Help Food Poisoning

Mild food-poisoning help?

are you sure it is food poisoning, because it could be a stomach bug. that would spread around easily, except for some reason i seem to be immune to them, oh well. if you and your family all ate one food that could have given you food poisoning, then it could be that. only time will cure it. try to remember the foods that you all ate. the day before you got this. sushi, fish, meat, those are all things that might have given you food poisoning. if you all ate a food like pizza, i dont think it is food poisoning, unless you consumed raw eggs, or moldy cheese, but pizza and like things, french fries, stuff like that, probably just the bug.

hope you guys feel better. and theres probably no need to go to the doctor, unless the diarrhea is so severe that your family is dehydrated.

but if your gonna get food poisoning, i dont really think it comes mild, my guess is a stomach bug. you can take pepto bismol for your stomach or chew tums, but some people have problems with tums, like myself.

sorry for such a long answer :)

Help i think i might have food poisoning?

Okay so I made a tagalettel (sp?) at like 3PM today (its now 22:25) and when i ate it most were warm but as i finishing eating some were like icy mushy?(from frozen) So for like 2 hours now i've had stomach ache and it just won't go away. I've tried taking something that gets rid of them like an hour ago but that didn't help. And I have college tomorrow and need to be there but i'm scared that it'll fully kick off and get even worse or am I in the clear? Thanks

Will weed help if i have food poisoning or a flu?

how would weed help? you should to visit the ER and ask your stomach to be pumped out.

Can You Take Tums When You Have Food Poisoning?

If it's really food poisoning, there's not much you can do besides ride it out. Even if you could keep them down, Tums won't help one bit, other than maybe temporarily get the sour acid taste out of your mouth from the vomiting. If it's a garden variety bout of food poisoning, e.g. salmonella, or campylobacter, it'll mean several days of sheer misery, followed by a slow, roughly week-long period where you'll feel like you've been through the wringer. All that diarrhea and vomiting will dehydrate you, so as soon as you can keep anything down, drink lots of water, and maybe Gatorade to restore your state of hydration. If you start running a major fever, then it's time to see a doc.

Is it true that ginger ale helps when you have food poisoning, and if not what will?

Ginger itself will settle upset stomachs, but might not help with something as serious as food poisoning. But, most ginger ales don't have real ginger in them. They're just sugary crap. You can make ginger tea by pouring boiling water over about a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger. Steep it for 5 minutes, then strain and drink.