Guess My Zodiac Sign

Guess: what is my zodiac sign?


How do I guess his zodiac sign?

Astrologers study astrological birth charts for many, many years, and quite often find that they have developed an instinct for tuning in to a person’s Sun Sign or Rising Sign, or both. In addition, some people seem to be rather psychic and often able to tune in to a person’s sign.But there is no easy way, sure fire way that will work to guess someone’s sign. For one reason, each person is a mixture of their Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Rising Sign, and the signs of the various planets. Some people have a particular sign other than their Sun sign very strong because they have three or more planets in that sign, and so even a longtime astrologer might guess that sign rather than the Sun Sign. The person’s Sun sign may be very close to a planet, so close that the Sun and that planet kind of merge, which will change the way the person’s Sun manifests. (An example: a person born with the Sun in Sagittarius very close to Saturn in Sagittarius may come across as having qualities of both Sagittarius and Capricorn (because of Saturn.)If you learn A LOT about the basic natures of each sign, you may be able to guess right more often than not, but because of some of the reasons listed above, you are not likely to always guess correctly. If you’d like to learn a lot about each sign, I would recommend that you read the classic, Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs. It is the best book on the subject.

Guess my zodiac signs?

For fun, do you think you can guess my zodiac sign? Generally I’m a kind, bubbly person. I try to make other people’s day better. I have a more blunt sense of humor. Im in the middle between extroverted and introverted. I love music. I like being creative but I’m very good at math. I’m too school smart. I try to take care of myself to keep myself sane. I have anxiety issues. I put a lot of pressure on myself as well. As a result, I cry really easily and I can’t really control it. I hate crying in front of other people. When I’m in a bad mood, I’m moody, irritable, and whiney. When I’m in a good mood, I’m very bubbly, funny, and cheery. I’m pretty honest with myself and others. I can easily admit things others would be too insecure to. I don’t like talking bad behind others back but I like hearing gossip. I’m genuinely nice to people. I don’t judge others. I try to keep a healthy mindset. Being happy is my priority right now. So what do you think? Sun? Moon? Rising? Etc?

Try to guess my crush’s zodiac sign?


What does it say about me if I can guess people’s zodiac sign correctly only moments after meeting them?

It says that you are:Good at seeing beneath the surface. Most people show their ascendant sign to the world, not their Sun sign. You are able to see beneath this outer “mask” to see their essence.Have good powers of intuition.Have good grasp of astrology and the astrological archetypes. For instance, water signs will have similar characteristics. You are able to differentiate between those characteristics.Have a focused mind.I admire your ability. Despite all of my years of study and practice of astrology, that is not one of my talents. I can get the essence of a birth chart or transit chart quickly, but not the ascendant sign by appearance.

Are you good at guessing peoples zodiac signs?

Pisces guys - They have those watery eyes, shy, tend to be really nice.
Pisces girls - Shy, they are really nice to everyone.
Aries guys - They are always making faces, and are really funny and entertaining. But can be really shy, most of them are really nice
Aries girls - I don't know a lot but they seem to like spending money, dressing nicely, are nice but can have a biotchy side.

Cutie....- I don't know, I have to see you in like person and I can usually determine that way. But maybe Gemini or Scorpio. lol idk