Fat Girls A National Crisis

How to deal with a two-faced sister...?

What can you do? You need to examine your priorities. If you had a relationship of mutual trust and respect with her, then her opinion might be important to you. But, since you do not, then it doesn't really matter what she thinks or what she says. You know that what she says is wrong. You know that she is being deliberately mean. And, you know that this behavior says more about her than it does about you. If she continues to behave this way, then it is going to affect her success and happiness in life, and not in a good way.

So fuggedaboutit. Whenever she tries this stuff on you, just look her straight in the eye, and say, quite calmly and quite truthfully in a pleasant tone of voice, "Wow! You are REALLY rude and obnoxious! You should get some help for that."

My girlfriend just openly farts in front of me, what do you think about that?

When we first started dating she didn't, but once we got perfectly comfortable with each other she just openly farts in front of me, and sometimes even when she's sitting on me. She doesn't even try to let it out slowly or quietly, she just lets it go. It's not that I think its gross or anything (which I'm sure alot of people do), I just feels like she should be more embarrassed about it, cuz it's definitely not attractive, and I never ever fart in front of her. She rarely ever openly farts in front of anyone else except me.

Getting called fat ugly and stupid being bullied?

Well two Thursdays ago this kid in class pushed another kid up against me at my table and it drove into my rib cage.

And I yelled out stop and the boy stopped and picked up a chair and threw it at me and I just cringed up into a ball and cried and I didn't say anything.

and then I had sharp pain in my rib cage and it got so bad that later in my class I yelled out in pain and ran out of the classroom crying and everyone was laughing at me. My substitute did nothing.

My homeroom teacher found me in the hallway and i told her what happened. and the bell rang to go home ( my mom called the school up and i told the principal what happened and he said he would take care of it. )And then when I was running to my bus a kid yelled "run fat b**ch run!"
And the next morning, everyone was in groups in the hallway laughing at me and I went in my class people were mean to me. That morning the principal told the kid who bullied me that he would get suspended.
No one would let me sit at their table at lunch or anything.
So i sat down at a random table all alone and the same kid and his friend came up to me and they sat down and his friend said "okay my friend trey quan here
said he was sorry. So now u go tell the principal that he said he was sorry. Are ya gonna Tell him that???" I said "um I don't think so I don't know...NO" and they gave me a look like they were gonna kill me and I said yes cuz I was scared. Then I ran out of the lunch room and threw up cuz I was so stressed and scared.
And since then no one wants to talk to me except like one girl and she's the only one who cares about me pretty much and I feel so upset about this.
so I went to my principal and told him what happened at lunch, he said he'd take care of it. And I saw him pull the kid and his friend out of class and I saw the kids face and he looked at me like he was gonna murder me and make me miserable when he gets back...:(
My grades have plummeted from straight A's to Cs and Ds.
No one likes me anymr

What are some really good movies to watch on a saturday morning?

Depends on what kind of movies you like

Now and Then
Mean Girls
Little Miss Sunshine
Breakfast Club
Pretty In Pink
She's the Man
Can't Buy Me Love
Blank Check
Mixed Nuts
National Lampoon's Vacation
Finding Nemo
Freaky Friday
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Serial Mom

PLEASE help...eating disorder ):?

15 y/o guy 5'6. I binge, purge, and restrict. There's this voice type of thing inside my head that tells me what, how much, when, where, and how to eat. I met it when I was 13 and a half. I used to be 185 then I got to 140 sometime before christmas now i'm 150 ): I want help I do but i'm scared and embarrassed and "it" keeps telling me not to seek help because they will make me fat. I just want it to be back to normal everything when I had meal with my family and we laughed now i'm just a scared loner with a voice nagging at him everytime he awakes. ): I just binged and I want to purge because I restricted all day long but this binge was like an impulse. If I don't I will wake up tomorrow with some much guilt, I will feel dirty on the inside and fat. When I starve I feel powerful, clean, and happy. I don't know what to do people will not take me seriously because I am not underweight and i'm a guy. ): I'm so embarassed