Friend Keeps Bothering Me With My Name

Why does he keep whispering my name in class?

There is this boy in our class and I got to know him a bit last year and he started touching me without my permission and he kept commenting on my appearance and hair and clothes saying I 'looked good'

Now in the new term, whenever I'm in class trying to listen to the teacher I keep hearing him whispering my name. He sits far away from me but I still hear him. Sometimes I give in and say 'yes?' And then he says 'how are you' and sticks his thumb up at me. It's really embarrassing when he does this because everyone turns round to stare at me when he whispers my name.

Why does he keep whispering my name and asking how I am in class?

Help, i'm seeing his name everywhere... ?

seriously, it's really bothering me. everywhere i look, if it's a book or even highway traffic sign, i see his name. he's my guy friend who i fell in love with. but i recently told him my feelings but he want to stay as friends. so i'm trying to forget about him and move on. but i still see his names everywhere. when i read a textbook, his name just pops out. i read newspaper, there it is again... i understand that his name is common american name but i'm trying to forget about him here sheesh.... i even dream about him even though i stopped thinking about him

i want to believe that it's a sign that we are meant to be, but that makes me feel stupid

wut do u think?


My friend keeps ANNOYING me?

ok...if i was in your position, i would tell her that u really need to talk to her. Tell her that the name calling and the nosey remarks are bothering you, and you would really appreciate if she would knock it off. If that doesn't work tell her that if she cant respect that, you shouldn't be friends with her anymore. We all deserve our privacy.

Now about the avoiding thing, if you really feel like u must, then, when she talks to you look the other way, when your on the bus, sit far enough to where you guys are too far away to hear each other.

i hope i helped <3
and good luck :)

Annoying guy keeps staring at me, how do i get him to stop?

probs his way of wanting to get to know you. it's kinda creepy too imo. I hate that you have to deal with that. if you keep ignoring him he should get the message and not bother you anymore by moving on. if he doesn't, literally just tell a teacher or ask him to stop.

People keep calling me gay when I'm not?

Dude, you sound exactly like my best friend. He's very metro acting (look it up if you don't know what that means), and he is assumed to be gay by strangers. But he's not :( (sad face because I'm bi).

I understand your pain of being called it if you're not, but try not to be bothered so much. You know you're not and really that's all that should matter. On the upside, you're gonna be able to get soooo many female friends, so enjoy that aspect of it. And if you want a real opinion, I'd say to take one of your male friends aside and seriously ask them why people might think you are gay. He might give you the best insight as to what it is that would trigger those thoughts in people.

My Boyfriend's Best Friend Calls Him by Cute Pet Names?

For starters, my boyfriend's best friend is female. I've been dating him for 2 years, and it has always bothered me that she calls him "sweety" and "honey" and "Bry" (his name is Brian and no one else calls him Bry). I've always felt very uncomfortable with this, as it just feels wrong to me. I feel like pet names like this should only be ok when coming from parents and significant others. It just makes my blood boil everytime she calls him "sweety", etc., because it almost seems flirty. (and whenever people see them out in public together, they're constantly mistaken for a couple...even if I'm there too!). I have many guy friends, and I've never called them "sweety" or anything like that, and it's always obvious that I'm not dating them. I told my boyfriend how uncomfortable it made me feel and he just shrugged it off saying "that's just how she is" so I tried to ignore it as well, in attempt to get to know her better. However, a few weeks ago on Facebook she called him by one of these little pet names and one of my friends stoodup for me saying how inappropriate it is. His friend retaliated, and I ended up getting involved (to stop the drama) and spilled the beans saying that it does make me uncomfortable.

So my boyfriend was upset with me and his friend blocked me on facebook (we weren't friends or anything so it doesn't matter to me) so she apparently wants nothing to do with me. I'm almost wondering if she blocked me so she can continue this behavior without me knowing. And I feel like I'm getting the short end of the stick all because I was honest about this making me uncomfortable.

So I'm putting this question out there: What are your thoughts on this one? Would you be ok with this happening with your significant other?

My friends can't pronounce my name correctly?

My good friends who I've known for four years cannot pronounce my name. I've told them so many times they're saying it wrong but they keep saying it the same way. I don't like my name regardless of the way it's pronounced but it's getting very annoying. Everyone else knows how to say it, it's spelled a little differently and isn't some weird name that's very hard to say, it's quite common, just the spelling is a little different and people who actually aren't dumb know how to REALLY say it. Whenever people hear my friends calling me that weird version of my name, they look at them weird, because everyone else knows it... ironic, right?! I KEEP TELLING THEM AND THEY JUST KEEP PRONOUNCING IT WRONG LIKE IT ISN'T THAT HARD . What should I do!?