Had My Period . Lasted 2 Days Then Started Again Today Whats This

My period stopped for a day then started again?

mine always does it , its fine xx

Why did my period start December 1st-5th and started again today? Is this weird and uncommon for a 21 year old?

If you started your period on the 1st December and then started your period again today, the 29th December, then congratulations, you have a 28 day cycle which is the most common and normal cycle.Your cycle length is counted from the first day of a period to the first day of the next period. Most women have a cycle of somewhere between 21 to 35 days, and all of these are entirely normal.

I had my period and then a week later I started bleeding again? Can I be pregnant?

Bleeding after a week is not a sign of pregnancy. Pregnancy depends on ovulation and Ovulation happens about two weeks (14 days) before the next expected menstruation period & not after the last period.For example- if your average menstrual cycle is 30 days, you will ovulate around day 16. hence it is rare possibility to get fertilization within 7 days of last period.Bleeding a week later might have because of another reason. This is usually one of a sign of menopause. But, hormonal changes are the main cause behind it. Besides this, physical exertion, excess travelling, exercise and some medicines also may affect your mensuration.Hence, Don’t worry! and wait for the next cycle. If its repeat again, talk to your doctor. See How women cycle’s work?

Had my period for four days and a week later I started again why?

It's important to be sure you're not pregnant or a victim of a sexually transmitted infection, but absent such a cause the most likely reason for "unscheduled bleeding" (yep, that's what we call it) is not ovulating during that cycle. Missing an ovulation is quite common, especially during the teen years, and can result in a relatively normal period, a late period, a missed period, or atypical bleeding such as yours. Worst case scenario is usually a period that starts and won't stop, resulting in excessive blood (and iron) loss and potentially serious anemia.Normal menstrual bleeding is triggered by a drop in progesterone a couple weeks after ovulation, as the ovarian remnant of the egg's release (known as the corpus luteum— "yellow body," due to its appearance) shuts down. In the event of pregnancy, the embryo begins making progesterone, preventing menstruation. Prior to ovulation (so for roughly two weeks after a period) estrogen causes growth of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus); after ovulation more progesterone changes the endometrium in preparation for possible pregnancy. Without ovulation, the endometrium may not behave as expected when your next period is due.If pregnancy or infection isn't a possibility, and you're otherwise healthy (and relatively young), you can wait for your next period to see if things are back on track. If irregular bleeding becomes a recurrent problem, see a healthcare provider, both to be sure everything's OK and to learn about ways to regulate you period.

Why does my period stop for one day and start again the day right after?

Sorry for the advanced. :P
I know your period stops for like an hour, and comes back again sometimes. But I am not sure if its normal when it stops for a full day and comes back again....
Okay so my period started on the 24th this month, and the bleeding kept going until the 27th. So yesterday I thought my period ended because I got this light brown discharge stuff. It was sticky and kind of stretchy. And not red at all. So I thought that was the end of my period. But anyways, today I didnt wear a pad, and when I went to the bathroom I saw that I bleeded a big looked like my period was starting up again. But Later today I got some dark red sticky mucus like discharge. I'm really confused because I have never experienced bleeding for 3 days, light brown discharge the next day and bleeding again.. Has this ever happened to anyone or anything similar?

By the way, if this helps I am only 14. And last month i got my period on the 21st - 24th.

My period started then stopped hours later?

I don't think that you should worry,even if you have the best history of regular periods you can still have a little glitch,sometimes stress can effect your period.
DON'T WORRY,just keep an eye on the situation to see if this becomes a regular thing.
You will probably start to bleed again within the next couple of days,I honestly don't think that you should worry.
This happens to lots of women.

Why does my period stop for one day and start again the day right after?

A2AFlow of period blood isn't like a faucet which is opened and one is done. The amount of flow varies with days.It is pretty common for the flow to stop around day 3 to resume again a day later. It's perfectly normal.There are multiple reasons stipulated to attribute to this. One theory is the shape and position of uterus, the other is to do with progesterone levels, even other is that blood and uterine lining gets collected in a way that it blocks the flow so the uterine contraction which push the flow out aren't successful or uterine contraction stop for a day because the flow is stuck etc. You can decide which one works for you. But there is nothing abnormal or worrying about it.Refer: Does your period start, stop and then start again? - Nicole JardimHope this helps!

I started bleeding again after 4-5 days of my period. Does anyone know why?

See your gynecologist.

My period is now on its 8th day, starting last Tuesday with spotting for 3 days, and then became heavy. Should I worry?

Menses*The symptoms cited----an offshoot of irregular menses, hormonal imbalance and constipation.  Menses*Ever individual possesses 4 excretory channels, feces, urine, lungs & skin. But a female possesses 5th channel, namely, MENSES. Every young girl/spinster/woman must know the significance of Menses cycles, regularity of maintenance with the aid of acupressure techniques & to maintain ‘the best of woman’s health’ for life. The success depends up on the extent of compliance of all stipulated instructions.  Menses*------- is nothing but the God's Special gift given to the female. It is one of the routes of excretion of toxins, pus cells, dead cells running to millions produced during Catabolism [part of metabolism on daily basis], bad blood, bacteria, viruses, hormonal discharges, etc.  So long as a female passes through regular menses right from puberty to menopause, she will be well balanced, pretty with natural and healthy glow/GLAMOUR, good moods of love and affection, excellent immunity/disease resistance power, excellent growth in height up to 21st birthday, etc.  Irregular periods/heavy periods may be an offshoot of hormonal imbalance, psychological disturbances, indiscriminate consumption of birth control pills, steroids for other causes like allergy, thyroid problems, asthma/bronchitis, etc.  By and large, the menses cycle ranges from 3 weeks to 5 weeks as and when it is regular. In certain ladies, it is not regular. It can be regulated just in 5 days.  [a]. Ur [Menses related gonads]-remote control-Acupressure points are located in Ur wrists and ankles on both sides to be activated for regulating Ur menses cycle.  Remote control Acupressure points given by the God. For Treatment, hard-pressure is to be applied on & around these points with Ur thumb and middle finger. Thumb on acu point & middle finger on other side of wrist, so that pressure is applied from both sides to gain optimum pressure.  To activate Ur gonads—point no. 11 [prostate gland], No.12 [Penis], 13 [vagina], No.13 [Testes & Ovaries] No.14 [uterus]. All these points are located in both wrists and ankles.  Palms/Soles:  Palms/soles: after onset of menopause, one can feel young and fine by acupressure techniques. To feel ever green, charming & dynamic, press in the middle of your right elbow & wrist for 2 minutes daily [on the inner side of radio-ulnar bone]. Coitus within wedlock is a MUST.

I was on my period last week and it only lasted 2 days. Last Monday I was on my period again and it lasted about 2 days again. Now it's Friday and I'm bleeding again. How is this possible?

If like in many your usual periods last longer than those two days, you didn't have a period, but blood loss outside your menstrual period.Could you be pregnant?Anyway, having abnormal blood loss in general that should be interpreted that your doc should exclude that something is wrong with you, so you really do need to see your doc.  In the meantime you could do a DIY pregnancy test by yourself see When to Take Pregnancy Tests - WebMD: Home Tests, False Negatives, and False Positives