Feeling Weird After Having A Baby

Tampon feels weird after baby?

Yes, it is normal, and no you won't be permanently loose. You may have to wear pads for a few periods, but that will get back to normal.
I think a lot of new mums have this problem, it took me half a year to be able to wear tampons again.
As the answer above said, you do feel 'rearranged' lol for quite a while.
For me, what changed in the end, is that I have slightly more problems with leaks and now wear liners more often than before my pregnancy.
Still, the kegel exercises do work, so keep doing them, you'll be fine.

Enjoy your baby !

40 weeks pregnant, i'm feeling weird after sex?

My husband and I had sex, but it was uncomfortable for me so we ended up stopping before anything happened... lol so no "prostaglandins" were released to help ripen my cervix and nothing on my side to stimulate contractions, if you catch my drift. :P

Anyways, a few minutes after we stopped, I had to go to the bathroom because I had diarrhea, and my whole belly had this crampy feeling (not come-and-go cramps though).
Now, the crampy feeling has subsided but 2 minutes ago I had a feeling like something sharp stabbing into the top of my belly and working its way down, it was really painful and I've never felt anything like it. It stopped me dead in my tracks. Idk what contractions are supposed to feel like because I've never had them, so idk if that's what this was or not... and I can't tell by checking if my belly is hard because it is rock hard 24/7 because of the way the baby is situated.

Has anybody experienced this after sex?? I mean, is it possible that I could be starting labor?? Or can sex this late just cause cramps and diarrhea???
I am just so excited and getting anxious about labor that I think I look at EVERYTHING that happens as a sign lol, idk maybe I'm just looking for false hope because I want my son to come already so much ;)

Do you feel strange movements in your stomach after having a baby?

My son is 6 months old and, I still experience 'phantom kicks' as well! I'm lucky to have a lot of friends who recently had babies and one of them says she gets them too. I don't know what causes them, but they feel so real!

I was afraid I might be pregnant and not know it as I am breastfeeding and my period hasn't returned. I asked my doctor and he said it is pretty common, but offered no additional explanation. Sorry I can't tell you exactly what it is, I'm curious to know if there is a reason too!

Does your vagina feel weird after giving birth?

I'm pregnant I wanna have a natural child birth. I know your loose after you give birth but does it feel weird wen you walk and close your legs ? And. This is tmi but I need to know lol I am releee tight do u think my vagina will rip while I'm having the baby? And I can't just like have a lot of sex b4 I give birth bc I just go right back to being tight lol

After one day of unprotected sex, and my stomach is feeling weird does that mean im pregnant?

PLEASE use protection next time! If you can't afford to get a condom, you can't afford to have a baby (or an abortion or even a doctor's visit for STDs). GET SMARTER!
That weird feeling could be emotional, it could be pain from your first time or you might have to get checked for a disease.
Yeah, good thing you're not a virgin anymore! What a pain it is to hang on to something so valuable as your sexual dignity until you meet the right guy - one who might care enough to protect you both from disease or pregnancy!

What does it feel like, physically, to shave off a beard after having one for a long time?

On the rise, in my mid-20s, I found myself telling guys 20 years older than me how to solve problems that had baffled them for some time, to their discomfort. At the time, I looked young. The extreme time compression that provided me with the experience necessary to be "the guy" didn't show on my face. I decided to change that, I grew out a full beard. It made me look like I might be in my 30s, which was enough to make my life simpler for a while. It stuck. Neatly trimmed and professional initially, later blooming into full "UNIX Wizard" magnitude in my Enron Broadband days, it was a feature for the next two decades. One day, something happened. I'd just admitted my second wife to a long term confinement in a lock-down psychiatric hospital half way across the country, I was alone, in a hotel room, waiting. Not completely sure for what. Very unhappy with the turn of events. Needing a change. A big change.And, in that moment, I shaved. I literally didn't recognize myself. I'd had a mustache since I was 19, the full beard since I was 25. It had been a really, really long time since I'd seen my face.It was like an uncovering, an unveiling, a reclaiming of myself as myself for myself. If felt empowering.It was also scary.The physical sensation was very different. It was like I could feel individual air currents moving across my skin. And when I did anything that involved touching my face, the contrast was stark, and immediate. I noticed cold a lot more than I did hot, dry more than wet.The emotional sensation was more intense. I was afraid of the reaction of others. I had a ton of photo ID that had me with a beard, and was concerned about being challenged when it was presented. I was most afraid of what my wife would think, but that didn't occur to me until long after the fact.It all worked out to be temporary. I re-grew a mustache and Van Dyke, which I rocked for another couple of years. One day, before we were married, my wife made some comment about wondering what I'd look like without it, so I shaved, and it's been gone since. That wasn't nearly as dramatic, but it stuck.

How did you feel after seeing your child for the first time?

Short answer: Amazed and overwhelmed.Longer answer: My wife didn’t wake me up when she got serious contraction. You may think this is weird, but it was rumbling for a month already (lots of Braxton Hicks contractions), so she didn’t think much of it.So when she did wake me up, it was because she knew for sure this time, but because of the late realization it all went really fast! She wanted to give birth in the hospital and that wasn’t an option anymore, so she had to do it at home (afterwards, it was amazing that she did it at home).Moment suprêmeThe moment was there. The baby was crowning, and my wife was told not to push. I could see (and later heard it) that she was having a hard time. It is said that the moment of crowning is the most painful (burning) sensation. She made a sound (shreek, cry) that still gives me tears when I think about it, it was a moment that you realize how strong your significant other is. After this, the baby was there in a few minutes and the moment I saw his beautiful face (he was a very clean baby) I was amazed and overwhelmed. From that moment on, my father feelings kicked in and I knew I had to protect him and take care of him.Our firstborn Jayden 20 minutes after being bornNot only with the firstAt the moment that i’m writing this answer he is already 4 years old and we also have twins of 1 years old. I can promise you, that the feeling is not only there with your firstborn. I had the same amazing feeling when my twins were born.

Stomach feeling weird after PROTECTED sex?

You're probably about to start. If you were expecting your period on the 17th, the 21st of last month was too early for you to get pregnant, even without a condom. With a condom, the odds of being pregnant are practically zero.

Still would recommend that you find a way to get on birth control. Many of my friends in high school were on the pill just to control irregular or unbearably painful periods, so it wouldn't raise any suspicions if you were to ask for it for that reason.

5 weeks pregnant and feeling like a fat cow?

I am so excited! I am pregnant with my first child after just one month of trying!!! Although I am feeling a little weird. My hubby and I are just sooo happy yet i feel like i am a fat cow already. I am 5'6 and my weight bounces between 135 and 150 depending on seasons.... u know summer ur more active and winter u are a couch potato. I eat farily well and i dont sit on my butt all day. Although ever since i found out i am pregnant I feel fat and this is taking some adjusting too. B/c when u get ur period u are bloated but it goes away... or if ur constipated ur feeling blocked up but then ur flat tummy comes back. But man after just eating dinner i look like im 3 or 4 months pregnant! I feel so bloated and gross in my tummy area but so blessed b/c i have a baby growing inside me. Its so confusing i guess b/c this is my first. I just dont want people thinking i am a fat cow b/c i have a lil tummy and it would be questionable to the average joe .... is she pregnant or just fat!

I just lot my virginity yesterday, my stomach feels weird and I'm hungry is it normal?

Yes its normal. If used properly condoms are 99% effective. You really don't need to check them for rips the chances of one ripping are very very slim unless it was a very old or improperly stored condom. Your stomach might feel weird because your muscles may be a bit strained if you had vigorous sex or maybe it is just your nerves getting to you and giving you butterflies. And don't worry about feeling hungry everybody gets hungry. I doubt there is much of a chance that you are pregnant and if you had sex yesterday you wouldn't be pregnant yet anyway its takes quite a few days to actually conceive a baby after having sex. and there would be no symptoms of any kind yet.