Help Writing An Essay On Marriage Equality

What does "marriage equality is, to my mind, the distillation of America" mean?

I'm writing an essay regarding gay marriages and how the author, a gay and married man, believes that it is good for America.

In the paragraph before this line, he writes how he meets his husband in America and finally come to terms with his true identity as a gay man. This is why, according to him, America will always represent happiness. Then, the next sentence is "And that is why marriage equality is, to my mind, the distillation of America. If you're a heterosexual reading this, have you ever considered for a millisecond that your right to pursue happiness did not include your right to marry the person you love?" .. What is does he mean by the distillation of America? Thanks..

Argumentative essay on gay marriage....?

You want to start by re-thinking and re-writing your thesis. No wonder you're going around in mental circles.

I'm an editor of long experience, and I can't tell what you're saying here. Remember that, especially with complex material, the reader is not going to be able to read your mind. Simplify! When a short word will do, use it. When a simple sentence will suffice, use it!

Now...the first thing you say in your thesis is that a goal (of whom?) is to understand what an important matter gay marriage is. I doubt whether this is really what you're writing about. Get rid of it. (By the way, you mean an important "issue," but never mind.)

The one thing you've done well here is to attempt to "signpost" in your intro. That's always a good technique if you haven't done a lot of persuasive writing.

Make yourself a skeleton outline. Three body paragraphs could be, for example:

1. Upholding of the Constitution: it's a tenet of American law that people are to be equal under law, etc. (and many others)

2. Benefits to society: If marriage is a stabilizing influence for families, we should encourage its spread. (and many others)

3. Benefits to the individuals in question: parental rights, etc., etc. (many)

OK... This is long enough. You caught me at a good moment. This would have cost you a lot of money otherwise :)

Best wishes!

p.s. Get rid of that "imposing" business, too.

Same-Sex Marriage Essay Help !?

The first answerer is entirely wrong. Obviously she knows nothing about sociology or psychology. Or homosexuality for that matter.


Some subtopics you can write about are how the media views it. Gay-friendly TV shows. Also, shows like "A shot at love" which exploits bisexuality.

How the view homosexuality has changed over the years, and the Gay Rights Movement.

Homosexuals fighting for marriage coincides with people trying to marry inter racially. Interracial marriage was viewed as an abomination once, too, but they fought for their rights and made the world a better place. Homosexuals are still in the process of getting the right to marry who they wish.

How your environment can cause you to realize your sexuality at a later age (like environments where they force you to be straight)

The trend of bisexuality and how many people say they are bisexuals for attention.

People getting sex-changes to be able to get married to their soul mates.

A paragraph starter would be something like:
"Homosexuality has been around since the beginning of time, but still seems to be taboo. To some, the even the mention of same-sex marriage is offensive. Being aware of the negative and false attention the media brings to homosexuality, the trend of bisexuality, and the knowledge of the gay rights movement can help you make your own opinions on this issue, and hopefully, the right ones."

Argumentative Essay on Same Sex Marriage?

I list numerous arguments against same-sex marriage in the fourth paragraph of my article, "Same-Sex Marriage: Divorcing Personal Beliefs from the Law":

None of them are legally *valid* arguments, of course (because there are none), and most are not even *logically* valid. But, they are arguments nonetheless.

Is this a strong thesis statement for Gay Marriages?

Same sex marriage needs to be legalized in all 50 United States. Denying such sanction would violate their fundamental constitutional right to (insert amendment concept) . Allowing these couples to wed would help them form long lasting committed relationships that would benefit society and would not harm the sanctity of marriage nor family values.

Be careful, although the 14th amendment provided constitutional basis for the civil rights act, and provides civil equality under law, it doesn’t mention marriage. And I can’t think of any constitutional amendment that deals with the idea of marriage. Unless you can state the amendment and how denying them marital rights violates it, you may want to think about changing your thesis statement. It defiantly violates their civil rights…