Help Understanding Graphing And What I Have So Far

TI-83 pong programming help?

Er... well I can't really understand your code (with all the underscores and Gotos and whatnot). Perhaps you should disclose the full source of what you have so far.

But are you trying to make this one-player or two-player Pong? The code for moving the ball would have to run independently from the getKey key press. getKey is not a "blocking" call, rather, it simply takes the current key press value (and stores it into the variable G in your program).

The getKey operations should only affect moving the paddle, and the ball should move whenever getKey = 0. Take a look here:
The link features a sideways Pong game (kind of Breakout), but you could simply rotate the position values.

The problem with Pong in TI-Basic is probably slowness. The above program in the link features a fast ball, but the paddle is too slow to move because you must press a button multiple times successively in order to move it across the screen. You cannot hold down a button to get it to move (not with assembly).

I'd suggest you examine the source code of various other TI-Basic Pong programs to get an understanding of what the developers did when they created the program:

What are the basics to graphing a parabola?

You need to get the function into a useful form, from which you can easily extract the vertex.

This method is called completing the square:
x² - 2x + 2
(x - 1)² + 1

The vertex of a(x + b)² + c is at (-b, c) and is a maximum if a is negative and a minimum if a is positive.

We find the vertex of this function to be (1, 1) and it is a minimum because a is positive.

We can see immediatly there are no x-intercepts, because the least a square can be is zero and then adding on one means the least the function can be is one.

Now we find the y-intercept of the function by setting x equal to zero:
(x - 1)² + 1
(0 - 1)² + 1
1 + 1
The y-intercept is (0, 2).

Essentially you now have all you need to be able to sketch the graph.

Do graphing calculators really make a difference in Algebra classes?

It's not really required until Algebra II, especially at the higher honors levels. You'll learn shortcuts that save SO much time in solving problems, plus it'll draw graphs for you :)

My Algebra II teacher taught me tricks on the calculator that I've used throughout all of the math classes I've taken. It's definitely a great investment, and you can even download games on them when you get bored in class :) lol..

If you can, wait until prices drop. Around the time school starts in August/September, sales start. Just research the best calculator for the best price from the best store to get the best deal.

Good luck in the class and Merry Christmas! :)

Why is the domain of a function so hard for undergraduate students to understand?

[I have been teaching College Algebra and Precalculus for about a decade now.]I am afraid Alon and Shai, and several commenters on their posts, are really missing the point. Yes, formally, the domain of a function is the set of its first coördinates, where I consider a function to be a particular set of ordered pairs. But this is an advanced concept in the foundations of pure mathematics. It is not at all helpful to those first becoming familiar with the very important concept of function; these will be mostly using it in applications.In College Algebra and Precalculus courses, we say that unless specifically noted otherwise, the domain of its function is its natural domain. Formally, we define the latter as the maximal (in terms of set inclusion) set of real numbers which the expression defining the function maps to real numbers. Thus, when we say [math]f(x)=1/x[/math] without further comment, the assumed domain is [math]\mathbf{R} \backslash \{0\}[/math]. When we say [math]g(x)=\sqrt{x}[/math], the assumed domain is [math][0,\infty )[/math]. However, we do make the point that when our function is a model of a real (i.e., physical, economic, etc.) phenomenon, the domain only includes the values that make sense in the model. (For example, a price, production level or height may not be negative.) These conventions are generally followed in subsequent classes (e.g., Calculus).Of course, were we to speak to the audience to these classes of the “maximal set of real numbers in terms of inclusion…,” they would be completely befuddled. Such a perspective is way outside of this audience’s realm of discourse. I generally say, “The domain is the set of x’s where the function makes sense,” and proceed to present and get them to work on many, many examples.Now, to address the original question, viz., why do students have so much trouble with this concept, I think a big part of the problem is that students at this level have difficulty with thinking of answers to math problems being anything other than a number. Even though we may review interval notation and give many, many examples, they seem unable to deal with the concept of sets such as these. I try to address this in class. Alas, my ultimate evaluation is that most of the students who are forced to take this class have no initiative to expand their concept of mathematics. That is, they don’t want to change their view of mathematics, so they don’t.

Quadratic equation I need to graph... Please help!?

I am hoping someone can help me!

This is the quadratic equation that I have to graph. (Out of 16 problems for some reason this one I could not do.)
This is what I have so far:

y= x2 + 2 (original problem)

a=1 b=0 c=2

a=1 > 0 parabola opens upwards


y=0^2 + 2

y-intercept is (0,2)

y=0 0=x^2 +2

x= -0±√(0^2-4(1)(2)

x= 0±√(0-8)

X=0 and this is where I am stuck at.
Sorry Yahoo does not allow for me to use the normal quadratic formula setup. Thank you so much for your help!

What's the difference between "thus far" and "so far"?

No difference in meaning. But "thus" is a bit more formal word, and should be used when the over-all written material is formal in nature; a work of scholarship, for example. "Several studies have been conducted to analyze the impact of ingrown toenail and music appreciation. Thus far, none are conclusive."But "so far" will work in less formal material, such as a quick reply to an email. "Thanks for asking me if I plan to be there. So far, looks like no problem but I let you know if a conflict comes up."Hope that helps.

How should I make a graph of y=|2sinx|+1 for 0°<=x <=360°?

First plot graph of [math]y=[/math][math]sinx[/math]Then plot graph of [math]y=2sinx[/math] which will just be the same as [math]y=sinx[/math] but just that the maximum value will be 2 and minimum will be -2.This is how it should look like so far.Now to plot [math]y=2|sinx|[/math] you will need to reflect the negative portion of the graph across the x-axis. This is because [math]y=2|sinx|[/math] can never give a negative value.Now to plot [math]y=2|sinx|+1[/math] you just have move the graph you have so far up by 1 unit.This is the required graph.Hope this helps…

My IQ is over 130. What sort of career would take advantage of this?

I did psychometric testing for 20 years and here’s my take on assuring personal development.In the 60s when I was in grad school, the clinical definition of intelligence was “the ability to discern similarities and differences” which cannot be accurately determined by a generalized numerical value such as IQ. Those tests are just not comprehensive enough to be of much value except perhaps to provide bragging rights for the class wise-ass.If you really want to know what your intellectual values are, spend a day and a half and pay $600 to take the comprehensive tests offered by the Johnson O’Connor Foundation which puts a numerical value on 19 aptitudes (inborn talents) which together compose “intelligence” - along with lifetime institutional support. I have no connection to this foundation but I find their testing sooooo much better than the usual short and incomprehensive tests I was forced to administer by colleges and commercial personnel departments in the past.(Aptitude Testing and Research since 1922)The result is a comparative graphing of your talents that you can use for the rest of your life to guide you toward occupational and social successes leading to genuine feelings of accomplishment. It’s actually one of the most life-enriching things I, and the rest of my family, have ever discovered.Btw, I get no benefit whether you do this or not - except for a good feeling if you let me know you took the tests. Best of luck.

Systems of three equations? Help needed!?

you can use elimination and substitution or you can use matrices. Personally, I would go with the former. This is how to do it:

( x+ y+ z= 55 )-12 Multiply the first equation by -12 so that you will have -12x
+ 12x+16y+20z=6(144)

-12x -12y-12z=-660 By "adding" the 1st and 2nd equations you are eliminating the variable x
0x + 4y+8z=204
now, use this 2 variable equation to solve for the next variable, y
"add" the new equation to the 3rd equation (the one you have not yet used)

(165x+185y+195z=9965)4 multiply the top equation by 4 and the bottom equation by -185 to find
+ ( 4y +8z =204)-184 a common denominator between the y-coefficients, which is 740

+ -740y-1480z=-37536

now, you can use your two 2 variable equations to find what your variables equal
660x-700z=2324 now, you need to solve for y
4y+ 8z =204

4y= -8z+204
y= -2z+51

and use the equation you found for y and substitute it into any other equation

its time to use the second 2 variable equation you found earlier, with the new 2 variable equation we just found.

(165x-165z=530)660 108900x-108900z=349800
+(660x-700z=2324)-165 -108900x+115500z=-383460
6600z = -33660
z = 5.1
That is the first variable! now its easy going from here. take any 2 variable equation you have found that has a z in it, and plug in your variable!

now, pick literally any equation (chose the most simple one!) and plug both variables in


so, x=4.1 y=40.8 z=5.1

this would be the answer with the equations you made!

How would I find slope intercept?

Slope intercept is written in the form y=mx+b. Let's break this down. m=the slope of the equation. x just stays and is just the x-value. b=the y-intercept. Now what does this all mean. If you've seen a graph with a line, you can find the function that makes that line. In order to find the slope (m) you want to do rise over run. This mean if you have to points say (1,1) and (2,2) you can find the slope. So basically in order to find the slope you NEED at least two points or you can't find the slope.Now this is what you do, you subtract the y values which are 2 and 1 which gives you 1, and then the x values, also 2 and 1, which gives you 1. You divide the y-value difference by the x- value difference and you get the slope to be 1. Another example would be the points (1,2) and (3,5). The slope would be 3/2.
The y-intercept just tells you where to start on a graph. It's when the x value is 0 and y is some number. So it's some point on the y-axis. If you want to find it then you got to use point-intercept form which you probably haven't learned yet. Anyways if you have a y intercept of 2 and a slope of 2 then you equation would be y=2x+2. Hope this helps.