Hi I Need Help With This Question Rank The Following Elements By Electron Affinity From Most

Rank the following elements by electron affinity, from most positive to most negative EA value.?

Electron affinity is a property describing an element's desire to attract electrons, or gain an electron. Energy is released upon achieving the electron. For instance, the halogens possess high electron affinities because they only need 1 electron to complete their outer valence shells.

Krypton, Potassium, Arsenic, Tellurium, Fluorine

Rank the following elements by electron affinity, from most positive to most negative EA value?

Elements: Cesium, Helium, Tellurium, Bismuth, and Chlorine

I have done this problem 4 times and got it wrong... these are the answers I have tried:

Chlorine, Tellurium, Bismuth, Cesium, Helium
Helium, Bismuth, Cesium, Tellurium and Chlorine
Cesium, Tellurium, Bismuth, Chlorine, Helium
Chlorine, Tellurium, Bismuth, Cesium, Helium

Does anyone have a different suggestion? Must be ranked from most positive to most negative? Please help!

Rank the following elements by electron affinity, from most positive to most negative?

Rank the following elements by electron affinity, from most positive to most negative

Sodium, Selenium, Arsenic, Chlorine, & Krypton

I know the rules of Periodic trands for positive and negatitity as in this chart:

I know the most negative are in the top right but i've tried :

Sodium, Arsenic, Selenium, Krypton, and then Chlorine but it was wrong...then i tried it backwards....still WRONG

please help :(

Rank the following elements by electron affinity from most positive to most negative EA value?

Rank from most positive to most negative.....


I'm not sure how to figure this out, so any help is much appreciated. Thank you!!

Rank the following elements by electron affinity. bismuth,krypton,cesium,telluri...

Electron affinity is defined as the amount of energy released when an electron is added to a neutral atom or molecule to form a negative ion. Atoms that become very stable when an electron is added have the highest electron affinity. The most stable arrangement is that of a noble gas so, the element with the highest electron affinity is Bromine and the least is Kr . The order from smallest to largest electron affinity is: Kr (0-kJ/mol), Cs (45.5-kJ/mol), Bi (91.2-kJ/mol), Te (190.2-kJ/mol), Br (324.6-kJ/mol).

Electron affinity is a characteristic of non-metals; notice that electron affinity increases as the element becomes more non-metallic. Since noble gases already have a full compliment of electrons, they have no tendency to gain others.

Which element has Highest and lowest electron affinity?

As fluorine sits atop chlorine in the periodic table, most people expect it to have the highest electron affinity, but this is not the case. Fluorine is a small atom with a small amount of space available in its 2p orbital. Because of this, any new electron trying to attach to fluorine experiences lower electron affinity from the electrons already living in the element's 2p orbital. Since chlorine's outermost orbital is a 3p orbital, there is more space, and the electrons in this orbital are inclined to share this space with an extra electron. Therefore, chlorine has a higher electron affinity than fluorine, and this orbital structure causes it to have the highest electron affinity of all of the elementsAnd mercury has the lowest.

Which element has the highest electron affinity?

As Flourine has most electronegative character , it was expected to have highest electron affinity.However Flourine has less electron affinity due to more electrostatic repulsive forces in small 2P oribitals. So chlorine has most electron affinity.

Sorry, But I can't get this question:Rank the following elements by electron affinity...?

The general trend is that electronegativity (electron affinity) increases along a period, and up a group. So therefore fluorine has the highest.

In order from most to least electronegative:
Oxygen, Krypton, Iodine, Phosphorous, Potassium

Which of the following has the least electron affinity, S, F, Cl, Br or I?

electron affinity (EA) depends on various factors like effective nuclear charge (enc) , size of the atom, ellipticity of sub-shell (ep) , nature of configuration.more is the enc more will be the EAmore is the size less will be the EAmore valance shell ellipticity (closer to the nuclei) more will the EA ( all given element posses P orbital in the valance shell)considering this factors , F has the least size and maximum enc. followed by Cl,S,Br,Ibut in case of F , its size is so small that it gets difficult to accommodate an extra electron in its 2p subshell due to electron-electron case of Cl , 3p is much larger than 2p subshell so it can easily take in the electron.thus among all elements electron affinity of Cl is we move down the group screening effect of electron increases and so enc the answer will be Cl>F>Br>I>Snow all the halogens will want an electron to get a stable config. , so there np5 electron config. increases there electron affinity , where as for sulfur to sulfur(-) [3p4–3p5] formation stability increment is less than of halogens . thus sulfur will have least electron affinity in the group.