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Why are people born on 8, 17, and 26 are unlucky?

People born on 8,17, and 26 are NOT UNLUCKY.These dates appear 3 times in a month and probably 36 times in a year which means people born on 10% of days in a year are unlucky which essentially means 10% of the population is unlucky. Our Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi is born on 17th of September . From a tea vendor to Prime Minister of the biggest democracy in the world, I believe is extremely lucky.People who say so have limited knowledge and believe in spreading misconceptions . For my Numerology friends basic number(date of birth -DD) has limited role to play in one’s life. It is the destiny number ( sum total of all the numbers in date of birth) which plays bigger role.Number 8 is not unlucky it is just that it is number of extremes. The person born as destiny 8 will have its share of ups and downs in life, will be extremely emotional but NOT UNLUCKY.Also it is the complete date of birth and the numerology chart made out of that , which gives complete picture of one’s life and not just a single number.Numerology - ASTROMETRY