Have People Always Known About The Existance Of Air

Why do bullies exist? Why am I always bulled?

The fact that you're not willing to change would normally be a good sign, as it shows you're comfortable being the person you are -- but then you had to go and follow it you know you won't be able to change.

Life is change. You have to allow room in your life for growth. But that's beside the point.

The only sure-fire way to stop a bully is to stand up to him. This could be anything from telling them flat out you don't appreciate the way they're treating you and that you want them to stop, to hauling off and jacking the a**hole's jaw. Bullies only pick on people they can dominate. If you prove to them that you are indomitable, they will leave you alone.

I was bullied in highschool, from 7th to 10th grade. Captain of the football team. Mouthful of braces, tight curly hair. He was a demon with a steel grin to me. Finally, one day in gym class, we were playing softball. I was on third base. The bully was the catcher. The batter hit; I ran toward home plate. The infielder threw the ball to the bully. He swung to tag me out. In my mind, I saw it as him once again taking a swing at me. I ducked and slugged him in the face. Mind you I, too, was a bit of a nerd, so I didn't "punch" him so much as catch the side of his face with my wrist. BUT -- he never messed with me again. In fact, he never said another word to me. In hindsight I wish I'd stood up to him verbally first, because the character that would have built would have been more respectable. Hey, here's a guy who'll tell you to your face, don't mess with me because I won't have it. Instead, I got a week of detention for striking another student.

But the point is, it worked. I stood up to him. Showed him I would not idley stand there and allow myself to be pushed around. So he never bothered again.

Did Ancient Greek people know the existence of India and China?

Yes. Soon after the Roman conquest of Egypt in 30 BCE, regular communications and trade between China, Southeast Asia, India, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe blossomed on an unprecedented scale. The eastern trade routes from the earlier Hellenistic (Greek) powers and the Arabs that were part of the Silk Road were inherited by the Roman Empire. With control of these trade routes, citizens of the Roman Empire would receive new luxuries and greater prosperity for the Empire as a whole.

Why do people question the existence or non-existence of god? What would it imply after the answer has been achieved?

Because God Exist but it is Invisible. Any thing Invisible always create curiosity and a quest whether it exists or not. So the all confusions.There are many things which exist or existed but get visible later on as Thomas Edison when invented Bulb (light) only then people come to know the existence of some negative and positive energy of the universe and about end product of the negative-positive -a light.But light was existing in the universe since million years. Similarly God is Existing but in a invisible manner. may be some super energy which is existing in the universe bu still invisible and will be explored and get visible once something will be invented to visualize the invisible of the nature.So till the day of the invention of ‘something’ which could ‘establish’ the ‘invisible’ ‘super energy’ one has to keep patience and assume that there is something which can not be denied as this invisible super energy has been felt by the many spiritualists through their experiences.There are many a things which we could not seen with our naked eyes but still be believe on it. So what’s the harm to believe this invisible super energy called GOD or LORD in all the different religion around the world. it’s better to believe as one try to experience it and during the process of experiencing it one get spiritually advanced and self confident to the highest level.It is called enlightenment of the mind or the morning of the mental darkness.Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology by adityaastroworld

Has existence always existed?

I think that on some level it has always existed. To me existence has more to do with the way we are choosing to view reality than it has to do with any so-called objective standard of existence.

This is more easily understandable if one considers the actual structure of an atom and the scale and placement of its components. If one takes into account the fact that the neutrons and protons form a dense cluster at the center of the atom and that the electrons orbit in such a way that huge spaces exist between them and the nucleus it becomes clear that the atoms that make up seemingly solid objects are made up of 99+ percent empty space at any given moment.

This alone does not seem too important until you add the idea that the atoms that make up many seemingly solid objects are more of a loose conglomeration that share a similar attraction but never really touch each other.

At first glance this does not really seem relevant, but closer analysis reveals that this adds a tremendous amount of empty space to solid objects that are already made up of atoms that could be thought of as 99 percent space. When so-called solid objects are seen in this light it becomes apparent that may not be the seemingly solid objects they appear to us to be.

We ourselves are not exceptions to this phenomenon.

These seemingly solid objects are more like ghostly images that we interpret as solid objects based on our perceptual conclusions.

From this one could conclude that Perception is some sort of a trick that helps us to take these ghostly images and turns them into a world we can associate and interact with. This clever device seems to be a creation of our intellect that enables us to interact with each other in what appears to be a three dimensional reality.

I want to add that this is based on my own personal way of looking at the situation and was never intended to be a physics lesson.

Love and blessings Don

Why does the phrase "practice makes perfect" exist if people also say that nobody is perfect?

This is a problem that people have been struggling with since the Ancient Greeks, and it led them to stating a difference between “being” and “becoming”. A thing that is in a state of being is capable of perfection. “Being” means that it exists, unchanging because it does not need to and that equals perfection. A thing in a state of becoming is unable to be perfect because any change implies a lack and something that was once imperfect will forever be imperfect.In the phrase “practice makes perfect” the term “perfect” refers to completing a skill with technical perfection, completing it exactly as it should be done, whether it is a piano sonata, a punt in football, or painting a landscape. In each of these cases they can be done with technical perfection. The sonata can be played exactly as written and with emotion. The punt can be done in such a way that the punter’s body moves exactly as it should, and the painting can be done so that it is the ultimate embodiment of the view and a technically perfect example of that style of painting. In each case “perfect” describes an instance of an action that stands as an unchanging whole, the act is in a state of being.In the case of “nobody is perfect”, there are two ways to interpret the word “perfect”: morally, or in terms of how often they achieve technical perfection in what they do. In the first case everyone makes decisions of at least questionable morality. In this way no one is perfect. In the second case, the first few times someone does an act they are guaranteed that they will not achieve technical perfection at leas a few times. In this way they must change their technique over time to achieve acts of technical perfection. In this way humans will always be in a state of becoming.And so, an act can be perfect and a human can never be perfect. Both statements are simultaneously true because they refer to different types of things: one of which can be perfect, the other cannot.

How Did Hell Come into Existence?

The problem with the word hell has its roots in your question - history. In the KJV Bible the word is usually translated from Sheol (Heb.) and Hades. (Gk.)

So many religions and philosophies have defined it. Anyone familiar with today's TV programs of Zena and Hercules have made most of us a little familiar with Hades!

Here is a quote from Wikipedia regarding Hades, " Further information: Hades The Greek underworld is a general term used to describe the various realms of Greek mythology which were believed to lie beneath the earth or beyond the horizon.

These include: 1. The great pit of Tartarus, which was originally the exclusive prison of the old Titan gods, but which later came to mean the dungeon home of the damned souls ; 2. The land of the dead ruled by the god Hades . . . " End of quote!

Unfortunately, Greek philosophy has influenced how most Christians view Hell. The Bible itself teaches only that death is a sleep like state for all, wicked, righteous, etc. It does hold out the hope of the resurrection for some but not until the second coming of Christ. see box below.

(AB) Job 14:12, 12And man that has lain down in death shall certainly not rise again till the heaven be dissolved, and they shall not awake from their sleep.

For more detailed information, see HP

Direct link, condition of the dead [ one -

Why does air exist?

The Classical Elements typically refer to the concepts in ancient Greece of: Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Aether, which attempt to explain the Nature and Complexity of all Matter in terms of Simpler Substances.However, when considering the question of why does Air exist, we are asking a very fundamental question about existence itself which the Early Civilizations contended with and came up with the Four and then Five Elements: Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Aether --as being the Basis of all Matter and Life.Air is essential for the existence of Sentient Matter as man’s search for another planet on which to establish a Human Colony the essential life sustaining requirements are the existence of Air and Water basically. Air is the transmission medium for our Acoustic System upon which Sound depends. Air is also responsible for the transmission of heat and in the maintenance of an ecological balance including the changing of Seasons and Climate.Air is as essential to Life as is Water and therefore when we ask the question as to why Air exists, we might as well ask the question why does Water exist or any of the other Elements as such and finally culminating in the ultimate question, “Why does Man or Life exist”? Furthermore, If you consider that this latter question is for some reason superfluous, then one can proceed further by then stating that, “As Man or Life came into existence, so did all the other things that existed naturally before, contemporaneously with or after Man or Life”.

What proof is there for the existance of jesus?

first off if you are looking for someone to match the biblical account of a man who was the son of God who was cruxcified and came back from the dead.... You will find no evidence. That person never existed. Jesus was a prophet . We know his name in hebrew was Yah`shua bin yusef. His name in Arabic was Issa. He had a brother named James. These and few other facts we know. But saddly historically not much was written about the poor folk of Yisra'el.

How did matter come into existence?

Where does matter come from?Many believe in the existence of matter. The physical sciences have been created in an effort to explain it. Technology resulting from these sciences has dramatically improved our material well being and lined our coffers with wealth. However, the fact remains that these physical sciences, specifically physics, can't tell us where matter came from. Thus, the doctrine of matter remains a powerful belief system, supported, many say, by the elaborate scaffolding of physics. Lot's of luck with that.The belief in matter appears to have begun with the first pre-socratics and the Milesian school of philosophy, who basically declared one element or another, i.e., fire, water, air, earth, etc., as the basis of all things. But it wasn't until the Atomist school of philosophy in the 5th century bce that the first explicitly materialistic system was formed by Leucippus (5th century BC) and his pupil Democritus of Abdera (460-370 BC) from Thrace. This was the doctrine of atoms - small primary bodies infinite in number, indivisible and imperishable, qualitatively similar, but distinguished by their shapes. Moving eternally through the infinite void, they collide and unite, thus generating objects which differ in accordance with the varieties, in number, size, shape, and arrangement, of the atoms which compose them.[8]. Their conception of atoms is remarkable similar to what scientific materialists believe today.Although physics has evolved far beyond the simplistic conceptions of Leucippus and Democritus, their conception of matter essentially remains as the conception of most materialists today. Recent advances of relativity and quantum theory have not yet replaced the old patterns of thinking because the illusion of solidity our senses give us still dominates our thinking. Our belief in matter is basically a mental construct:Roy Smith's answer to Is matter just a mental construct?When we hear theories of how the universe began with a sudden explosion of something from nothing and complex discussions of baryons, bosons, photons, protons, quarks and so forth, we must remind ourselves that these are purely mental abstractions of processes we do not yet fully understand. What we have with physics is an as yet incomplete understanding of processes that we call nature, and the distinct possibility that it may never give us a complete understanding of these processes.

Why should I not believe in God's existence?

You can believe in God no one has any right to object to your belief so long as it is not directly impinging on the rights of others.You have equal right to disbelieve God with impunity; you cannot also compel others to believe without questioning of what you say. Atheists are also brainy people like the others ; they must have come to the conclusions seeking for evidence in the way they thought fit. Majority of them feel that god, if present , is in the in the heart of their fellow humans , not in temples , churches and mosques. How nearer to Truth they are than stupid theists!It's more problematic with people who mortgaged their thinking power to an idealogy or belief system purely based on a worthless parchment written by some imbecile and indulge in brainwashing the rest, denying their inalienable rights of free thinking and expression— a god given faculty so much they believe in , by their own God. What a pity! I have no objection if you clearly feel the same about some of the Indian Scriptures too— you have a right to do so. Mere belief or disbelief by itself does no harm to any one other than the believer or the disbeliever , if there is any. This's also the reason why Mao the Chinese leader , after observing the people's behaviour declared that religion is an opium for the innocent— it is our duty to prevent it from turning into farnck poison. !That's the reason why the ancient philosophers of Greece, India and China laid so much stress on feeling god in one’s ownself than mere blindly believing. Buddha the Great , a very reliable historical person emphasised from day one after his enlightenment that no one should believe blindly even the Truth is enumerated by anyone, however mighty he may be and Buddha spent all his life in preparing his diciples to feel the Truth by themselves.Truth , Love and Existence the three facets of ONE are felt , not seen by eyes nor demonstrable by objective methods.