Going On A Week Long Vacation Without Our Four Year Old. Will She Be Ok

Do you ever go on vacation without your kids?

I believe you have the right attitude. Everyone in the family should get a short vacation from each other from time to time. If grandparents are retired and can keep them for a long weekend or for a week and both weekends that would be great for their relationships and for you & hubby. During the summer they should stay home one week and go somewhere the next. Let them experience life with others in the family.
Parents who are with their kids day in and day out 365, tend to be overbearing, overprotective and controlling with their kids.
Congradulations on finding the path that helps the whole family happy.Keep up the good parenting!

Is it wrong to go on vacation without my husband?

My mom and step-dad go to Florida once or twice a year. They invite me to go almost every time. I have been once while my husband and I were dating (without him), once when we weren't speaking after an argument, and since we've had a daughter in 2005, we all went along in 2007. My own family (me, dh, dd) never takes our own vacation usually cuz he can't take any time off work since he hadn't found a job he stayed at long enough to earn vacation time. when we went with my mom, she was providing accomadations so he just took the week off unpaid. anyways, now my husband is going through the electrician apprentice program and says that he can't take a vacation because he can't miss school. for 4 years!!! we are invited to join my mom and step-dad on vacation in october. would it be wrong to leave my husband at home to work and go to school while my daughter and i go to Orlando for a week and go to Disney or something? and then again next year or the next, etc.?

Would you go on vacation without your children?

Yes I would. I feel it's very important for my husband and I to spend time together alone. I'm not saying every vacation would be without children, but a couple needs some fun and relaxing time alone.

How long can a cat survive without food and water before dying?

Cats can last a short while without food and can potentially survive for weeks without eating. Water is far more necessary to their health and physical well-being however, and a cat that goes more than a few days without anything to drink might not survive. If you're worried that a cat hasn't been eating or drinking, and it's not showing any signs of being starved or dehydrated, then try offering it a can of tuna water - don't buy the tuna in oil - and see if you can encourage them to drink that way. Not only the water will hydrate them, it'll also contain some much-needed nutrients from the fish. Otherwise, you should take the animal to a vet. The consequences of inadequate food and water can be dire.Why? A cat who hasn't eaten for a while is considered to be starving, and starvation may have a damning physical effect on the cat's entire system. The same is true of dehydration, only the onset of dehydration is much quicker - and far more severe - than that of starvation. Every organ in the feline body relies on water and the nutritional content of food to properly function. Every single one. Starved and dehydrated organs will steal energy and water from the rest of the cat's body, a process that slows as the cat's bloodstream becomes less liquid itself. When feline organs lack sufficient food and fluids to function on the most basic level, they dry up and begin to shut down. Not only could this send the body into shock, it might cause irreversible damage to the cat's organs. If a starving and/or dehydrated cat does not receive swift treatment, it may face permanent health issues - if it survives at all. These are uncomfortable thoughts. They're scary. But it's important to state them as blankly as possible because you never want to take chances with a cat's intake of food and water.

Husband going on week long vacation with female friend?

I am pretty tolerant and have no self-esteem issues.

But this is NOT what husbands do.
Not or a week . not even for a weekend.
Your husband needs to decide if he wants to be married or not.
YOU are supposed to be his bests friend
And if he wants to take a vacation with a female friend, then he needs to take YOU along as his wife .. and the female friend does not see him unless you are also along. And he needs to make sure that the two of you get time without her around too.

Here's what you do.
Make an appointment NOW with a marriage counsellor.
An appointment or the time he is supposed to be of on this vacation.
TELL him you have this appointment, and you will be discussing whether or not to stay in your marriage .. whether or not he is there.
Tell him, also that if he wants any input into the decisions made in this marriage counselors office, that he needs to be there.
Yes, in other words, he chooses to work on his marriage OR he takes this vacation.

Yes, I would make this stand.
Yes, I would break up if he chose a vacation with a friend over his marriage. Wouldn't you? If he goes on this vacation, HIS message to you is very clear. He is no longer your husband and will not put the marriage first.
And this means your marriage is doomed, so why prolong or draw out the agonizing death.

I have, btw, been happily married since 1988. But we both know enough to NOT threaten our marriage ... we work on keeping it safe, close, and nurturing for each other. Wish I could say the same thing about your husband.

Not a single person answering your question .. neither male or female .. thinks this trip is okay.