Guys Help Me. Will He Come Back

Do you believe if you give guys space they will come back?

Basically we were high school sweethearts dated for 3 years he went to college and a year later i followed there and decided that we were going to see what else was out there and eventually get back togetha...he got a gf and i started seeing otha people but neva got in a relationship with any because he's my heart...we neva stopped talkn or seeing each otha through out this whole time though until recently, i cut things off because i felt that we weren't doing what we set out to do cut things off completely and see if we're meant for each i stopped callin him and we haven't been talkin the first time since we've known each otha...i gave him a call today and it was kind of weird he told me he was at the gas station and maybe call me lata..i felt weird about it but do u think with enough time away from him he'll miss me and come back

My aries guy broke up with me....will he come back?

Yes he will, when Aries falls in love he does not ever forget it. For example, this Aries guy and I met more than 4 years ago and the moment we met we fell in love. I know it sounds cheesy but we really did. There was this instant chemistry and everything felt natural with him. However, I messed things up the same night, did something really really stupid. And I hurt him. And left town for 3 months without saying a goodbye even. And when I came back I tried to patch things up. He was too proud but he still couldn't help not to kiss me. He also told me that he had dreams about me those three months but said it in this really angry voice. I apologized and he was very proud at first but he did forgive me. Then I had to go again. I ran away again. A lot of stuff happened since then and we didn't see each other in over 3 years. About 4 months ago we talked online. He said he remembers everything and that now he's in my town and would like to see me. I said I couldn't because i'm seeing another guy. He asked me if I was happy, attmited that after u left he dated this girl that looked like me but that the feeling was not the same with her. Anyways, what he said was that I was unforgettable and I said he was too. Because he really is :) and I guess I'll see him next week. :) who knows what will happen. And, yes, to answer your question, aries is very romantic and if his feeling for you are genuine he will not forget you and he will be thinking about you! Good luck, hope I helped a bit, know it's hard but hang in there :)

Do guys ever come back to you?

yes they CAN. Me and my bf dated for a year. i broke up with him. He dated someone else for like 7 months but we always stayed friends. When he broke up with her, a couple months later, out of nowhere he messaged me wanting me back. We tried talking again, it was great and all but he was the same liar as alwayss! i got my hopes up and hurt again at the end :/

The moral of the story is that it CAN happen (not always offcourse) but its not worth it. If he screwed you over, then he doesnt deserve you! you shouldnt want to be back with him after all hes done to you. yeah it hurts but you'll get over him one day! You dont want him back in your life so that he can do the same thing to you again. even after some time, he's still going to be the same jerk as in the beginning. Dont waste your time on someone who doesnt deserve your time. Try finding someone new. Get out and experience life. dont ask for the bad things in your past to come back. He's your past for a reason.

Will he come back if I give him space?

Hey there. Something very similar happened with me. I was a mess and I kept trying to contact him. Next thing I know, I’ve been blocked on all social media. I took that step as the final nail in the coffin and decided to move on. I slowly began to accept that the break up isn’t as bad as I made it seem and I actually began to feel pretty okay.A month and 20 missed calls later, I found him standing in my parking waiting to hug me. He admitted to being a jerk and said he missed me. He also apologised for taking the drastic step of blocking me everywhere. He said he really needed space to clear his head out because our fights were stressing him out more than he would have liked.The one month that I was in no contact with him, I introspected a little and tried to find ways to become a better person and a girlfriend. I’m still learning but I do understand one thing now- space is one of the most important things that people need. Give them space and everybody is happy.I’d say just let him be. Have fun with your friends, do something new, write something or just paint. Get your mind off all the pain and revel in the new phase of your life. If he comes back, you can decide what to do. If not, he was never meant to be in your life and you’re still happy.Peace.

Do you think guys who work should come home and help with house work if the wife has no job?

I am a little bias and somewhat masculine so my answer will probably offend a lot of non Asian ladies or possibly even western men.If I was the guy that works full time outside, I would definitely expect the wife to at least cook dinner and have it almost ready by the time I come home. It speeds up the process so we can have dinner earlier instead of having me to cook it when I come back and wait 2–3 hours before we can eat, right? I am extremely hungry after work, so I really want dinner to be ready when I get home. I try not to spend any money on snacks or even lunch since I bring my own lunch and am trying to save money.That’s the bare minimum. She should also be cleaning as well, but I know people are lazy sometimes and that’s fine if she doesn’t and I can clean it on the weekends or something. Of course if she’s sick or like have to babysit a kid, I would be happy to cook even if I am tired from my full-time job. Happy to go grab to go on the way home too. I am pretty reasonable, but the idea is someone should definitely do something. I am happy to cook at home if she works full-time to support me too, while I don’t work.The idea is that the guy should definitely help when the wife can’t do it, such as climbing, changing light bulbs, carrying heavy stuff, etc., but she should definitely have the cleaning and cooking done before the husband comes back (the basics) if she doesn’t have a job. You can definitely have your own time all the way to like 5pm, but you better be cooking around 5pm, since you are going to eat right? It makes no sense for me to cook for you when I work a full hard day when you just stayed home and youtube all day, right?

Why do some guys come back if you rejected them while other guys don't ?

i have rejected guys. they never come back and even if i try to talk to them, they don't while there is this one guy who i have rejected and ended it with lots of times always comes back or lets me come back. i don't get it ? is it because he's a bad guy. other guys just don't try ever again but others do. why ?

Do guys come crawling back after they dump a girl?

Not all guys no.

For most guys, once they make that decision to split, that's it. SOMETIMES a guy may find something he thinks is "better" and they have a case of, "the grass is greener on the other side" and in that case if they find out the girl isn't what they thought, or that relationship fails, they will run right back to the ex and claim they've "made a mistake." You need to see right through this BS though.

A guy who truly loves you, will KNOW your worth from day one and will never leave you for something better. A guy that leaves a girl for someone else is NOT truly happy and is NOT truly satisfied in the relationship. His desire to leave is justified if he's not happy. A guy who then runs back to the ex is full of crap and is running back out of comfort and familiarity. Not necessarily because he's discovered his "new found undying love" for her. He'll get back with her, and in due time the reasons he wasn't happy the first time around will re-surface and he'll start looking for something else again.

And why would a girl take a guy back that left her? He's essentially telling her, "You're not my first choice. But if all else fails, you're my fall back girl and I'll come back if nothing else works." What kind of girl would fall for that? The desperate, and insecure kind.

If your ex told you he's happier single, then believe him. Don't just sit around hoping he'll come back in a months time. He flat out told you he was not happy in a relationship with you, so why would you take him back and put him back in the situation to be unhappy again?!