Help Severe Chest Pain

What can I do to ease chest pain?

RECOGNITION-Persistent central chest pain - often described as a heavy pressure crushing like pain.The pain often spreads (radiates) to the jaw, neck and down one or both arms.Breathlessness.Discomfort high in the abdomen similar to indigestion.There could be collapse without warning.Ashen skin and blueness at the lips.Rapid, weak pulse which may be irregular.Profuse sweating, skin cold to the touch.Gasping for air (air hunger).Nausea and/or vomiting. WHAT TO DO–1. Sit the casualty down in the "w" position: Semi-recumbent (sitting up at about 75º to the ground) with knees bent.2. Book the ambulance through EMcare App or call the helpline.3. If the casualty is fully conscious: Give him or her a 300mg aspirin tablet to chew slowly provided there are no reasons not to give the aspirin and provided the patient is not under 16 years of age.4. If the casualty has any medication for angina, such as tablet or spray, then assist them to take it. (Remember not to give Nitrates if consumption of Viagra in last 48 hours)5. Constantly monitor and record the vital signs, breathing and pulse rate etc. until help arrives.6. If the casualty becomes unconscious: you need to open the airway and check breathing and be prepared to start CPR if necessary, please refer to the tips on CPR for adults.For more such answers - Download EMcare App -EMcare - Apps on Google PlayFollow Us On -Facebook - EMcare HealthservicesInstagram - EMcare (@emcarehealth) • Instagram photos and videos

How to cure chest pain?

For the past 3 months I’ve been experiencing severe chest which feels like a squeezing feeling obviously I don’t know what it is But I had several heart test stress test ekgs etc also had a endoscopy and ultrasound on chest and abodomen i also don’t do any drugs am not overweight and do not have high Bp I know I probably won’t find a cause but is there any medicines or type excersise I can do to stop frequent chest pains.

Severe chest pain with left arm numbness...?

Dont listen to anyone on here. You need to be checked out by a licensed medical physician. Chest pain, ordinarily with people your age, under 35 years of age, is not considered a heart attack. However, coupled with the fact that you suffered shortness of breath and left arm numbness, is in fact a medical condition that needs to be evaluated. Heart attacks are rare in people your age.. but do occur. Given the fact that you are healthy, dont smoke and young are all in your favor, however genetically there's other things that could factor in. The longer you wait, the more damage that could be occurring. For the one that said chest pain does not bring "pain", are you a doctor? Never EVER listen to anyone who tells you that "pain" is nothing other than an anxiety attack, maybe even a stroke, or just nothing to worry about. You should be checked out and as soon as possible. Think of it this way, if you ARE having a heart attack, and your heart can be suffering a series of "events", the longer you wait, the more you lessen any chances of stopping and/or reversing damage. And no, I am not a licensed physician, but a medically trained 911 dispatcher who helps save people like you from yourselves and from untrained opinions that could hinder your future health. And believe me, the combination of pain and shortness is not a good thing.

Go get checked out, why take a chance? Good luck.

Severe chest pain after eating and drinking. HELP?

Wendy you absolutely need to go see a Doctor. There must be a free clinic or hospital somewhere.

Whatever is happening to you it sounds like you have a problem with your oesophagus or stomach and both can be potentially life threatening.

You may have a stricture, an oesophael varices, an ulcer and oesophagtis (inflammation of the food tube) Potential problems with these include oesophageal bleeding and rupture which are both immediately life threatening. You may also be having some oesophageal spasms which are extremely painful and are associated with pain in the sternum, throat, jaw, neck and cheeks.

You cannot sustain what you are currently doing as it may be making it much worse. Also you are putting your body under severe pressure with poor nutrition and pain.

It may possible be cardiac pain but sounds unlikely as it is only associated with food. The treatment for those mentioned above are often conservative and do not require surgery. They simply require medication and some hospitalisation.


Severe chest pain after getting blood drawn.....someone helpp?


so i went in today for a study, and the lady drew blood from my left arm, after a a while blood stoped coming out, so she drew blood my my right arm. This was about 12 hours ago, and still now i have pain in my chest on the right side. I can feel it when im still, breathing, talking, moving. when i press on it with my hands it hurts really bad. what can this be? did she do something wrong? did she hit a muscle? im 21 a female, dont smoke or drink and is not sexually active yet.

please help me i am really worried.

Additional Details
i am a female btw

Chest Pain Need Help Quickly!!!!?

I hate to tell you this but the only thing that will help is letting it heal on its own. Rest and not doing anything to reaggrevate it is really your only options.

Severe Breathing problem and Chest Pain

When I check up on chest pain I see a list of causes in this book including...
angina, anxiety, aortic aneurysm (dissecting), asthma, bronchitis, cholecystitis, interstitial lung disease, lung abcess, lung cancer, mitral valve prolapse, myocardial infarction, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, pericardidis, pleurisy, pneumonia, pneumothorax, pulmonary embolism, sickle cell crisis, thoracic outlet syndrome, and tuberculosis.

Then it has "other causes" which are...
Chinese restaurant syndrome, and drugs.

I would personally take a guess and say it could be related to a tension problem in the thorasic muscles that are accessories to breathing, and also the potential that you may have broken a rib in the past and or somehow ribs are too close to the lungs to fully allow for expansion. dont wear tight restrictive clothing. Since it is a spot, have you gone diving recently? the bends? is it possible you have been exposed to temperatures in extreme? possible blood clot from strenous work? that right side of your back just has your kidney, and then you also have the liver and gall bladder in the front. The small intestine wraps around there, it's possible you may have a telescoped intestine or block of some sort, be sure your stools have not been too mushy or black dark stools.

(added from another answer from me/mine) Coughing can cause the small grape clusters of alveoli in our lungs to stretch, too much and they pop. Nothing needs to puncture us from outside the lung, this happens and it can be a small spot or large spot, rapid or slow to progress. Some people would call it a tension pneumothroax, go and ask about it, describe the feeling, take the x-rays, and see what the doctor calls it. The air goes into the space around the lung and builds up. eventually causes lots of pain, can expand that lung over across your mid line and into your mediasteinum, pushing on your heart until it's so squished it will stop beating. If it is air in there you should have it checked. it's pretty simple to fix I suppose.

You really need to talk to a doctor about it, but do your homework, find out as much as you possibly can find out so that you can discuss your care with your doctor and receive the best care. You are responsible to seek your care with a health professional about this. Take care, and good luck with the doctor.

Why is my weird chest pain relieved when I eat?

I don’t know what you have. You need to see a doctor to know for sure. I urge you to see one, mainly for the peace of mind a diagnosis can give you.Now, if I had to make use of adductive reasoning to derive a possibility for your pain it would go as follows:The chest pain you are experiencing goes away with the intake of food. It makes me think it has to do more with your stomach than your organs in your chest. Heartburn can take different shape and form and can resemble a pain that originates in the chest but, however, it originates in your stomach (or lower esophagus).Something is wrong with your stomach. The acids in your stomach are attacking the inner lining of your lower esophagus which gives you pain. Now, why are the acids in your esophagus in the first place?You are lying down or otherwise in a position not erect. The lack of food in your stomach increases its acidity,2 things happens when you eat. 1) You are in an erect position. 2) You are intaking solids 3) you are drinking ( yes I know I said 2 things and mentioned 3: sue me). All of these things help bringing the acids back intoyour stomach. The pain is gone. Until your stomach is empty again and you are probably lying down.You, sir, may have a hiatal hernia. Depending on your age and history this would be a sound differential diagnosis. However, there is no way of knowing and it wouldn’t be my first guess if you are, let’s say, 12 years old.See a doctor.Ps. I forgot to tell you what an hiatal hernia is. Basically, the top part of your stomach protrudes through your diaphragm and into the chest cavity. The diaphragm is a sheet like muscle that divides chest from abdominal cavity. Depending on how big of an herniation there is the symptoms may worsen with increased pressure in the abdominal cavity caused by either defecation or cough or any strenuous activity.

What are reasons of chest pain?

Cramp of the chest muscles. Buy Moov spray or Volini or apply Tiger balm when will happen, it will go away faster. Try to lift weight during pain, you’ll feel more pain.Pain is where the slips of Pectoralis or Pectoralis minor joined the sternum.Average duration of pain is max 20 minutes. Pain increases in deep breath. You can control the respiration to adjust. You can point the affected muscle, if you press with finger, it will be painful.If you take painkiller with muscle relaxant in such extreme pain, within 20 minutes it will go away. You can also try ice or heat. Ice can work for some, heat can work for some.Happens more among the elderly peoples, overweight, athletes, young adults, infants have more such odd condition.Lack of stretching before exercise, no exercise for long time and then sudden exercise, exercise in the heat, muscle fatigue, vitamin mineral deficiencies, mental stress etc create such.Take iron, folic acid, vitamin B complex to ensure no deficiency.Excluded —Tietze syndrome is a rare disease. There will be pathological changes on histology. There are subtypes of Tietze syndrome. Usually patients have some disease of the arthritis group including the sero negatives.Pain of pleural origin will have other kind of history. Patients will become sicker without treatment, pain will continue.Angina is rare in this age group. Pain of angina has characteristic description & history. Pain is far higher.Another group presents the pain described as “ Broken heart ”. That happens after death or separation from kith-n-kin. It is stabbing deep pain for a while.There is no reason to visit a doctor or get scared, yet you may -Visit an experienced General Physician when no emotional stress is present to get rid of fearVisiting a compassionate Psychiatrist is suggested in presence of emotional stressIf other sickness develops or pain becomes permanent or not controlled with simple sprayNormal human to animal has a sense of severity. When such happens, you can understand that you will not die. You wait when it will go away.

What does severe chest pain imply if not a heart attack?

DH often has severe chest pain;  we've stopped taking him into ER for it, although I still do take a BP and watch his resps.See, the last time we took him in, as a 51 year old, first we sat in the ER waiting room because they "forgot" about him;  after an hour, I went up and reminded them they had a middle-aged, male veteran with severe chest pain sitting there-  did they maybe want to get him on a monitor?  And they did-  oops, so very sorry.But he hadn't turned blue or started gasping or passed out or anything, so I wasn't worried about imminent death, but I was sick and tired of him having chest pains out of the blue.  So, we ended up spending the night in the ER-  comfy!  with him being monitored and then in the morning an angiogram was done to be sure it matched the labs.Nothing.  The cardiologist said he wished his own arteries were so clean.  Nope-  heart's good, see you later.  Well, DH had been trapped between two track vehicles once while out in the field;  broke his collarbone, cracked a few ribs, bruised him up pretty good, but being an ate-up, gung-ho, drive-on soldier, he didn't even allow the medics to tape his ribs.  I've never indicated DH was a really smart guy about his health, have I?  Good-  cause if I had, I'd've been lying.What seems to be happening is, when DH gets a cold with cough or pulls a muscle in his thoracic area, or is just under a lot of physical stress, the little muscles-  the intercostals- between his ribs, which are mostly cartilage which doesn't heal well, cramp up, they sieze up, and so his chest really flippin' hurts.It isn't his heart, and there's nothing to be done about it, and DH just has to learn how to relax his body.  Which comes under the heading "Yeah, right".  Of course, if he doesn't, I threaten him with the ER again....