Good Workout Routine For A 15 Year Old Male

What is a good at home workout plan for a 15 year old male?

Exercises is great way to get six pack abs. For people who want to get six pack abs in short time, you can try Imodstyle 6 Pack Abs (please search on google) . I was pretty lean before, but after a 24 days of follow that guide I actually have visible definition in my abs and I even have muscle definition on my sidesWhether you are aiming to accomplish your exercise objectives or only wish to appear great in a swimsuit, obtaining a sculpted pair of six-pack abs is a goal shared by many.Obtaining a six-pack demands commitment and hard work, however you do not need to hit the gym seven days per week or become an expert stylist to do so.Rather, a few alterations to your daily diet and lifestyle could be sufficient to generate serious, long-term outcomes.

Good workout for 15 year old girl?

Good to see more teens working out! I take my hat off to you!

I'm 15 as well, though I'm a male, but I can still tell you my own opinion about the thing. I also do excercises at home, rather than the gym... I find it easier and more comfortable at home. :) I use no equipment, only bodyweight excercies.

First of all, AVOID the excercies that make your waist wider, it will make femlaes look HORRIBLE! No kidding.

Second, since you have "no endurance", you should train it up a little. Go every day for a fast walk or even a jog for 30-60 minutes, it should make your heart beat a little bit faster, which is always good.

Third, if you want to "tone" your muscles, you need to get rid of the fat that's covering up the muscles. This can be done through eating healthy (aboid candy and soda (I know, it's hard when your a teenager, I still drink soda all the time LOL! but it will be worth it in the end :))) and by doing cardio excercies (like jogging, though it's not the most effective way, sprinting is the most efficient way, for me atleast).

Fourth, if you are going to use heavy weights and whatnot, have someone to look over you so that you do not injure yourself.

Fifth, have music (Ipod, mp3 or phone, whatever is your taste), it will make the running WAY easier. Just try not to sing along the song your listening, as it will take your breath ;)

Sixth, have determination. You will feel that if you can't do a workout you will think that it will be impossible to do anything, but keep your head up high. Make it happen!

That's it for me! As for the workouts, YouTube has an excellent variety of excercies you can do, just type in the name of the excercies ex. "(Begginner) Excercies for abs", "(begginner) Excercies for back" and such.

Good luck on the road to perfection!

Workout Routine for 15 Year old Male ( Calisthenics)?

I am 15, 140 lbs, 6'0. I think im pretty scrawny. I want to get leaner and toned. I want to know some workout routines for 3 days a week. All of them bodyweight exercises. I also have a pullup bar if that helps. Also, i want to know what kind of meals and food i shoud eat. Thanks

Best Workout for 15 year old male?

You need to put on some muscle, you can do that by doing bodyweight exercises. Start out with the basics, pushups, squats, sit-ups, dips etc. If you have some money to spend you should also buy a pull-up bar. With this i have all i need to work out at home. After that any other equipment is upto you, I have a set of fixed dumbells i use for boxing.

You sound like you're already skinny enough so you dont have to do alot of cardio. Depending on the intensity of your workouts, you can alternate 2 days working out & 1 day cardio twice a week, with 1 day rest. Focus on specific parts per workout to get the most out of your workout, and so you're not overtraining the same muscles over and over. You could work upperbody 1 day, lower body the next, this way you get at least 2 days recovery for each part, which is key in building muscle.

As soon as you've got the basic stuff, you can move onto advanced stuff, Im working on my planche and non-suppported handstand pushups atm.

What's a good workout/diet plan for a 15 year old?

I'm about 5'5" 115 pounds. I want to improve my health, and gain more muscle, without a gym.
What is a good diet, and workout plan for a person in my situation?
Any suggestions would be awesome.

What's a good workout routine for a 15 year old beginner just joining the gym?

The one I still do! Stronglifts 5x5. Google it. It is entirely compound, full range of motion, full body exercises that you do three times a week. You will see results fast if you’re just starting out, but the will get slower as your body gets acclimated to the exercises. Generally this is a great workout till you’re squating one and a half times your body weight, so roughly a year to two years. After that you’ll know your body well enough to find another program that will suit your needs then. Just a few things, you need a power rack to do these exercises. Don’t try them with a smith machine. Also, be consistent. If you make a plan, stick to it. Once you skip one day then it is easier to skip the next, and the next, and so on. Also, if you know you’re not going to be able to make it to the gym, then have it be a scheduled day off. As an example, this weekend is the 4th of July weekend in the USA, and I’ll be going camping. I don’t know if I’ll be back in time Monday to go to the gym, so I have it scheduled that I’m not going. If I make it, awesome, but I doubt it. This plays on the psychology of going to the gym. It is much different to have a scheduled day off than to just not go.Whatever you decide to do, the best advice I can give you is to do one of two things when it comes to working out.Enjoy working out. It sounds like a no brainer right? Learn the difference between pushing yourself and being miserable. I’ve seen many people quit because they over trained and burnt themselves out and made themselves miserable. It should be fun!Second, if it isn’t fun, then keep it short.For me, I love working out before I work out and after, but during I have to talk myself into it mentally. Throwing a couple hundred pounds on your back and squating it then doing deadlifts isn’t the most fun thing to do. But the workouts generally take less than an hour so they’re short and effective.Remember to stretch as well. I practiced and taught yoga for a while so I will do yoga poses to stretch before lifting.One last thing, focus on your diet too. If you don’t eat whole healthy foods then your lifting and body will suffer. I mean I don’t eat meat and I can put a lot of people to shame with lifting. Too much protein is bad for the kidneys! Enough of my rambles, have a fun time and if you have any other questions feel free to ask me!