Help With Editing The Yaml File To Include Static Files On Google App Engine

If possible, how can I host a completely static AngularJS SPA (routing included) from a Google Cloud Bucket?

Here is the detailed procedure on how to do: Hosting a Static Website | Cloud Storage Documentation | Google Cloud Platform . However, this method does not handle HTTPS if you use a custom domain, so this might not be the way you want to go if you transfer sensitive data.Michael Safyan’s answer proposes to use Google App Engine which is a good way of doing so and is the most flexible, but you have more configurations to do like spinning up a machine. Another simpler way could be to use Firebase Hosting | Firebase, which is based on Google Cloud and belongs to Google. That way, the underlying architecure is handled for you, configurations for security also. You only have to code your app and run ‘firebase deploy’!In terms of cost, the cheapest solution is only using Cloud Buckets as you only pay for the Egress bandwidth (0.12$/GB) your static files consume when downloaded. (You also pay for the stored files, but at 0.026$/GB, you won’t even notice as your AngularJS app is most probably not 1GB).With GAE, you would pay for the running instance* (wrong, see edit) and the same Egress pricing used as the buckets, so it will cost a little bit more to much much more depending on the instance you decide to use.Firebase’s Egress costs 0.15$ per GB which is a little bit more than Google Cloud Bucket.Good luck and happy coding! :-)EDITMichael’s comment made me realise I was wrong about the cost of the instance, no instances are created when deploying his app.yaml to your project. Here is a screenshot from the deployed project:As you can see, no instance, but my static file index.html is available at my app ID’s URL: for pointing this out, I learned something new today :-)

How can I reload my changes on Spring Boot without having to restart my server?

With Spring Boot 1.3.0, you can include the module Spring Boot DevTools for the developer friendly options like Auto Restart of the server:


This module provide variety of options like Auto Restart of the server, Live Reload, etc. that are useful for the faster development. I am hoping that there will be lot of exciting things will be added in this module in future, let's look at the details of this module.This module uses the classpath checking only for the current project libraries, this makes spring boot to restart the application much faster. I have used this module while working in Eclipse, it is awesome feature.The auto restart of server inside eclipse is not supported before the spring boot 1.3.0 version.

What are the most common ways to translate a site to different languages?

There are tools out there where you can simply upload your resource files or hook up with their API to get your site translated easily. For example, you may check out my company OneSky at Our platform simplifies the workflow of website translation: Support the direct uploading & downloading of resource files - simply upload your resource files (e.g. .po, .yaml) & our system can automatically extract the text needed to be translated to our online editing tool. Download completed translation in ready-to-use resource file format. API available to automate file transferTranslation memory for easy updates - upload your files again & we can auto-detect what has changed --> never translate the same thing twice Placeholder validation - ensure translation contains no missing placeholders (e.g. tags)  Screenshot function - attach screenshots to provide more contextual info Web-based translation tool - translate online using our web-based editorAfter setting up your project, there are 2 ways you can translate your site Order professional translation service from us - we've native professional translators for 50+ languages. Use your own translators (e.g. invite bilingual staff / users to help) - Our platform is FREE to use for public projects (unlimited seats) or private projects with a small team. After setting up your projects, simply share the link to our translation platform and your translators can collaborate easily using our online translation tool. Leading sites and apps who have used OneSky include Airbnb, Scribd,, LINE, Tango, etc. Disclaimer: I'm an employee of OneSky

What does the Java version of a Spring Boot POM file do?

All Spring Boot projects typically use spring-boot-starter-parent as the parent in pom.xml.

spring-boot-starter-paren allows us to manage the following things for multiple child projects and modules:Configuration - Java Version and Other PropertiesDependency Management - Version of dependenciesDefault Plugin ConfigurationWe should need to specify only the Spring Boot version number on this dependency. If you import additional starters, you can safely omit the version number.Parent Project FeaturesMaven users can inherit from the spring-boot-starter-parent project to obtain sensible defaults. The parent project provides the following features:Java 1.8 as the default compiler level.UTF-8 source encoding.A Dependency Management section inherited from the spring-boot-dependencies pom, that manages the versions of common dependencies. This dependency management lets you omit tags for those dependencies when used in your own pom.An execution of the repackage goal with a repackage execution id.Sensible resource filtering.Sensible plugin configuration (exec plugin, Git commit ID, and shade).Sensible resource filtering for and application.yml including profile-specific files (for example, and application-dev.yml) Note that, since the and application.yml files accept Spring style placeholders (${…}), the Maven filtering is changed to use @..@ placeholders. (You can override that by setting a Maven property called resource.delimiter.)Read more on Spring Boot Tutorial

How does one access Django template variables in JavaScript?

If you put your Javascript in a separate file then you need to render the data that it is going to work with into the web-page before you read in the script. If you don’t there is, as you rightly point out, no way for the Javascript to access the data.I would suggest that you dump the data you need as JSON into a