Graph The Solution To The Following System Of Inequalities

Write a system of inequalities for the following graph. ?

First find the equations for the two lines. I would recommend using slope-intercept (y=mx+b) form for this particular graph:

Remember slope=rise/run



You can now by test a point (0,0) to determine the inequality sign. Since the lines are dotted, you know the signs will be either < or >.

0<3 (since (0,0) lies IN the shaded area, you want the inequality to be true)





Which systems of inequalities is represented by the following graph?

the red one is the graph of -x+2
the blue one is the graph of 2x+1
the yellow region is the intersection
of the region below 2x+1,
that is y < 2x+1
and the region above and including -x+2
that is y ≥ -x+2
so the answer is
y < 2x+1 and y ≥ -x+2


Graphing solutions to the following system of inequalities .?

There is only one solution to the equations which you have given, and that is (0,2).
Thus, to graph it, we will only need to put one dot at (0,2).

I believe you are having trouble with inequalities rather than equations.
If that is the case, you have used a bad example problem, since the two are complete equations rather than inequalities.

Let us look at these instead:
y >= x + 2
y < 5

For such questions, start off by looking at the inequality sign.
If there is a >= sign or <= sign, you will need to draw a solid straight line.
If there is a > sign or < sign, you will need to draw a dotted straight line instead.

To start off, we will look at y >= x + 2
We will need to draw a solid straight line, y = x + 2.
To do so, we can pick two random points on the line, and then draw a line through the two points.
The line you draw will be y = x + 2.
Usually, we will pick the x-intersect and the y-intersect.
On the x-axis, y = 0.
0 = x + 2
x = -2
Thus, (-2,0) is a point on y = x + 2
On the y-axis, x = 0.
y = 0 + 2
y = 2
Thus, (0,2) is a point on y = x + 2
We will draw a line through (-2,0) and (0,2).
That line will be y = x + 2.

Notice that y < 5 has a < sign and not a <= sign.
Thus, you are expected to draw a dotted line.
y = 5 is a horizontal line.
Thus, we will draw a horizontal line at the y-axis when y = 5.

Now, we will need to see which areas satisfy these conditions:
y >= x + 2
y < 5

The areas which satisfy these conditions are above the line y = x + 2 and below the line y = 5.
Shade these areas.
These shaded areas will be your graphed solution.

Which of the following inequalities have the same solutions?

Break |5x - 7| ≤ 8 into two expressions, and we have:

5x - 7 ≤ 8 and 5x - 7 ≥ -8

We can eliminate the first two choices since IV works. Choice III doesn't work since 8 ≤ 5x - 7 and 5x - 7 ≥ -8 is 5x - 7 ≥ 8 and 5x - 7 ≤ -8. Eliminate choice (D). Therefore, the answer is (C).

I hope this helps!

Which graph represents the solution set to the system of inequalities?

the slopes are + and -, therefor only B and D are possible.
but D show both are great or equal
so, answer: B

Which graph represents the solution set to the system of inequalities?


Check (0, 0) for the three lines.

Which graph represents the solution set of the system of inequalities?

The graphs are in comment.The system of equation is:[math]\left\{\begin{array}{l} y < 2x + 2 \\ x + y \geq -3 \end{array}\right.[/math]Hence, the two lines defining the solution set are [math]y = 2x + 2[/math] and [math]y = -x - 3[/math], which are the lines drawn in both A and C.In addition, we are looking for a solution set such as [math]y < 2x + 2[/math], which means the set should be below the increasing line. The only solution remaining is hence C.

How many solution sets do systems of linear inequalities have? Do solutions to systems of linear inequalities need to satisfy both inequalities? In what case might they not?

here is the best website that can answer this MAT 116 Week 7 DQ 1 (Version 2) - Take My Online Math Classand one of the answers is below   There can be three solution sets of linear equalities.  They can have one solution, or they can have no solutions or they can have infinitely many solutions.  System of linear inequalities that have  many or infinite solutions are called ” dependent”. So, the solution to the system of linear inequalities means graphing each individual inequality, and then finding the overlapping regions. Yes, when there  is overlapping, the solution to system of linear inequalities  will satisfy both inequalities. When there is no overlapping in shaded regions, there will be no solution to system of linear inequalities. Comment: Talking of linear inequalities (which are basically extensions of linear equations), one can use them to compare Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature scales, different phone rates, money exchange rates, and to figure out distance & speed.  Do I take the shorter route where I have to go at this speed or the longer router where the speed limit is higher. y < 7, x – y < 9, y > 3 are examples of linear inequalities (and not linear equations).  If there is a symbol < or > or < or > then the expression has to be an inequality.  In case an expression has = sign, then the expression becomes an equation.