Help Me Solve This Math Question Easy 10 Pts

~MATH QUESTION~ 10 PTS!! READ!!! EASY!! 10 pts?

x² + 4x + 1 = 0
x² + 2x = - 1 + 2²
x² + 2x = - 1 + 4
(x - 2)² = 3
x - 2 = ± √3

Answer: x = 2 + √3, x = 2 - √3
x² - 6x = 5
x² - 3x = 5 + (- 3)²
x² - 3x = 5 + 9
(x - 3)² = 14
x - 3 = ± √14

Answer: x = 3 + √14, x = 3 - √14
x² + 8x = 7
x² + 4x = 7 + 4²
x² + 4x = 7 + 16
(x + 4)² = 23
x + 4 = ± √23

Answer: x = (√23) - 4, x = - ([√23] + 4)
2x² + 3x - 4 = 0
x² + 3/4x = 2 + (3/4)²
x² + 3/4x = 32/16 + 9/16
(x + 3/4)² = 41/16
x + 3/4 = ± (√41)/4

Answer: x = ([√41] - 3)/4, x = - ([√41] + 3)/4

Math Question..Help Please!!10 pts!!?

1) By Looking at Two Linear Equations, How Can You Tell That the Corresponding Lines are Parallel?? Give Examples??

2) How Do You Interpret the Solution of a System of Equations by the Corresponding Graph? Give Examples??

1 math question EASY 10 POINts.?1?

no clue

Please help me a really hard math question 10 pts?

sin^2(x)cos^2(x) = 1/8 (1-cos(4x))

Apply the double angle formula:
sin^2(x)cos^2(x) = 1/8 (1-(1 - 2sin^2(2x)))
sin^2(x)cos^2(x) = 1/8 (1- 1 + 2sin^2(2x)))
sin^2(x)cos^2(x) = 1/8 (2*sin^2(2x))
sin^2(x)cos^2(x) = 1/8 (2*sin(2x)*sin(2x))

Apply the double angle formula for sin():
sin^2(x)cos^2(x) = 1/8 (2*2sin(x)cos(x)*2*sin(x)cos(x))
sin^2(x)cos^2(x) = 1/8 (8sin(x)cos(x)*sin(x)cos(x))
sin^2(x)cos^2(x) = sin(x)cos(x)*sin(x)cos(x)

Multiply the sin and cos terms on the right:
sin^2(x)cos^2(x) = sin^2(x)cos^2(x)


8th grade math help? Best answer gets 10 pts. :D?

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Easy math questions. Help? Best answer 10 points!?
1. Solve the conjunction and describe the solution set.

–5 ≤ 3m + 1 < 4

A: m ≥ –2 and m < 1
B: m ≤ –2 or m > 1
C: m ≥ -4/3 and m < 5/3
D: m ≥ -4/3 or m < 5/3

2. Select the inequality that models the problem. The length of a rectangle is twice its width. If the area of the rectangle is less than 50 square meters, what is the greatest width of the rectangle?

A: 4w + 2w < 50
B. 2 + 2w < 50
C. 2w • w < 50
D. 2w < 50

3. Translate the sentence.

“An unknown number x is no more than –3 but greater than –11.”

A. –11 < x < –3

B. –11 ≤ x < –3

C. –11 ≤ x ≤ –3

D. –11 < x ≤ –3

4. Solve the inequality.
3 – 2a > 7

A. a < –2

B. a < 2

C. a > –2

D. a > 2

5. Solve the inequality.
3m ≤ 9

A. m ≥ 6

B. m ≥ 3

C. m ≤ –6

D. m ≤ 3

6. Which conjunction or disjunction is equivalent to the solution set?
|x – 9| < 11

A. x – 9 > 11 and x + 9 < –11

B. x – 9 < 11 and x – 9 > –11

C. x – 9 < 11 or x – 9 < –11

D. x – 9 < 11 or x – 9 > –11

7. Solve the inequality.

|t + 4| > 10

A. –6 < t < 6

B. –14 < t < 6

C. t < –14 or t > 6

D. t > –14 or t < 6

8. Which mathematical statement corresponds to the given statement?

“An unknown number x is less than 3 but greater than –1.”

A. –1 < x < 3

B. –1 ≤ x < 3

C. –1 ≤ x ≤ 3

D. –1 < x ≤ 3

That's all! I'll pick best answer after I submit these so thank you! (If you are wondering, these are for a practice sheet I was given)

Bases math question - 10 pts for complete solution?

Quoting from the following website

A perfect square can be 0,1,4, or 9 modulo 16 (verify!), which means that it can be 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 17, 20, 25, 32, 33, 36, 41, 48, 49, 52, 57 modulo 64. (There are actually less than this, but I didn't want to check 64 numbers ) This gives us the last two digits base 8. Of these, the only one with an "eights" digit of 3 is 25, which converts to . The answer is 1.

25. If the base 8 representation of a perfect square is ab3c, where a is not 0, then c is:

A) 0
B) 1
C) 3
D) 4
E) Not uniquely determined

Why rephrase it when brilliant minds before have already done so?

Help with Summer Math , Easy algebra (grade school) 10 Pts?

"8.5% of ..." means "8.5/100 * ..." as "%" just means "as a proportion out of a hundred" so here

8.5% of 10 = (8.5/100) * 10 = 85/100 = 0.85

8 1/3 of a number we don't know is 15, so to get the original number just divide by the amount we have. First write the fraction as a proper fraction 8 1/3 is (8*3+1)/3 = 25/3

15 / (25/3) = 15 * 3/25 because dividing by a fraction is same as multiplying by it turned upside down
= 45/25 because multiplying a number by a fractions you just multiply the top numbers
= 9/5 by simplifying
= 1.8 as a decimal

(how much we've got) / (what its a percent of) * 100% = (the percentage we've got)

So here we've got 49 as a percent of 7:
( 49 / 7 )* 100% = 700%

assuming no other nuts

12 1/2% is pecans, ie 12.5% of 28oz is pecans, so 100% (total) is 28oz, so 100% -12.5%= 87.5% is walnuts

Rearrange above rule: (how much we've got) = (the percentage we've got) * (what its a percent of) / 100%

here: amount of walnuts = 87.5 * 28 / 100% = 24.5 oz

$20 as a percent of $180

20/180 * 100% = 1/9 * 100 % = 11.1111.....% = 11 1/9%

20 as a percent of 36

20/36 * 100% = 5/9 * 100% = 55.5555.....% = 55 5/9%

8% of 54 = (8/100) * 54 = 4.32 so total bill is 4.32+54 = $58.32

72 mph means 72 miles in 1 hour=60mins

so in 45mins we've gone 3/4 = 45/60 as far

45/60 * 72 = 3/4 * 72 = 54 miles

10 POINTS!! **MATH** READ//SIMPLE//EASY...10 pts...?

First substitute the second equation into the first equation:

5X + 3(3/5x + 8/5) = 2
5X + 9/5X + 24/5 = 2
6.8X = -2.8
X = .41

Y = (3/5)(.41) + 8/5
Y = 1.352

The second equation can already be graphed in your calculator because it is in y = form, just solve for y in the first equation:

3y = 2 - 5x
y = 2/3 - 5/3x

When you graph both of them, the point they intersect will correspond with the values found for x and y.

In a test there are 80 questions. A candidate gets 1 mark for each correct answer, and a minus of .5 for each wrong answer. If the candidate scores 54.5 marks, how many correct answers did he have?

Getting one question wrong effectively costs the candidate 1.5 marks (the 1 mark he failed to earn and also the -.5 he earned for the wrong answer).54.5 marks out of 80 means that he failed to earn 25.5 marks. 25.5 / 1.5 gives the number of wrong answers.25.5/1.5 = 17→ 17 incorrect answers out of 80 questions means 63 were correct. ← answer