Help Me With Algebra Homework

Algebra Homework HELP!!?

Order of operations state multiplication and division come before addition and subtraction. For either - read left to right.
1. First simplify 30 * -2 and 12 / 2
gives you: -60 + 6 - 5
read left to right: -54 - 5 which is the same as: -54 + -5
which = -59

2. You need to get the x alone on one side, so move everything else over to the other side.
first add 7 to both sides
gives you: -x/5 = -3
next, get rid of the 5 by multiplying both sides by 5
gives you: -x = -15
finally, get rid of the negatives by multiplying both sides by -1
gives you: x = 15

3.$x for one month, $x for second month, and $x for third month = 3 times $x (since $x is the same amount for each month). Add 40 to that: 3x + 40 and he has enough for the shoes (which are $115).
Final answer: 3x + 40 = 115 or c

Algebra homework help?

wow this is hard.
what you need to do is set up an 2 equations
12g+0.8s=100 <-the toatal price of the alloy $5 per gram or $100 for all
g+s=20 <- you need to have a total of 20 grams
g=gold s=silver
then you have to find numbers that replace the variables but make both equation true.
srry i dont know the final answer but that's one way to do it

btw i think the final answer may be about 6 1/2 gold and 13 1/2 silver

Help with this algebra homework?

So -14x+6y=4 just simplify to -8x+3y=2
Now go to the other problem and do this 6x-10=8
So 6x=18 hence x=3

Just plug the 3 back in and then you have your awnser.

y=7.666 repeated.

Help on Algebra Homework?

your x*2 = x^2 (^=Shift +6 on the keyboard)

2x+30+x*2 + 2x + 10 + 8x -- 10 + x*2 + 10 = 360
12x + 2x*2 + 40 = 360 (Correct so far)

6x + x*2 = 160
(you subtracted 40 on both sides and then divided by 2, but there's an faster, easier/less complicated way to do this)

6x + x*2 -- 160 = 0
I see.... so let's rearrange this a bit
x^2 + 6x - 160 , find factors of -160 that will equal to 6
in this case it's -10 and 16.
so (x-10)(x+16) or (x+16)(x-10) will work either way since result is the same when you FOIL it

I need help with my algebra homework...?

When multiplying fractions, it's always...
top x top
bottom x bottom

so, -6 x 3 = -18
7 x 8 = 56

which is 18/56, or 9/28 :)

Help on pre algebra homework?

im doing the real number system:list all that apply...

1) -15
2) square root of 30
3) 6
4) -13
5) 10/11
6) -13
7) square root of 80/2
8) 6/7
9) - square root of 196
10) -16/-2
11) 11
12) 17/3
13) 0
14) 3
15) 14
16) 3.14
17) square root of 77
18) square root of 0
19) -1
20) 135/-3

Algebra homework, please help?

A man sold x similar books for $132 altogether. If he had sold (x - 1) books but charges $1 more for each book, he would have received the same amount of money. Find the value of x.

Please show your working and please give a reason for each step, if possible.

Please help me with algebra homework?

Set up an algebraic equation and solve the problem.

The ratio of male students to female students at a certain university is 4 to 7. If there is a total of 14,850 students, find the number of male students and the number of female students.
male students_______
female students ______

Help me, please! Algebra homework.?

1st one:
5/2y +3 = 4/y -3
(5+6y)/2y = (4-3y)/y (find common denominator)
y(5+6y) = 2y(4-3Y) (cross-multiply)
5y+6y^2 = 8y - 6y^2 (simplyfy)...
12y^2-3y = 0
y (12y-3) = 0 (factor out y)
either y = 0 or 12y-3 = 0
y1=0; 12y=3
y1=0; y2= 3/12
y1=0; y2= 1/4