Feeling Disconnected From Everything

Why do I feel so disconnected from everything?

Awe, i'm sorry you feel this way. Your so young. I understand what this feels like because I have felt this way before. I just dont feel like I belong anywhere. I feel better when I am alone and doing one or two things I enjoy, like reading or watching a show that only I like. I wont answer the phone or respond to texts and when my friends come by I wont answer the door but pretend I am not home, even though they know I am. It really is a pity-me attitude but it feels better to feel this way because everyone seems to be so better off in life than me, happier or just dont seem to understand me so its easier for me to punish everyone and the world for making me feel this way. Don't give up on being happy, okay. It will go away if you let people in. Talk to someone, make a new friend, hug someone and let yourself cry. It will help you, I promise. This is depression, I know because I have it. These feelings come and go and my friends already know what to expect from me when I am this way. They know to give me SOME space but not TOO much otherwise I may sink too low in despair. You are not alone. You are a person, spectacular and unique. Don't be afraid to tell someone how you feel. Let them know you NEED a hug, a ear, and a shoulder to cry on sometimes. Take care, friend and cheer up. Life is wonderful. Look around you and find your joy. Do something for a child, pet a dog, listen to an old person, go swimming, walk around the block listening to your favorite music, cry, smile, hug your favorite person and if they look shocked tell them you love them and you don't care if they are weird-ed out, you needed it.

I feel disconnected from everything?

Let's get the obvious stuff out of the way; did some bad event(s) happen in your life? Have you talked with a counselor or a psychiatrist? Perhaps there is some genetic condition?

If not, I understand where you are coming from. When I was maybe ten or eleven, there were a few occasions where I questioned whether my Mom and Dad were my really my Mom and Dad. I saw the faces, but the names didn't quite connect. In the third grade, when I heard some girl died, I just laughed, but I don't think it was for cruel reasons. I lived in my own disconnected world then with some intense experiences (still somewhat now as I am extremely able to go into trances). Does this relate to you in any way?

"If it matters at all.. I have suffered from depression before, to the point of actually plotting multiple ways to off myself and participating in a bit of self injury. But I don't recall having any strong depression symptoms immediately before this happening, so I am not convinced that depression could be a leading reason for this..However, I do have a bad anxiety disorder. I haven't felt it too much since this started because I feel sort of numb to the world, but I am sure it is still an issue. But, again, I am not convinced it could be the reason for this."

It seems that your anxiety disorder took on a new phase. Its seems a new defense mechanism is in order to cope with your anxiety. You seem to be trying to shield yourself from all the excess emotions you've suffered because of the anxiety whether it be sleeping patterns, intrusive thoughts, etc., because you are still not sure how to organize all this disparate, chaotic information. In other words, you're on "standby", like on a computer, except its in your head to give your mind the opportunity to fix this problem. What may happen is that something very extreme, even traumatic will occur, which will "crash" you back down to earth. Then everything will hit you with flashes of your old emotional pain. Your mind will attempt to dissociate back to your old disconnected, "standby" self to escape the pain. This cycle will most likely continue until your mind can establish a certain balance with your anxiety whether it be through meds, a shrink, or this phase just resolves itself. Remember, this is a speculation, not a certainty.

Are you inclined to dissociate far more often than most people would?

Why do I feel disconnected from everything and everyone in this world?

I swear this happens to me all the time and my mom says “you are just too lazy” . well the truth is that our brain can do lot of things at a time without us knowing. So when you become lazy, your brain just relaxes and does not pay attention to all the stuff it was paying attention to. In simple words , you are lazy and need to become active ASAP.FOLLOW THIS SCHEDULE FOR A DAY.wake up at 5ammake your bed and freshen up.(Optional if you have a dog) walk the dogsit in the park or your backyard or maybe your bed and just close your eyes and focus on you navel area and take deep breaths.have healthy breakfast and drink some juice instead of milk .Attend your school or office or simply do something really creative ,if its your holiday.go meet one of your closest colleagues or if you can’t meet them , call them.have some lunch. And go back to doing something againmaybe hit the gym or swimming pool or play a video game Note: stay focused while doing all these points .DRINK at least 8GLASSES OF WATER AKA 12.5 cups of water no sugar dissolved just plain waterhave a pen pal to talk to .its evening now do whatever you feel like.Voila you will feel like connected to the world. Also use tumblr helps a lot. my only reason to write this answer is because I have been through the same when I made my life into a schedule I never felt disconnected at all. Whenever you feel disconnected just listen to music or do whatever you feel like.

Sometimes I feel so disconnected from everything. Not sad or anything but…disconnected and not really emotional. What is this called and how can I get over this?

It is called derealisation or depersonalisation. It can be normal during a transformation phase, like puberty, letting go of childhood and growing up and it can emerge during stress or a depression and it can be a symptom of real severe mental disturbance. So it depends on the circumstances like your age, the phase in life you are in, your mood, if you have other troubles, if you eat well, sleep, if you are severely traumatised or not. If you worry try to find a coach or psychological advice! Good luck.

Feeling disconnected from my niece?

I used to take care of my niece when she was a baby, feeding her and bathing her and everything but now that's she's four I don't feel the same. When she asks me to play, I don't feel like it. I just don't feel like I have an emotional bond with her anymore

Feeling disconnected from life?

not exactly sure how to explain this but over the last couple years i cant help but to feel disconnected from everything. its like im Living my day to day life but it doesn't feel like im Living, im just here. i have friends and a job and school so its not like i sit around all day and life is passing me by, i go out and do stuff. also i cant help but feel like im stuck in this neutral emotion, don't get me wrong i do get happy, sad, and angry on occasion but for the vast majority i feel stuck in this neutral state like im unable to let go and feel emotions, and life for that matter. im really tired of feeling like this, any help or suggestions would help a lot.

I feel disconnected from myself and everything lately..?

Use a cable, bluetooth or wifi etc to re set up the connection.

Why have I been feeling disconnected from everyone lately?

It's not wrong.You have just started LIVING your other part of life.You feel this sudden disconnection because “You have just awaken, to face your world and your battles on your own”You are no longer a Sheep which follows the herd. It's time to become the Lion which makes its own decision.You have started finding out your inner self instead of relying on a third person in your Day-today activities.You feel like odd one out because you have found out your UNIQUENESS.It will feel lonely and dejected for few days, but as time passes you will get used to the change and start enjoying it.You will feel worthless for your being. But trust me you are getting moulded to a better living.The best ways to surpass this phase of life are Start finding your passion,Start doing what you like,Go to new places,Discover your likes and dislikes,Socialize with lots of new people,Learn new things,Work out,Eat healthy,Spend time with familyand BE HAPPY with whatever life gives you.FACE every obstacle with a wide SMILE.You are becoming a WARRIOR, Don't compare yourself with SOLDIERS and waste your time.Cheers.

Sometimes, I feel disconnected from "reality". Everything seems so out of place. I get the unsettling yet exciting feeling that this isn't really it. I can't imagine it. I know I can't be the only one. What is this?

All the time, tbh I don’t know much, but I know that we are connected to a higher being (whether you call it God or the universe etc). We are apart of something greater than we can ever imagine or even nearly comprehend.For one example in my life, I had a friend who was wrestling at the time. Working hard, trying his best… but he tore his acl before his senior year. I was watching grow and get stronger as his wrestling buddy and boy did he advance. It was sad to see him get injured so unexpectant. I was chatting on Instagram with him when his car caught a flat tire, so me and my dad went over there and I had a chat with him. Turns out his life was way worse than I had even imagined, and he had been depressed and having suicidal thoughts. He said he didn’t even want to live anymore. I angry and told him that it’s not over and began to pray for him. All in all he ends up getting towed and my dad pays for his new tire. A week pasts and I even forget what had happened. He then calls me and tells me he encountered a miracle.So that day his car caught a flat tire, he had went to the hospital for an MRI. Doctor confirmed his acl was in two pieces. The next week he went to check up on the acl, and the doc looks at him and the image stunned. Apparently his acl wasn’t giving any issues and he was moving fine with no pain. When the doc showed him the image, his acl was as if it had never even torn.There is more to this world than meets the eye, stuff that logically makes no sense. I was baffled and I, felt completely confident that he would be fine in the end. I knew somehow that a miracle was going to happen.So long story, not so short but that feeling that we have when reality just feels off is really just God telling us that we were made for more. This reality is just some fake image but having a real encounter with God and the supernatural is real life.Thank you, for reading my testimony and please forgive me of my 2nd grade grammar, I hope one day that hole of emptiness or just knowing there is something more is filled.

Why do I feel so disconnected from everyone?

You're not alone my friend. Here's a little about me first..I have an extremely loving family which includes my parents (mom & dad) and twin siblings (brother & sister) who are younger than me. My parents love me to the core, I can feel their love pouring all the time because they treat me like a prince during the 2 weeks I am home every month. All my MOM made food requests are fulfilled immediately (I don't really need anything more from them).I have a job which requires me to travel for 2 weeks every month. I earn well, I stay in luxurious hotels, all my meals are paid for, all my travel is also booked by the company be it cab, train or flight and any other expense if ever incurred by me is also reimbursed. I have travelled almost half of India, I meet 300–500 people every week and also have a team of around 25 colleagues working with me where ever I go.I am a shy person and used to talk very less but I am very hard working. Eventually I got promoted and my job requires me to speak more than what is normal for me. Believe me it takes a lot of effort on my part to speak as much as I have to, it drains a lot of my energy too. My colleagues also treat me well, they bring home made food for me because I hate eating outside food. I have a typical 9 to 5 routine. During 5 in the evening till 12 at night I workout, search stuff online, read a book/quora, watch movies, think, reflect on my actions of the day. This process keeps repeating day after day after day.Answer to your questionI connect well with people, I don't talk much on a personal level but I am a good listener, a lot of my colleagues & friends pour their hearts out infront of me. I get a lot of love & respect too but there's some kind of emptiness I feel all the time, there's always a void which can't be filled..there's always loneliness. At times I try really hard to fight it but nothing seems to change, then at times I just let it be. I feel a little better when I am home but the feeling never leaves me completely.I have kind of accepted it now and with the current mind set I think I can live with it, because no matter how much you change things on the outside its not going to make a difference to what you feel inside. Just try to do what you love.So I can't really tell you ways to deal with it since I haven't found one for myself. But I can understand you, I can connect with what you want to say and all I can say is that you're not alone…….