Good Exercises For A 13 Year Old Boy To Lose Weight

How can a 13 year old boy lose weight?

Okay, for a person looking to maintain their weight, they'll be getting in about 1800 calories per day. No more than that.

Now, youre body's automatic response to losing weight is to pack it on more. You have to lose weight in small doses, not more than two pounds a week. there are 3500 calories in a pound, so, if you reduce your diet to 1300 calories per day, youll be losing one pound per week. You should also work on getting in shape, so try to burn another 500 calories per day playing sports or something. This will make you lose two pounds per week.

Stay away from butter, salt and cream cheese. These are all fats, they are more trouble than theyre worth. For breakfast, I only eat a fruit. If you still feel hungry after this, then go with one portion of corn flakes or one piece of toast with jam on it. You should be getting two portions of meat per day, so you dont need ham in the morning. Try bring in your own lunch instead of fatty school lunches. A peanut butter sandwich is probably the way to go, since I heard that coldcuts arent good for you. They caus ecancer or something. Drink water at lunch. Juice is good for the vitamins it gives, but if you have enough fruits, you wont need it. Drop the desert. Have a fruit, like an apple or pear, at lunch too. At supper, eat whatever is served for you, but instead of drinking juice, go with water. Dont have more than one glass of juice per day. Make sure you eat your fruits after supper too. If, at any point, you get hungry, eat an apple, or grapes, or carrots, or celery. Fruits and veggies will help you. I would also recommend taking vitamins, just to make sure youre still healthy.

Remember, not more than two pounds per week. And, at your age, you probly shouldnt lose more than ten pounds.
Good luck! :):)

How can a 13 year old lose weight without exercise?

go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7 p.m.
I know a woman who lost 60 pounds a month on it. She did nothing else!

Good exercises for a 13 year old guy that weighs 233 pounds?

heres a few things (both exercises and nurtition tips) to help u lose weight.

start with the easiest things:

try to reduce the amounts of bad fats ur eating.
while ur still going to eat a burger, skip the mustard/mayo/and secret sauce. a little ketchep or bbq is ok, just not to much.

also, try replacing some foods.
try to satisfy cravings with healthier alternatives. ex: craving chips? eat whole wheat pretzels. craving a posicle? eat frozen grapes
try making little changes into ur diet like this.

also, instead of eating 3 large meal a day, eat about 6 small meals. since it summer its easier to do.

now for exercise suggestions:

i hate running so im' not going to say run 3 hours a day instead try this:

1. focus on certain areas of ur body/ muscle groups each day
monday: abs
tuesday: legs
wednesday: arms

2. always start with cardio before u tone
ex:start off by jump roping, jogging, jumping jacks etc.
then focus on toning up a little bit

do crunches, sit ups, squats, lunges, walking lunges, weight lifting, lay on ur back and pretend to ride a bicycle, stretch, etc.

3. this won't be extreme lose 10 pounds a week, but it'll help turn ur life style around. don't expect to lose 100 pounds in a month. aim for about 10 pounds a month, and keep it up for the rest of the year (at least!!) u don't want to shock ur body by losing too much weight at once, it isn't healthy for kids our age to lose that much weight.

also, look up fitness articles online for teens. it'll give some more suggestion, i'm just saying what first came to my mind.
hope i helped!!

13 year old to lose weight fast?

I'm a 13 year old boy and i am 5'5" and 140. I want to be able to lose up to 25 pounds by may so that i look good for this beach trip that is happening in may. I want every possible method that could help me lose weight fast, like how can i boost up my metabolism. Please answer this if u know someway that i can lose 25 pounds by may. email me if u need more details

What are some fat burning exercises for a 13 year old boy?

Jack has it right, running or other types of 'cardio' are what you'll need to do. Weight loss is simple: you need to burn more calories than you eat each day. So like Jack said, cut out the bad food and things like soda (or at least cut down A LOT) and make sure to do exercise like running / biking / hiking / rollerblading / whatever it is that you find fun.

It sounds like you were thinking weight training exercises were what people might suggest - those are part of fitness for sure, however for someone your age you are better off focusing on just having fun doing an activity like bike riding or something you enjoy. If you like riding you bike, try to ride for an hour, and make sure you're going up hills and actually pedaling hard when safe / possible. When you feel your heart pounding that means you are probably burning calories. If you are doing that and eating less junk food etc. then you WILL loose weight.

Also you wanted web links - i used

on her website (i think you can sign up for a 2 week trial for free, you might need to get help from your mom / dad / whoever) she has a lot of exercises listed that are simple to do and most of them don't require expensive equipment. If that doesn't seem to work try doing a yahoo search for Bodyweight exercise

Here is the Wikipedia page for Bodyweight exercise:

How does a 13 year old boy lose love handles?

I weigh 115 lbs. I am playing football soon and I dont want to lose a lot of weight. But I have love handels and I want to get rid of them and if i lose weight how do i replace that weight with muscle.