Help My Dog Looks Like She Is Really Sick And Im Trying To Decide If I Should Take Her To The Er

Sick puppy help real help please?

ok I will start off with first don't tell me i should not have bred my dogs .We have a waiting list we screen our parents we have a contract I do all i need to do for my babies
next dont tell me to goto a vet we have been to the vet 3 times in 2 days just went today at 8 am
now to my question 4 week old puppies have giardia my vet said it may be from another animal dropping in my yard we have them on the meds to kill the worms meds for poop and now meds for puking one of the puppies is just not doing well the others came around right away after the first time on meds this puppy sick I called my vet again they are closed untill monday now
I am trying to do power aid every 2 hours and puppy formula it just pukes it up anyone know anything else i can try?
I am thinking about doing an injection under the skin with saline
has anyone done this ? I did tube feedher she just tossed it back up I need to get some fluids in her or she is going to die please anyone that can help

Why is my dog breathing fast? He also looks depressed.?

Sounds like he is in a lot of pain. Dogs pant when they are in pain. He could be really sick. Please take him to the vet. Please call the er vet. He may have eaten something you don't know about and is making him sick and hurt. His eyes look like that because he is asking you to help him. He cant say it with words so he says it with his eyes. I know you'll do the right thing. Good luck and please, call the er vet now.

My dog is extremely weak and he can't hold himself up. I think it's a stroke or seizure. What to do?

I'm sorry for both you and your old dog. It sounds like a stroke. Seizures don't last long, and don't usually have lasting effects. Your old boy, if he has stroked, will probably have permanent effects from the stroke.

So you are at the point where you have to ask yourself the hard question. What is your dog's quality of life going to be from here on out? Your vet can help you look at what lies ahead, when the vet has a better feeling for what is going on.

My 12 year old Akita had a stroke before Christmas day some years ago. She couldn't stand on her own long enough to even pee or poo. It wasn't fair to make her endure that, or to have to crawl to get around. It was so sad, but we realized it was our responsibility to lessen her suffering.

We decided to have her put down, (euthanized) but we asked the vet to give her a sedative first that would actually make her go to sleep- for real, I mean, normal sleep. Like an anaesthetic. When she was snoring deeply and totally out of it, my vet gave her the shot that ended her life. We even did this in the car, because I didn't want my wonderful dog's last moments to be in the vet's office. My vet was so cool, she really loved my dog too. So my dog left this earth in my arms, in the car (a place my dog loved to be!) and then I took her home to bury her.

Try not to be super sad in front of your dog. They live to make you happy, and if you are crying or depressed, he might think he is the reason, or that he is doing something wrong.

Now I'll tell you something I learned from a wise old man. It sounds really strange, but I think it's important too. If you realize that your dog's time has run out, and that it's your responsibility to let him go painlessly, then the night before, hold him and tell him his life story. How you found him, the things you love about him. No, of course he isn't going to understand all the words, but this wise old guy told me, and I believe it's true, that dogs can tune in to the spirit of your words.

I wish for you the courage to help your dog, whether it's with rehab, or with the end of his life. Be there for him, either way. He deserves your love right through to the very end, and it's obvious you love him. My prayers are with you and your family and your dog.

I can only keep down 7-up or ginger ale??

Is it really unhealthy for my baby? I am 8 weeks pregnant. I have terrible mroning sickness. I can't keep water down. I have been to the e.r. I have medicine that they gave me to help the anti-nausea but it seems the only liquod I can keep down is 7-up or ginger ale. Anyone else experience this?? I know I need lots of water but no matter what I cannot keep it down. thanks for the comments!

Can dogs sense the death of their owners?

Well it depends on what you mean when you say “sense”.Dogs have incredible noses and can do incredible things with them. An assistance dog can be trained to smell chemical changes that indicate a blood glucose level change, or changes in cortisol levels in people with adrenal problems. They can find restrooms by scenting out chlorinated water (this is actually how we train a dog to find a restroom, where there is chlorinated water there is a restroom) and obviously they can scent out drugs, money and even contraband fruits and veggies crossing country boarders.A dog would absolutely be able to recognize the death of a person at home. As the body begins to shut down your biochemistry will change and your core body temperature will lower. You will smell different. This can distress a dog and they can become even more distressed when the owner doesn’t acknowledge their requests for response.That’s why sometimes dogs set to eating a dead owner in just a few hours. They can still have kibble in their bowl but instead choose to ingest their owners. Your death distresses the dog so greatly that he will literally stress eat you.I actually just recently watched a youtube video by my favorite mortician on the topic of postmortem consumption of owners by pets: WOULD YOUR CAT OR DOG EAT YOUR CORPSE?For this very reason I have it legally written that I want my dogs to be brought to my corpse before I am cremated. I want to make it clear to them that I am dead and I did not choose to leave or abandon them. It breaks my heart to think of walking out one day and just not coming back to them. Dogs definitely understand death and can distinguish between a living person or a dead person (Case in point: search and rescue dogs vs. cadaver dogs. A dog can be trained to hunt for live people in a mass of dead ones such as was required on 9/11 at ground zero) and I want to give them some kind of closure. I know it is a bit of anthropomorphism to expect them to glean closure from said interaction but at least they will understand that I am no longer like I was before.