Good Blogs To Read On Wordpress

Blogger vs wordpress?

hi there, i am new to site making and i want to make a site. i am thinking of making it with blogger or wordpress. what is the difference ? and i dont understand the download with wordpress. what are the limitations ? and is there any limitations with upload and bandwith with either of them ?

Thank You

How do i find a blog on wordpress?

If you mean that you want to read someone's wordpress blog, just type the URL into your browser.

Good blog like on Awkward?

I am a 16 year old girl, looking for a blog/journal type thing that isn't tumblr! Like the one on Awkward(I know it doesn't exist) but i want it to be like where I can read other teens posts and they can read mine. And preferably be iPhone apps! :) Thanks!

How to read other peoples blogs ?

I am a user at WordPress as well and have learned a fair amount about finding other blogs of interest - not just popular ones.

From the WordPress homepage you can use the top right search bar to find other blogs that interest you. The search is not limited to popular or unpopular blogs - it's limited to your search query.

For example, try searching for "writing:"
This will give you a plethora of blog's to choose from - some maybe as new as yours.

You, and bloggers like you, can also increase your popularity by tagging. Add only relative terms - yet popular enough to be fair game on search engines.

Comment FREQUENTLY on &, "liking" their posts. This may give you a dramatic increase in views as well.

My point in this is to convey the fact that many blogs follow these guidelines and grow very quickly. Therefore, fewer "brand-new" blogs may be found.
They're out there though, just look around!

(I personally just picked up blogging mid-way through last year, though I started my blog a long time ago.)

How do I read someone's blog?

Thank you for the A2A.Now I find your question slightly vague so I am interpreting it on my own and you can take it from there! :)If you do not know how to access blogs by various writers and authors, then I would suggest you first create an account on the various blogging sites like Blogger, WordPress, Medium, Pulse etc. Make sure you mark your areas of interest when you create your blog. Now, you will start to get suggestions of the various blogs handles which talk about your ideas and area of interests. You can follow those blogs and enjoy reading them.Now, if you don’t seem to be able to bring yourself to read blogs, then you need to first analyze the kind of blogs that you are reading. Is it because you and the author are not from the same school of thoughts? Is it because your ideas don’t resonate and thus, you lack the understanding of it? Or is it because the topic itself doesn’t interest you? You need to figure out which of the above it is and then work on it.If you seem to be lacking the patience to read blogs then start by reading small texts. Each day set a specific time out to read. Eventually your reading habit will build up momentum and you will be able to read quite a few blogs, articles, stories etc. each day.Hope this helps!Good Luck!