Guide How To Spot Fake Paintings And Statues In Animal Crossing

Can You Build an Igloo in Animal Crossing?

If You Are Talking About AC (animal crossing) For The GC (game cube), No, You Yourself Cannot Make Your Own Igloo..

These Igloos Are Made Ony By Your Villagers To Play Chance-Of-Luck Games With Them..
Besides, The Igloos Last For Only About A Day..

If You Are Talking About AC:WW (animal crossing wild world) For The Nintendo DS, It Seems To Be Lacking ANY Igloo At All..

What is the superstition about an elephant with a trunk down?

Trunk up = brings wealth.Trunk down = brings babies.It’s a powerful charm against theft if it has tusks - great to place facing the door.To attract wealth - “invite” a raised trunk elephant statue/figure home - clean it, place it in front of a Buddha statue or picture - invite Buddha to bless the elephant - offer Buddha a candle, or incense or flowers - after 24 hours - your elephant is blessed - place in a good position to invite wealth into your home - perhaps facing your front door, no lower than waist level when sitting down or higher than eye level when standing up - every morning after waking up & before leaving the house - rub the elephant’s trunk, make wishes for wealth - when you get a sudden windfall - give the elephant a flower, or some candy (you can remove the candy 24 hours later)A bracelet with elephants on it is good, as is an elephant pendant - to enhance your own gentleness, memory, imperturbability, immutability, stability, groundedness, strength, wisdom, tenacity & diligence - all the virtues an elephant possesses.Let me know how things work out.Good Luck.