How Can I Calm Myself Down

How do I calm myself down before a flight?

Telling someone to try to calm down in the middle of a panic attack is futile. Telling someone that logically they will be fine is also futile. Here's some things that help me:Listen to a song you really like on repeat. Really listen to the words and try to get lost in it.Try guided meditation. Since this takes a bit of knowledge beforehand, here's a text version. Try to take deep breaths. Focus on the cold air going into your nose and the warm air coming out. Notice your chest rising and falling.Go to the bathroom and splash some cold water on your face. Basically to break the cycle of panicking. Get a snack or cold drink for the flight.Call a friend or family member.If you're on the plane and still panicking and don't mind taking meds, benedryl will make you sleepy so you can sleep on the flight. Note: if you do not know how it will affect you do not try while on a plane. Benedryl has the opposite effect on some people, making them hyper. Others it works too well and you'll pass out for a day.

How to calm myself down and not stutter?

It happens to me to get anxious and nervous, during business phone calls. I think it's because you speak with an unknown (or not so known person) you have not any linked experience in your memory and that way you get more creatively involved in the process of trying to imagine the person (face, lifestyle, work, childhood, common interests), perhaps you might notice that the anxiety is followed by an enthusiasm which these two are very unbalanced responses.

Most actors say that they imagine their audience to be naked, not because they have disorders, but because they are creatively trying to make the situation more keen to them. In that aspect you can find a video of a person mumbling in his vlog and mute the sound, that way at least you could look a face while talking and be a bit natural in the process. Send me a message if it works because I haven't try it ever.

Good luck! :)

How do I calm myself down for when I get a shot?

I'm getting my 3rd guardicill shot soon and I've heard they hurt so much! I'm terridied. I've had several nightmares about it, like REALLY bad nightmares... in one the doctor raped someone in a closet then came out and tried to give me the shot while I was fighting him.

I did have an experience where I totally freaked out and cried when they gave me the first one, but on the second I did fine. I'm still so anxious about it, and I just don't want to freak out while the nurse gives it to me.

Are there any tricks I can do so I can relax?

How can i calm myself down before my first tattoo?

I am 16 years old and finally aloud to get my first tattoo. I am getting my last name down my right rib cage. I know it is a very painful spot but i think i can deal with it and im hoping because my first will be the most painful the ones after will be a walk in the park. Is there any way i can calm myself down before i get it and if there is anything i can do to minimize the pain

How can I calm myself down and stop myself from being scared of my dad?

REGRETS Inspirational Video My Biggest Regret Powerful Story Of Avoidance Claudia B VogasI recommend while you are thinking of your dad or are around him, do Ho’oponopono, it is a Hawaiian healing process based on forgiveness. All you need to do is repeat these sentences in the language that you think:“I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.”Repeat them until you feel at ease. It might take 15 minutes or so. But you will feel a change. I promise.

How do I relax and calm myself down during my exam?

First of all my friend, what do you mean by exams? and what are they for?Exams are situations made to test your knowledge, management ability and presentation ability.Take your effort seriously, not that exam. If it goes well, take that happiness and then start working and if doesn't go well get motivated to work harder.And coming to your problem start practising more, it's not a problem but just a lack of practise. Solve more papers at home. This is common with everyone appearing. That's what exam pressure is. Performing well in that time pressure is management.I enjoy that enthusiasm before exam, I'm so anxious that I don't read question paper normally, I drink water as soon as I get my question set and I start reading questions in any sequence I feel. But that doesn't mean I spoil my paper,Good luck for your boards!