others to complete.Plagiarism will teach you nothing.I strongly recommend that you do your own assignments,it is the only way to learn.

Please help me answer some questions about elephants!?

please answer these questions1.Describe how and elephant moves (fast slow, what structures or features does it have to enable it to move?2.How does an elephant's movement help it survive? Explain3.What types of food does an elephant eat?4.How often does an elephant need to eat?5.Describe an elephants digestive system or organs.
6.Does an elephant expend a lot of energy each day? explain.7.How large is it as an adult?8.What stages does it go through from birth to adulthood9.What is the life span?
10.What is the average life expectancy?11.What attracts it? How does it respond?12.How does it protect itself from enemies who are its enemies?13.How does it find a mate, is there competition is ther courting14.describe birth process15.what is the climate like where it lives
16.what body structures or features does it have to survive in its environment17.what is unique about it that has allowed its species to survive over long periods of time does it interact w/ 2 other organisms

What are the biggest problems society is facing today?

Negligence and Indifference.Every single problem is caused by the above twins.Climate change: We are ignorant. We neglect. Some are even not accepting the fact that climate change is a thing. Even after so many of awareness programs our taps are still running without hands or buckets below them.Poverty: We are ignorant. We are indifferent. With sheer will power, we can surely bring people out of the vicious trap which is rewarded at birth.Wars: Yes, people are indifferent. People are ignorant. Without even reading the book in the name of which they wage war, some individuals start preaching. Yes, we are ignorant who let them do it and listen to them.Crimes: Crimes are increasing because we are not connected. The neighbour, if at all pays attention, isn't sure if it's you who is checking in late at night or burglars. It's our Indifference and negligence towards one another.Corruption: Its our negligence. Imagine a scenerio in which every time a person asks for a bribe, he is met with a fierce raid and caught red handed. It's their negligence to forget their duties and ask for bribe. And it's our negligence to oblige.Discrimination: Its one's indifference towards another's identity and self esteem that makes him look down upon the other. It's negligence of the fact that someone else also has a heart and that aches too.Uncertainty/ Threat of war: Its the indifference and negligence that makes one blind to see the consequences of a war. If the millions of lives to be lost and their screens can be heard by the leaders, surely a pacifist environment will ensue. War is not something that shows power or strength of a nation. It shows how cruel a human can be to another.

A friend told me that hypnosis has its bases in the occult. how true is that?

Hypnosis, like alot of things is popularly misunderstood. In the 18th century Franz Mesmer developed a method of healing he called "animal magnetism" which he conceived of in mystical terms, but is now recognised as based on hypnotic suggestion. Hypnosis does not involve anything supernatural. Most people have a natural ability to enter a hypnotic state to some degree, and the hypnotist's role is to assist them in entering this state through a process of suggestion. People associate hypnosis with the occult because they mistakenly believe that it is something magical.