Fellow Cons Why Do I Believe This Guy Seriously I Think I Need Help Can You Point Out An Error

Seriously... how can Hillary Clinton help rebuild America when she and Bill are more focusing on their income?

I also find it interesting as Senator of New York she takes left over re-election donations( 10 million ) into her Hillary '08 piggy bank... when like Mitt Romney they can well afford to "give" to their own campaign. Then she is collecting over 300 million from more donations. Some are extremely suspicious? They never returned all the Hsu illegal funds either. What do you spend all that money on anyway? With over 400 employees ? Why? Then there is the housing in New York for her Secret Service they charge the US for their staying in a house on the NY property. Virtually paying their mortage out of tax dollars.

And NY gets alot back. She is #2 on pork barrel worst offenders list. Much going back to that State. Another twist, a "constituent" Rupert Murdoch is a heavy backer out of New York to Hillary '08. So how she serves the Good State is beyond me. I was born Long Island...

Bill's speaking engagements? He has made millions. Books gallore. That philanthropy is a money making operation. With him I keep hearing ie: Iowa "IF" I was asked... then on Barbara Walters "If" she asks ... me thinks they have some negotiation issues. Not much at home diplomacy there. AND tax returns ? Up until now candidates disclosed as a matter of principle. Now the Clintons refuse.

Her candidacy is about mini me. Or the again a woman scorned. Or for the love of politics? Focus? Deflect, neglect and decept. Risk factor high.

How do I tell someone that their spouse is cheating?

The most important thing, first calculate the damage factor they’ll be facing if you tell them :)If the damage is way beyond curable don’t do this I say this again don’t do this. They are having a baby with down’s syndrome that is itself a big blow to their day to day lives and as you said wife had to quit her job yes it was the demand of the time.Unless until you are sure that yes he is cheating for sure, you aren’t supposed to do this. Secondly, when you really find out that yes he is cheating on his spouse firstly talk to him try and understand his situation first before heading straight to the wife and barging their door with this flood. There is difference of perspective for everyone may be you see it differently and I see it differently.I recently faced a situation when a guy was planning a secret birthday party for his girlfriend with a friend of hers. Somebody reported this to the girlfriend and then there was chaos all over, fights and all but was the guy wrong I guess no he wasn’t but what made this happen was the perspective of the guy who reported this :)So even if you are damn sure he is cheating his spouse first talk to him try to understand what he is up to.. then only react :) We when see things from far away notice that yes things are wrong and something but we are human beings and yes we can also be wrong at times so in my opinion, try to understand the situation more and then talk to the man first :)It is not at all easy to live like a father whose only child is suffering from a syndrome like this.Take time and understand things first :)Take Care and Be Understandable :)

What are the pros and cons of life without religion?

I love making such lists! Here we go:Pros:You get to use your brain power maximally. I am not making this up. Instead of following orders, you get the privilege of exercising independent thought. This exercise sharpens your thinking abilities and problem solving abilities.Not a single second is wasted in activities like praying. That means you have more time for doing actual work that matters.Knowing this life is your first and last shot, every second feels that much more precious. Every emotion, all the way from hatred to compassion, gets that much more amplified. Makes you feel truly and maximally alive.Even though your loved ones might have to worry about you going to hell, you don’t have to worry about them. That’s a BIG relief. It really is wonderful, getting to live life without having to worry about your loved ones burning for eternity.You get the opportunity to be a truly moral being. In other words, you feed the poor because you empathize with their situation. Not because its an order you must follow. You don’t steal because you don’t want to deprive someone else of what is rightfully theirs, not because you are afraid that someone is watching.Guilt free masturbationGuilt free sexCons:The one big con of life without religion is that when asked to write a list of cons it’s extremely hard to even come up with one.I swear that I didn’t write the above line just to be cocky or anything. I realize that religion has provided a sense of community to many people. Churches and mosques can be a place for networking. However, I am the type of person that stays a million miles away from gatherings. I am not an outgoing person and very much introverted. As such, religion never provided me with anything that I am missing out on.

Do conservatives honestly believe the KKK is a liberal organisation?

Can a leopard change its spots? The Libs are all for blaming or accusing the Conservatives of anything they can think of or invent. Why should we Conservatives let them slide over their little invention, or the fact that they were the racist party until the mid 60's when it suddenly became expedient for them to not be racist? That is also the time that those fine Liberal leaders started branding Conservatives as racist, thereby proving the old adage of: "A lie, told often enough, takes on the mantle of truth".
The Libs have been lying for over 40 years now on the subject of racism.

Since "Sovereign Citizens" believe that they aren't bound by State and Federal laws, do they believe they are allowed to do anything?

First,  no objective data has been cited which  factually shows  what  “Sovereign Citizens” believe.Second, no citizens  of any “Sovereign Nation” have been objectively identified.The inquiry needs to show that some issue of fact is being discussed.

What are the pros and cons of becoming a sailor in the US Navy?

If Quora had been around when I enlisted, I would have asked this too.ProsCareer training, as long as you choose a rate that is related to your career goals.Security clearance (see above)If you're lucky, you'll travel the world and have stories that no one in college will have.You get to save a lot of money in those 4 years if you're smart.Depending on your rate- it's relatively safer than some other branches.I still don't know why but women LOVE sailors. Dudes do too.If you're shoreside- living conditions aren't that bad.Picking up rank seems quicker than in most other branches, again based on your rate.Something magical happens when you stick a bunch of salty people in a room for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, for months on end and with a constant influx of disappointment. You'll remember those hilarious conversations for the rest of your life. I miss that still.Mother fucking GI Bill!!!!!ConsNo matter what rate you choose, you will be expected to do much more than just your job. Much much more. For two years I wasn't a weatherman (AG), but a shipyard worker.While you're traveling the world you're actually stuck in a metal box for 2–3 months non stop working 12–15 hours a day, 7 days a week.If you're on shore duty then you'll soon realize you work a standard 9–5 but get paid much less than your civilian counterparts. Chances are you'll make rank slower too.You won't be smart and you'll blow all of your money on booze, a flashy car/motorcycle, and buy-me-drinky bars.You'll probably enlist as an ABF and have no transferable skills to the outside world.Most of the women/dudes that LOVE sailors are just trying to tie you down to leach off of your benefits. They’ll convince you to marry them and then they'll get fat as fuck.Leadership usually sucks. Imagine that your boss is someone who's been as pissed off as you are 6 months into deployment, only he/she has been feeling that way for 20 years.If you want to progress in your Naval career, you have to do A LOT outside of your normal job. I had to do so much shit that I was in my office for a shift maybe 10 days out of a 10 month deployment….I guess that's good and bad.You get fucking tired of the people you're stuck with. Tiny nuances that they have will make you want to kill. You probably won't have the chances to settle your greviences either.That's a very short list, but in the end it's worth it.

Why do Neo-Cons mix economic freedom with political freedom?

I'm always tempted to just write "they are ill-informed" to any question that begins with "why do neo-cons..." Honestly, I think that is usually the reason, but there is something more going on.

They seem to want to be led by people like Rush and Hannity and not do their own education or research. They seem to operate from fear instead of from facts. They seem to prefer to remain willfully ignorant, even when given the facts. To be honest, some of them seem unable to discern what is a fact, what is a rumor, what is a smear, what is a straw man, what is a logical fallacy, etc.

It's really sad to say all this about some of my fellow Americans, but I do think it's true, and it makes me despair at times for our country. I see questions here that clearly demonstrate they don't know what socialism and communism are, they don't know how to evaluate a reputable source from a disreputable one, they believe anything they hear if it confirms their previously held prejudices, and they prefer to express dislike for the 70+ million Americans who voted for Obama than to examine why so many intelligent people evaluated him as worthwhile and why they did not.

In other words, they believe they are always right and don't want to be confused with the facts. They often engage in black/white thinking.

Having said all this, I believe it is a small percentage of Americans who would fit into this category and that they are simply over-represented here on Y!A. At least, I hope so!

Hey cons, if homosexuality is a choice then why are rams gay?

Defective genetics produce deviants of all kinds from rapists to pedophiles to homosexuals .

It all comes down to what chemicals were released by your mom at certain stages of your development in the womb .

They are able now to determine the gender of lab animals and humans .

So we are just a reactionary vessel in which most of our behavior is pre programmed by the genetic makeup of our bodies .

I know some guys who want sex everyday and sometimes more then once .
Some also are happy with every other day and some are satisfied with once a week .

I say quality not quantity is the key to happiness .
SO gay or straight fat or thin its all chemistry and nothing you can do to fix it yet .

Genetic engineering will mean what for future generations .

Everyone with a lean body mass and hair and eyes decided by popular culture . We breed out weak and promote the traits of the strong successful people .

What does that do to the God equation .
Since I am an atheist genetic engineering is great . Eventually we will all look very similar . We can create a cast system in which we breed individuals to perform certain tasks .
A fearless soldier who will rush a machine gun and willingly submit to orders but never grow angry or question his superiors .
A dock worker who can lift 300 pound crates all day long and not grow weary or tired .

A fruit and vegetable picker with longer arms or shorter legs . We can design people to suit our purposes in the future .

Atheists, would you sleep in a cemetery for 1 million dollars?

Are you joking? Seriously, you must be joking.Atheists generally don’t have superstitions about much of anything, in case the other nearly 300 answers haven’t made that point clear.I myself actually do have mild superstitions about ghosts or spirits, but I don’t believe they can hurt me. I used to have conversations with ghosts in my sister’s house, which was a 1930’s home in the pacific northwest which used to sit on an native reservation. Several people had come and gone from the house, which was infested with assassin bugs (aka “kissing” bugs — believe me, they sure as hell don’t “kiss” you nicely. Feels like a hot needle being stabbed through your skin when the females bite you like a mosquito for your blood.)Considering my experiences being crawled all over with assassin bugs, spiders, mice, (we won’t talk about that one), ants and fleas in my sleep, I am pretty sure I could sleep in a cemetery, usually home to many a spider and bug, fairly okay. As long as nothing bites me, I’m fine.Shy of my concerns for catching diseases from mice or rats that may or may not inhabit the more unkempt of cemeteries, I would sleep there all day (or night) long. Hell, I enjoy sitting in cemeteries. The groundskeepers are usually pretty reserved about bothering anybody, and they are usually quiet, peaceful places to sit and read, or draw, or, as you suggest, maybe even nap.Night time makes cemeteries really interesting places to be with a red flashlight here in NW Oregon. Owls LOVE cemeteries because they usually have mice in them. Barn owls in particular like to perch among the trees or on top of lamps in the cemetery just north of me. Many a wildlife photographer has gone there to get superb photos of them. Barred owls and locally endangered Pygmy owls also inhabit the outskirts of cemeteries here, or really any open field. Most insect eating birds can be found at cemeteries when it’s wet because they are typically undisturbed by most people and are, appropriately, full of bugs and worms. Cemeteries are a birder’s paradise if you know where to look.As for any fear of supernatural occurrences, I wouldn’t really have any. I would be much more concerned with having yet another mouse crawl under the covers or into a sleeping bag with me — which is a far more scary experience if you ask me.(As for the money — YES PLEASE! But not necessary.)