How Are Responsibility And Socialism Connected

What is a common example of Indirect Responsibility?

Primary effect of making abortion legal was that people could now choose to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

Indirect effect would be, 18 years later....crime was way down as those children who would have been born in conditions where they were not wanted, were not born and only children born to families who wanted them, were. Less children born in horrific conditions equated to less criminal activity.

Is Karl Marx responsible for the deaths caused by Communism?

Obviously not.  Equally obviously this is a loaded questionFor starters - what communism are you talking about?  For Marx and for Marxists  communism is a STATELESS, moneyless, non-market system of society in which we freely take according to our own self defined needs and freely and voluntarily cooperate with one another to produce the wealth that we need.  Marxian communism is in fact the freest kind of society that is imaginable but nowhere has it yet come into existence.You are confusing Marxian communism with Leninist style state capitalism.  These things are TOTALLY different.  Nowhere did Lenin or any of the other so called “communists” claim to be actually instituting or attempting to institute, Marxian communism.  Lenin actually said state capitalism would be “step forward” for Russia and redefined “socialism” which had previously meant the same thing as Marxian communism  to mean a “state capitalist monopoly” that allegedly operates in the interests of the whole community.  He urged that Russia follow the example of the state capitalism of Germany established by that arch anti socialist, Chancellor BismarckState capitalist regimes like the Soviet Union or China et al were undoubtedly responsible for a large number of deaths because of their brutal policies, though not as many deaths as is sometimes luridly claimed in such discredited publications as the so called “Black Book of Communism”.  But are they that different from the American or British capitalist regimes?  If anything, I would say the latter are even worse in respect of the sheer numbers of deaths caused by military invasion or deliberate genocidal famine - think for example of the notorious Bengal famine Bengal Famine Of 1943 - A Man-Made Holocaust

Do socialist countries not believe in investing in a strong military?

Not including aggressive, budding communist countries like Venezuela - but more civilized ones like Sweden or Norway:

1) they see the world as full of good intentioned people who mean them no harm

2) they see the military only as a necessary evil full of mostly macho men

3) they know no one is interested in what they have, enough for an invasion