Help Finding The Value Of X

Fractions help- finding value of x?

to make the fraction indeterminate, it has to be divided by zero. The value above does not matter.

Therefore, 2x = 0, x = 0

Finding the value of x in a circle. HELP!!!!?

formula of circumference:
C = 2pi*r

Given: C =75.36, r = x+9, pi=3.14

substitute the given values then solve for x . . . .

C = 2pi*r
75.36 = 2*(3.14)*(x + 9)
75.36 = 6.28(x+9)
x+9 = 12
x = 12-9
x =3

X=2-√3, find the value of X^2-1/X^2?

Hope solution will be help u .

Can anybody helps me how to find the value of x without using calculator :0.5=10^x?

I think you use logarithms

log .5 = log 10^x
log .5 = x log 10 (log 10 = 1, so)
x = log( .5)

since you can't use a calculator, this is the correct form to give the exact value ^^

Help. find all values of x in the interval 0degrees

let us differentiate the function

f(x) = 3 x + 2 cos 3x

f'(x) = 3 - 6 sin 3x =3 (1-2sin 3x)

1- 2 sin 3x is positive if 1 > 2sin 3x

x< 180 degrees or 3x < 540 degrees

sin 3x < 1/2 when 3x < 30 degrees or 3x > 150 degrees and
< 390 degrees or > 510 degrees

or x < 10 degrees or 50 < x < 130 or x . 170

so f(x) increase from 0 to pi/18 and from 5pi/18 to 13pi/18

or > 17pi and decreases in from pi/18 to 5pi/18 and 13pi/18
to 17pi/18

f(0) = 2
so no sultion < pi/18 as upto pi/18 it increases

f(pi/18) = 3pi/18 + 2 cos pi/6 = positive
f(5pi/18) = 15pi/18 + 2 cos 15pi/18 = 15pi/18 - 2sqrt(3)/2 positive

so no slution in pi/18 to 5pi/18

now f(13pi/18) = 39pi/18 + 2 cos 39pi/18 = positve
f(17pi/18) = 51pi/18 + 2 cos 51pi/18


so there is no solution as all the minima points are positive

Can you help me walk through the steps to find the values for a and h if y = a x SQRT(x-h), with points on the curve being (1,2) and (10,4)?

I would start by making the substitutions for the given points. That gives me these two equations to solve simultaneously :We see that we can eliminate a by dividing one equation by the other. That givesNow we get rid of the square root by squaring each side :This is an easy equation to solve by cross-multiplying. The solution is h = -2.Putting that back into either of our original equations quickly gives us

How do I find the range of values of x for (x^2+3x+1) /(x-2) when x is a real number?

The word “range” has a special meaning in maths.It means “the possible y values”.The “possible x values” is called the DOMAIN.So to be quite sure, I will find both.Firstly, because we have (x – 2) in the denominator, x cannot be 2 because the y value would be infinite. The graph has a vertical asymptote x = 2If that is all you wanted, I have finished!However if I do a long division I find that:This means that if x is large then y ≈ x + 5 and this is called an oblique asymptote.The graph is like this…The max/min points are not simple numbers. To find them would involve differentiating and finding where the gradient is zero.The max point is at x=–1.317, y=0.3668The min point is at x=5.317, y=13.63This means there are no y values between y = 0.3668 and y = 13.63This is where we would say the RANGE is y ≤ 0.3668 and y ≥ 13.63The DOMAIN is all x values except x = 2 which we could write as:– ∞ < x < 2 and 2 < x <∞This graph does not even cross the x axis at any nice places.It crosses at x=-2.618 and x=-0.382

Help me find the value of x in triangleABC IF m

Angle sum of a triangle is 180°
ie A + B + C = 180
Thus 94 + 47 + x = 180
Whence x = 39

Find the value of X. GEOMETRY HELP? Please?

1) the vertical "=" means parallel. this is just a ratio of the big triangle and the small triangle. so:

3/6=8/(6+x) then solve.

2)10/5=14/x, solve.

3)use pathagorean theorem where a=12, b=18, c=6+x then solve by plugging in a^2 +b^2=c^2 and solve for x.