Good Fun Things To Talk Text About With A Girl

Funny things to text a girl?

I have been texting and talking to this girl I really like. I want to start a conversation with her through texting but I have run out of ideas. I have said "hey, how was your day?" like 5 times in a row and I need some stuff to talk about. Any ideas? Its too early for me to say she is pretty and stuff, I think that would creep her out. I want something funny to say to her considering I don't know her very well yet.

Texting a girl about normal things?

Of course that's okay! Normal conversation can be just as entertaining as anything else. In fact, I prefer it when people can talk to me like a normal human-being instead of trying to crack jokes or make pick-up lines all of the time.

Starting on the topic of homework can sometimes lead to a dead end. Or at least that's what I've found in my experience. If you can't possibly think of anything else, however, then still go for it because at least it is a form of communication. If you do take this route, try and find a way to change a conversation on homework into something more related to life, interests, or something not related to school.

I hope that helps you out a little. Good luck! :)

If you don't mind, would you answer my question? It got moved down the line so quickly that it didn't get many answers. Thank you, your time means a lot!;...

Things to text a girl you like?

Me and this girl I like always text and when we having nothing else to say we always start saying "soooo" and it gets really old and boring after a while. What are some flirty things I can say that will get her to like me? We always use winky faces and stuff like that but idk what can i say

Flirty things to text a girl?

I always text her saying "hey how was your day?" "What are you up to?" an she just says "hanging out with friends, you?" "Then I say something", then she says "cool." then it ends? Any specific things I should text her about? Were 15.

How to keep a convo going with a girl over text?

I think the best way to keep a girl interested during texting ( not being boring ) is to talk about her . Ask her lots of questions about her , like "how was your day" and things like that . Don't get too personal with the questions though , because questions like "who do you like" just turn girls off . I would know , one guy does that to me all the time ... Oh , and compliment her ! Girls live for compliments , because most of us are naturally insecure about how we look or act . If she cracks a joke , tell her she's funny . If she's upset , comfort her . And if she asks about you , tell her things !! Girls like to know about a guy before they really start to get attached to one . If you still run out of things to say , bring up something recent that happened at school . Girls love to gossip , so when you talk about things like that girls will instantly text back , I guarantee it . Just don't be too gossipy , or else she won't tell you her secrets . Talk about things that most people know about already , and see what her opinion on it is . Finally , if you are 100% out of ideas , then tell her you have to go but you will text or call her later , and brainstorm other things you can say . And don't blow her off when you say that !!! T.E.X.T.H.E.R.L.A.T.E.R.I.F.Y.O.U.S.A.Y....
Good luckk ! :)

Tips for texting girls?

Don't text her all the time. It might annoy her.
Make her laugh and don't be too stuffy.
Act like you've known her for years.
Ask questions, it will help you learn her.
Use correct spelling and grammar. It helps.